
Khan brought his gaze back to the restrained Thilku. He wanted more details about the ploy, but the symphony warned him about a complication. One of the soldiers radiated deep concern, and Khan felt forced to address it.

"You speak the Thilku's language," Khan exclaimed, studying the soldier.

That conclusion was natural for Khan, but the soldier couldn't help but feel surprised. His expression didn't betray anything, but Khan had noticed that detail anyway.

The soldier's surprise would be even greater if he knew the truth. Khan could smell the difference between the current and previous concerns. It was almost night and day in his eyes, allowing him to reach that conclusion.

"Yes, My Prince," The soldier admitted. "I am educated in a variety of alien languages."

"And?" Khan asked.

"I mean no insult, My Prince," The soldier replied. "However, I wonder if playing into this ploy is wise."