
Bret's request could sound unreasonable and dumb to many, but Khan didn't even need to think to understand it. Khan knew that type of love. He had experienced it and taken it to the next level more than once.

Truth be told, Khan didn't need Bret's approval or cooperation. With his resources, he could force Bret to come with him or even turn that chunk of the Slums into a proper block.

Khan also had his reasons. Bret had been the head of the scientific department. His expertise was priceless, and the shared blood made his loyalty unquestionable. Khan couldn't find a better ally anywhere else.

Nevertheless, Khan couldn't find the strength to pressure Bret into coming with him. The man had given away everything to buy Khan time and was only asking one small thing in return. It didn't feel fair to refuse his wish.

"Okay," Khan eventually agreed. "So, we must make the most of this time before you disappear again."