
The evolution process was something few were privy to. Ordinary soldiers would lack the resources, time, and will to reach the fifth level, let alone aim for higher realms of power.

However, Fergus was far from ordinary. He wasn't only a Major with special access to classified information and techniques. The Global Army had also allowed him to test his element against chaos wielders, which were rare. That spoke for his overall status and hinted at the depth of his knowledge.

Fergus' look at Khan confirmed that theory. The man knew what was happening to his body and understood the liquid's positive properties. Humankind could definitely use it, and things didn't end there.

The dark green liquid was merely the raw product of an alien plant. Humankind had the technology to isolate its positive properties and bring out its full potential. Fergus' experience probably was only a small taste of what the future could hold.