
"I was in a place that I hated the most 'high school,"

"I never wanted to be here again, why am I! Why!"

The grand chief couldn't kill us, so he was punishing us with our own darkest emotions.

I was in a classroom, standing in the corner. I was able to move my body, I saw a boy sitting on the last desk of the classroom alone in the dark…

It all seemed like I've already seen this before

I moved around the class to explore it; the classroom was not any modern classroom we get in schools these days it was old styled, and it was pretty similar to the class I was in during my high school days.

I was walking around the class when my eyes got onto the class activity board, there was a list of students who attended the same class, I tried to look for my name to check if any kid was there who shared the same name as me, as I examined the list it startled me, not because I found someone of my name but because I found someone who shared same name and surname as me, I frantically began to look for the seat no. of that kid, the seat no. of the boy was 42.

The bell for lunch rang while I was looking into the list

All the children who were in the classroom ran here and there, as it rang

The class got empty in a minute, but there still was a kid sitting on a seat, staring at the floor as something traumatized him, It was seat no. 42; I walked to his seat to get a look at him. What I saw forced a scream out of me, and I shed tears.

The kid who shared the same name as me didn't just share my name it actually was me, the little me.

It was not a simple illusion, It was a memory, my memory.

As he was looking at his smaller self, few kids approached the small Kai,

"Oii! Kai! What are you doing?"

The small Kai didn't reply to him as he looked like he was scared of him.

"Ahh! Who do you think you're ignoring, little shit? Huh!" the boy banged his face into the ground out of anger, little Kai didn't even make a peep or reaction of being hurt, he was numb the look on his face described how frightened he was.

In the next Second, I found myself in the same class, but It was another memory, small Kai was still on his desk with a neck collar, as it seemed like his neck was broken because of the smash, I stood there crying alone just watching painful memories of myself.

the period bell rang, I saw small Kai heading out of the class, maybe he went out to the washroom, but as the children of the class saw him leave, they gossiped on his back.

"He did that right!!"

"Yeah, I saw the body."

"Don't go near him! Or make any kind of contact with him" a student tells this to a newly transferred student as she didn't know about him.

"Why? Is he being punished?" the newbie asked.

"No, he's a Monster!!!!"

"I wish he gets punished for his sins!!! God never serves justice to these monsters!!!"

Small Kai walked back into the class and returned to his seat without even looking up or making eye contact with any of the kids.

He settled down on his seat and sheds tears for a minute,

He wipes his face with a handkerchief and starts to scrub his desk with the same cloth, he rubs for a while but whatever was written on his desk wasn't scrubbing off, in the next few seconds his handkerchief got red by scrubbing his desk, I walked to him to look what was scribbled on the desk.


I cried out loud after looking at those words, I hugged small Kai while he scrubbed the desk and cried on his shoulders. His hands were bleeding after being cut by nails sticking out of the desk but still, he was scrubbing the desk just to clear those words, I held his hand and kissed them…

"Why, are you suffering so much? Don't suffer I don't want you to end up like me," Kai spoke to his younger self as tears broke out of his eyes.

"It's alright, maybe I deserve this" small Kai looked into his grown-out self eyes with eyes full of pain.

"It's alright if I become like you, please don't cry, it's not our fault I know" small Kai smiled at his older self while hiding his pain beneath a smile, tears were dripping out of his eyes as he hugged his older self and covered each other in scarlet colour of blood.

"It's time you should get back, your friends need you out there"

Kai starts to glow in a bright blue glowing ray of light as he was fading back into the real world…

"You're strong, I always thought you were weak, but I was wrong you were the strongest" Kai smiled and wiped his tears as he was fading away.

-To be continued…