
Humid air invaded Monica's nostrils, adding a taste of wetness in her mouth. Her bare legs and butt rested on smooth and cold rocks, tainting her skin with their dirt. Soft shivers occasionally ran down her back, seemingly requesting a blanket or any type of cover from the slightly chilling atmosphere, but her body didn't move.

The world in Monica's vision was dark, but her eyes remained fixed on the sole source of light. A purple-red halo shone in the back of the cave, mere meters from her. A complicated array of glowing lines fended off the area's blackness, siphoning mana into the flesh it rested upon.

Monica knew Khan could sense her gaze, but nothing could make her divert her eyes. Watching him train was her prerogative and privilege, and she wouldn't refrain from abusing them. It had become one of her favorite hobbies, and she would linger in it whenever her schedule allowed it.