Kisses and cuddles

Today was a hard and stressful day, many things happened so quick. It felt as it was a movie, a big tragic one with a satisfactory ending; I lost many things today. I gained many things as well. It was sad, but with a pinch of happiness, I never felt so many emotions at once and it tired me so much it felt as if someone sucked my total energy out of my body. I was neither happy nor sad. I felt too much that I can't explain anyone other than just one person.

"Hey, Ecirel. Open the door! I am here!" I knocked on the door of the dream world where Ecirel was. After waiting for ten seconds, the door opened, and I moved inside.

It was the first time I came here after confessing my feelings to her I was blushing and was thinking about many things it was my first relationship after all and I was in love with such a beauty that if she was in my world everybody would've want to steal her from me.