
After Gale left the Fuenta Glamouroza, Tristan was informed to see the President. Tristan was sighing for the nth time with every step he took towards the office.

"Mrs. President, Tristan is here," Secretary Lim notified her as they stopped in front of the office.

"Yes. Let him come in," Lauren Fuentavilla, the president, responded.

Secretary Lim gently opened the door. Tristan bowed to thank Secretary Lim then he calmly walked inside. He did another bow again as he stopped in front of his grandmother.

"Good morning, Mrs. President."

"Good morning. Sit down," Lauren Fuentavilla told Tristan with a serious look on her face while her fingers were intertwined underneath her chin.

Tristan politely sat on a black chair in front of his grandmother's office table.

They were both silent for a moment. Lauren stared at her grandson who was now sitting confidently across her while looking at the wall. She sighed and rested down her hands on the table.

"I talked to Gale," Lauren started.

"She won't file any cases towards you... But, of course, she had the condition," she added.

Tristan calmly looked at his grandmother.

"What condition?"

"Public apology."

"WHAT?" Tristan jolted up. "No! I don't want to!"

"Tristan... In this situation you must—"

"In this situation, I must what? I am sorry Mrs. President but, I will never apologize to that nefarious woman! If I will do that, it seemed like I admit the accusation!" Tristan countered with that furious look on his face.

"If you don't... She has solid evidence against you. She can put you in jail! Let me just remind you, Tristan, it's not you who will suffer this mess but your sister!"

Tristan clenched his fist. He couldn't believe it. Why would he apologize for something he didn't do? Even though it was an easy way to keep him or Trish from going to jail, it would not still clean his name or his sister's name, right? It would even make things worst!

"Don't worry... I won't let your precious granddaughter be imprisoned. I'll take responsibility for whatever happens," Tristan remarked.

"Tristan, don't be stubborn!" Lauren exclaimed.

"I am not, Mrs. President! I'm just fighting for the truth! I will not apologize for something I have never done! Let her sue me if she wants. I will bravely face her in court and defend myself! I'll prove my innocence." Tristan retorted and fearlessly stared at his grandmother's eyes.

Lauren was stupefied at his words. He was not only confident but, also a strong-willed lad.

"If you don't have anything else to say, Mrs. President... Please let me excuse myself," Tristan bowed.

He was so mad. They wanted to resolve things without even considering his feelings.

Was Gale's fake evidence that strong that they definitely followed her lead or he was just not that trustworthy for them?

Was it so difficult to investigate if Gale's claim was true or not? Was it troublesome to look at this issue further?

Tristan pursed his lips and clasped his knuckles tighter.

'Fine. If no one is willing to defend me, I'll do it myself!', he thought.

Lauren just sighed. Was there a chance to object and persuade him? With that determined gaze, don't bother to calculate, Lauren knew there was none.

"Okay. You may go now."

Tristan stood properly, then left. Lauren laid her back on her swivel chair and massaged her temple.

'God, this is frustrating'

Lauren paused as she saw the picture frame on her table, facing her. She took it and automatically smiled while staring at it.

Looking at the picture: there were three male teenagers—her sons—that were brightly smiling. You would really think they were so close and happy while being photographed.

All of them have black hair, fair skin, light-brown eyes, a pointed nose, and a slim physique. On the right side—which was the tallest among the three—was Lucas, her eldest son. He was wearing a light pink polo paired with black jeans. (He was now a priest and currently staying at the rectory).

Renei—which was in the middle and the shortest—was wearing a red polo shirt and white jeans. Renei was a barren man but, he was peacefully and happily living with his wife, somewhere in the province.

And lastly, Timothy—her youngest son and also the father of Trish and Tristan—was radiantly smiling and stood out among his brothers with his pair of pure white, fitted long sleeve turtle neck top and faded mixed white and grey color jeans.

Lauren caressed Timothy's imagery. The feeling of missing her youngest son caused tears to fall from her eyes.

'Oh, dear. Your son and you were totally alike', she painfully chuckled.

'Of all traits, why did he inherit yours?'

Lauren started to whimper while hugging the picture. She felt a tightening on her chest and the unbearable pain, regretting the decision she ever made.

Lauren chose her pride over her son... And this was hunting her in every wink of her eyes and questioning herself.

