
Liiza revealed how her idea to make Khan tame an Aduns wasn't completely legal. However, a quibble could make him avoid eventual punishments and troubles.

"What do I need to do to tame an Aduns?" Khan eventually asked while his gaze moved toward the dark mountain at his side.

The dark sky hid the nests seen during the flight. They were at some point in the upper half of the mountain. High-pitched screeches echoed from time to time, but Khan couldn't see any winged figure above him.

"Climb the mountain and reach the nests," Liiza explained. 

Khan couldn't help but shoot a confused glance toward Liiza. Her question about the cold suddenly made sense now. 

"I don't have the proper equipment with me," Khan complained without mentioning that he had no idea how to climb mountains. "I don't have food either. How am I supposed to reach the nests?"