'Actually... Tristan has...'

"How is he?" Trish asked as she sipped the cup of matcha tea which Whifler prepared for her.

"Not bad, he's doing fine," Whifler answered while peeling the apples.

Trish intensely stared at Whifler.

The bright sun rays through the window were vividly showing his greyish black-colored hair as it kissed his head. His lashes were perfectly curled up and his eyes were attractively hooded. The movement of his arms while peeling revealed the broadness of his shoulders.

She flinched as his pair of honey-brown eyes looked straight at her.

"Is there something wrong with my face?" Trish shook her head at Whifler's question.

"I just realized you have a nice body and eyes," She replied. Whifler averted his gaze and was now slicing the apples.

"Don't flatter me like that, Trish," he shyly said and blushed a little. She just chuckled at Whifler's reaction.

They both looked at the door as it creaked. Tanya showed only half of her body, while the rest were still covered by the door.

She sweetly smiled and raised her hand.

"Hi, sorry for interrupting, but Tristan is already done. He's waiting for you outside," Tanya said to Whifler.

"Okay. I'm coming." Whifler arranged the food he prepared for Trish and then fixed himself after.

"Where are you going?" Trish asked while eating the peeled and sliced apple.

"I'll bring him to the Mall. I will teach him how to select, fashion, and dress himself," he replied then lifted his bag.

"We'll be right back" he added then left Trish's room.

He made his way to where Tristan was waiting. He saw Tristan standing outside the car's door. He was wearing faded black ripped jeans paired with a black long-sleeved, v-neck-shaped top with a silver-printed design.

His long, black wavy hair was tied up with some of the bangs stylishly loosed down to his face. He was frowning while playing with his foot.

"Are you starting to throw a fit now?" Whifler spoke that got his attention, Tristan raised his one brow at him.

"I've waited for almost 10 minutes!" Tristan complained.

"That's better than an hour and a half, am I right?" Whifler sarcastically said, then got into the car.

"Oh, so you are taking your revenge, is that it?" Tristan responded, then opened the car's door and sat on the front seat.

"Maybe," he replied then started the engine.

"Now I think about it... Why not?" Whifler playfully said which made Tristan feel uncomfortable.

"What ar— Ack!" he was startled at the sudden speed that Whifler did. He gripped onto his seatbelt, with his eyes widened.

Whifler chuckled in his mind as he saw Tristan's scared face. He teased him a bit longer, then gradually calmed his speed and drive normally until they arrived at the Mall.

Whifler wondered when he was already outside, but Tristan was still not coming out of the car.

He saw him fidgeting his thumbs together while his head was lowered. Whifler leaned down to the car window.

"Did I scare you that much?" Whifler worriedly asked Tristan.

"N-No. It's just that... I.. Uh."

Whifler could sense Tristan's nervousness. His eyes widened when something came up to his mind.

He immediately called Trish, she picked it up after four rings.

[What is it?] she said on the phone.

"Did Tristan ever go to a Mall?" Whifler asked.


"He is not coming out of the car. He is trembling."

Trish was silent for a moment.

[He still really has it, doesn't he?]

Whifler's forehead knitted.

"What do you mean by that?"

[Actually, Tristan has... Enochlophobia..]


(Enochlophobia: refers to the fear of crowds)