What if she accepted Sharrie from the start? What if she approved their relationship? What if she considered her son's happiness? If she did all that what ifs... Would Timothy still run away from her? If she was more understanding before, would he still leave?

Lauren's tears fell nonstop. She should've accepted her son's decision in life. She would not have objected. She should've supported him.

If she had been more solicitous, maybe her son didn't suffer... Maybe she saw him before he was gone and said how much she loved him. She would have properly bid her goodbye to him.

But, even though she mourn till her last breath, the past would never change. Timothy will no longer hear her... And that fact was killing her every single day.

Lauren embraced the frame tighter.

'I miss you, son... Wherever you are, please forgive me'.

Lauren immediately put down the frame and wiped her tears as secretary Lim knocked on the door. She quickly picked up the tumbler—which was placed at the corner of her table—then drank the lukewarm water to prevent her voice from cracking.

Lauren then sat properly on her swivel chair.

"Yes, come in."

Secretary Lim opened the door and bowed as he came in.

"Mrs. President, Gale's manager called just a while ago," he informed. Lauren's brows furrowed.

"What did he say?"

Secretary Lim worriedly stared at Lauren and sighed.

"They will only wait 3 days for Miss Trish to publicly apologize,"

"WHAT? Ugh!" Lauren rested her back on the swivel chair and sighed out of frustration.

"They're really doing this on purpose, aren't they?" She added as she massaged the bridge of her nose while her eyes were closed.

"Call Sharrie... I want to talk to her," Lauren commanded. Secretary Lim bowed his head before leaving.

'Ghad Tristan', she thought.




Time flew so quickly. It's been two days since Gale's shocking announcement which caused a huge tumult.

Summer, Trish, Tanya, Melissa, Whifler including Tristan himself, really did their best to find a way to prove Tristan's innocence. But, unfortunately, it was arduous to counteract Gale's evidence. Even their attorney found it difficult to deal with. Well, their attorney might not good enough... Or probably his capability sucks!

Did they give up? No, none of them at least. Even though there were some conflicts, doubts, and uncertainty—they finally chose to believe Tristan.

"How are you?" Summer flopped to her sofa in the living room while talking to Tristan on the phone.

It was her day off. She planned to go somewhere and brought Tristan along with her but, she realized it wasn't a good idea. Although it will make him stressless, it will not help resolve the issue. Instead of wandering and wasting time, why not focus on finding a solution... Right?

[I'm fine] Tristan answered.

Yes. He said he was fine but, Summer knew from his tone that he wasn't. Summer lowered her gaze in worry.

"Don't think about it too much... Everything will be fine soon," Summer softly said.

[Mhm. Thank you.]

Summer's brows knitted as her phone vibrated for call waiting. She formed an unamused look on her face as she saw the caller.

"I'll call you back later, Trish. Amber is calling," she told him then hung up after Tristan said 'Okay'.

She immediately answered Amber's incoming call.

"Amber. What is it now?" Summer deadpanned.

"Good noon, Ma'am. Are you a family of the owner of this phone?"

Summer was baffled as she heard the voice of a man on the other line. He sounded like a professional.

"Ah, yes. I'm her sister." Summer replied. "Who's this?"

"I'm a bar owner, Owen Young. I brought your sister here at Gustavo Hospital. I found her outside my bar, unconscious. I thought she was just drunk because she was also reeking of alcohol but, I couldn't wake her up so I immediately brought her here," the man on the other line informed her with a polite tone.

Summer froze at what she heard.

'Argh! That brat!' she thought.

"O-Okay. Okay. Thank you, Sir. I'll be right there!"

"Sure, Ma'am," the man responded then hung up.

Summer quickly fixed herself and some of her stuff and then, left. She was confused about whether to feel worried or angry because Amber was drunk again.

Aside from being mixed up with those feeling, she was also irritated at why on Earth Amber's KIND MOTHER AND GOOD SISTER were not answering their phones! Where in the galaxy were they in this kind of emergency?

Summer was cursing for the nth time thinking about it until she arrived at the hospital. She immediately walked inside and headed straight to the front desk to ask about Amber's room, she then went there after knowing her room number.

As she opened the door, she saw one nurse and a doctor inside. Amber was still unconscious and was checked by them. She gently closed the door and removed her mask.

