
"How expensive are we talking about?" Khan asked.

"Let's move to my anvil first," Curtis exclaimed, and Khan and Amber nodded at Master Cansend before following his apprentice.

Curtis led the two past a corner that hid a trapdoor and descended from the staircase connected to that opening. A vast underground hall with a far livelier atmosphere unfolded in Amber and Khan's eyes, and they could immediately see that everyone there was relatively young.

"Curtis, do you finally have a client?" A woman near the bottom of the hall shouted as soon as the trio left the staircase.

"Shut it, Betty," Curtis snorted as he stormed through the hall. "I'm with Lieutenant Khan here."

"That Khan?" Betty gasped as she and everyone else in the hall moved their eyes on Khan.

"She is richer than me," Khan commented while pointing at Amber, but the comment didn't affect her polite smile.

"Sir, thank you for your work out there!" An apprentice shouted.