'The Start!!'

"Rise and shine sir Tristan! Manager Whifler wants you to see him now." Tanya cheerfully greeted him as she tied all the curtains that were covering Tristan's room window.

"For Pete's sake! It's still five in the morning!" Tristan complained, then covered his face with his pillow and wrapped himself in his thick, soft, and white huge blanket.

"Get your lazy head up, Tristan. We don't have time for being a sleeping beauty. Don't you remember that we only had one week to prepare?" Whifler said while standing right at his room's doorstep, leaning with his arms being crossed.

"And whose fault it was? You made that nonsense excuse and now we're in trouble. I am not a morning person, you know!" Tristan groaned, still covered with a blanket.

"You will be sucked in public if you still keep on complaining," Whifler told which shut him up. He was silent for a moment, then suddenly sat on his bed.

His hair was messy and his eyes were half-closed looking at Whifler.

"Fine," he crackly uttered.

"Very well. Then, I'll be waiting at the lobby," Whifler said, then left.

Tanya gave Tristan a wide smile. She had this glossy tanned skin. Her hair was dyed with fantastic mahogany color and was tied into a bun. Her heart-shaped lips were still curled upward while staring at Tristan. He just unamusedly looked at her chocolate-brown optics for a moment, then ignored her and headed straight to the comfort room.

Tanya jolted in disbelief. "That jerk!"

She mumbled, then irritatedly left Tristan's room.



Whifler waited for almost an hour and a half before he finally saw Tristan walking toward him. His right brow raised and annoyedly stared at Tristan.

"Good grace you are done! What kind of ritual did you do?!" Whifler sarcastically fumed. Tristan just calmly sat on the couch across from him.

"A ritual that every girl does, I guess?" Tristan threw back the sarcastic tone.

Whifler held his temper and frustratedly calmed himself.

"Never mind. Let's focus on our purpose now. I just wanted to remind you that even if you look exactly like her, you can't still perfectly replicate her. Considering your gender, gestures, behavior, attitude, and clothing."

Whifler started to walk back and forth in front of Tristan.

"Your hair, skin tone, and physique are almost similar. Your voices are tolerable since you both have a neutral tone. But, the way you look will change her usual image. Trish had a soft yet, emotionless gaze in her natural self. But on camera, she will do whatever she needs to do. Versatility, to be exact," Whifler explained.

He paused and looked at Tristan, who was now resting his both legs on top of the table with his hands placed at the back of his head.

"And.. Trish would never sit like that," Whifler said, then put Tristan's feet on the floor.

He continued to lecture him throughout the day. Although boredom and tiredness were seen in Tristan's face, Whifler still pushed him to listen and follow him.

"Another thing, Trish is friendly and cheerful to her fans. So, that grumpy face of yours should be soothed and start to smile often," he said while stretching Tristan's cheeks.

"But don't worry, Trish is also known for being quite reserved, so engaging in conversation with others is not bothersome," Whifler added and smiled at him. He started to walk back and forth again while discussing.

"I guess that's all for now," Whifler said after an hour of continued discussion.

Tristan's face brightened and a deep, loud sigh escaped his mouth.

"I thought I'll be aged sitting here while listening to your crappy voice." Tristan irritatedly said, then headed back to his room.

Whifler dumbfoundedly touched his neck, wondering.

'Is my voice that unpleasant to hear?', he thought.