"Good noon, I am her sister," Summer told the doctor who was 182.88 centimeters tall and was wearing rimless eyeglasses that complements his narrow eyes and pointed nose.

He had this pale white complexion and black shining hair in a Faux Hawk style. His slender and woman-like hands were holding a folder and a stethoscope that was hanging around his neck. His pair of grey irides looked in her direction.

The doctor was surprised as he saw it was Summer. Of course, who would not? If a celebrity suddenly popped up in front of you, wouldn't you be surprised?

"Oh. Good noon, Ms. Ricks. I am Doctor Zayn Sonata. And this is nurse David," Dr. Sonata introduced.

Summer smiled at Nurse David. He had this tan skin and height that leveled hers. His curly brown hair was well-groomed and he was neatly dressed in his ocean blue nurse uniform, paired with pure white rubber shoes.

He smiled back at Summer—his eyes were also smiling—revealing the deep dimples on both of his cheeks.

"Good noon, Ma'am," David greeted her.

"Good noon. How is she?" Summer asked.

The doctor flipped the folder and looked at Summer.

"Since I don't see any scratch or injury, I suspected she was just drunk. Although she didn't show any signs of alcohol intoxication and her vitals were stable, we couldn't say she was safe. Especially since we don't know how drunk she was," the doctor glanced at Amber.

"For now, we will wait for her to wake up and do more tests. Check on her often and make sure she's breathing normally, then call me immediately when she wakes up. Nurse David will also come here to check her. But, while he wasn't around be attentive to your sister."

"I see... Thank you, Doc." Summer sighed in worry.

"Anyway, Doc... Where is the man who brought my sister here?"

"He left just before you arrived, he said he had urgent. But, he left his calling card and an I.D. just in case," Dr. Sonata replied as he closed the folder.

"We will come back when she wakes up. So, please excuse us, Ma'am Ricks," Doctor Sonata added.

Summer nodded her head. "Yes, doctor. Thank you."

After Doctor Sonata and Nurse David left, Summer sighed and sat on the couch beside the hospital bed where Amber was lying.

'Wake up now bitch. I wanna smack you to the walls, you clumsy brat!' Summer cursed in her mind.

half an hour had passed, and Amber blinked as she regained her consciousness at the dazzling sunrays through the window of the hospital room she was in.

She caressed the back of her head as she felt a bit of pain there. 'Damn. Did I overdrink?'

"Finally you're awake!" Amber looked beside her as Summer spoke. She flinched at Summer's glare.

"What ar—Huh? Where am I—Aw!" Amber unbelievably stared at Summer as Summer hit the back of her right shoulder.

"What the f—"

"DON'T YOU DARE CURSE, YOU DRUNKARD IDIOT!" Summer flared, cutting off Amber's words.

Amber gaped at Summer. She was confused by the way Summer glared at her. 'What the hell did I do?'

"DON'T YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I AM?! Ghad! I thought you will never wake up!"

"I told you SEVERAL GODDAMN TIMES CONTROL YOUR BULLSHIT ALCOHOL INTAKE! Do you really want to die you stupid asshole!"

Amber took a deep sigh, then raised her two index fingers to cover her ears' hole while her eyes were closed. Summer's tone was undeniably pitchy and irritating.

"Summer. Summer. Will you please stop nagging? My head hurts even more, for my butt's sake!" Amber grumbled. Summer was taken aback by what she said.

"WHAT—Argh! You're the one causing headache here!"

"Oh, yeah?" Amber just calmly massaged her temple. "Damn this hangover."

Summer took a deep breath and sighed to calm her raging self. Yeah. When did this hardheaded brat listen to her? She was just wasting her energy and saliva. Tsk.

"I will call your doctor. Do you need anything?" Summer asked her with a calm tone.

"Mhm. I'm a bit thirsty and hungry," Amber replied.

"Okay. I'll buy some soup and water." Summer wore her mask then stood up and was about to leave but, she paused when Amber called her.

"Why soup? What am I, a bedridden patient?" Amber scowled.

Summer just unamusedly looked at her.

"You'll be one if you don't stop complaining."

"Tss. Alright. Alright. Get lost now!" Amber rolled her eyes.

Summer opened the door and then immediately ran towards Nurse David as she spotted him talking to his fellow nurse.

"Excuse me, Nurse David." Summer politely approached him.

David ended his conversation with the other nurse and looked at Summer. "Yes, Ma'am?"

"Oh, uhm. My sister's awake."

"Okay, Ma'am. I'll inform Dr. Sonata." David smiled, then left after Summer nodded her head.

Summer was about to go but, she stopped when she heard a familiar voice from a slightly open door of a room, having a conversation with someone.

She slowly walked towards the door beside her— where the voice came from—then peeked to confirm who it was. And yes. She was right. That familiar voice was none other than from Gale.

"I really don't like this idea, Gale," The doctor—who was in his mid-20s—told Gale while removing the cast on her arm to change it for a new one.

He had these not-so-broad shoulders and a 3-day stubble beard which made him look more masculine. His double-eyelid almond eyes emphasized his pair of ocean blue irises and his ash-brown colored hair complements his fair complexion.

He was softly staring at Gale.

"What if you'll—"

"Blake. Blake. Stop it. You're ruining the mood, okay?" Gale retorted.

"I'm just worried. What you did was too risky."

"Aist. Won't you be optimistic sometimes?" Gale rolled her eyes then, smiled as she stretched her arm painlessly after Blake completely removed the cast.

"It was fun, actually," Gale added enthusiastically. Blake just winced.

"There's no fun in it. You lied to people that you've been injured and blamed Trish for it who's innocent. I am bothered by the consequences."

"Don't worry. People were on my side. And they believed all of it! The picture was also taken realistically," Gale smiled wickedly.

"Trish was all ruined now! And will be more ruined if she will publicly apologize to me. Ghad, I never thought they were too easy to manipulate!" she laughed.

Gale stopped laughing, then glared at Blake as he threw a white blanket on her face.

"Who are you? Bring back my Gale! I'm not glad to have you here on Earth!"

"Hey. Dr. Blake Hilton. If you're that troubled, why you're still helping me, huh?" Gale joshed which made Blake's right brow raise.

"FYI, Ms. Gale Sebastian. You begged me and I'm just helping you out of pity," Blake riposted.

Gale chuckled, amused.

"You're so cute as usual, you know."

"Stop it! Tsk. Haayst! Why indeed am I helping you?" Blake sighed.

"Because... You love me! And you can't resist!"

Blake got choked up by his own saliva after hearing those embarrassing words from Gale.

He unbelievably looked at Gale's eyes which were now sparkling in enthusiasm. "Just how thick your face is?"

"Mhm. Isn't it true?" Gale teased him more. Blake averted his gaze and sighed in defeat.

"Fine. Fine." He took Gale's arm and started to cover it again with the stockinette. "If you weren't—"

"If I weren't your first love, what?" Gale giggled. Blake just unamusedly looked at her and threw her hand.

"Wrap it yourself!"

"Whoa. Whoa. I'm just kidding." Gale grinned, then stretched her arm towards Blake.

"I don't know how"

Blake irritatedly grabbed her hand and then continued covering it up with stockinette.

"Blake." Gale softly called.

"Mhm?" he responded without looking at her.

"Thank you... For staying by my side."

Blake paused and looked at her confusedly.

"What's with the sudden sentiments? Are you giving me your last message?"

Gale rolled her eyes. "Tss. I'm serious, idiot!"

"It doesn't suit you."

"What does suits me then? Like, seriously saying I love you to you?" Gale playfully remarked.

Blake flinched and his face gradually turned into like an overripe tomato.

"Sh-Shut up! It's done! Now, get lost!"

Gale just laughed at his flushed face. He was indeed embarrassed but, she found it cute tho. So... She wanted to tease him more.

"You seemed like been heated in the oven."

"Gale! Cut it out."

"What? It's a fact."

"Ugh! Gale! Leave now, please."

"Hahahah. Alright. Alright," Gale stood up and tapped Blake's shoulder. He was just glaring at her but, you could still see the embarrassment in his eyes.

"I'm really serious, Blake... Thank you for being there for me since day 1." Gale genuinely smiled which made his face redden even more.

"Ghad, Blake. Your face! HAHAHAH!"

"This is your fault! Leave now... Leave!!" Blake exclaimed while pushing Gale—who was laughing her lungs out—towards the door.

"Goodbye!" Blake said then slammed the door closed after he threw Gale outside.

Gale's wide smile was swiftly gone as she recognized the girl behind that mask, leaning at the wall while her arms were crossed.

"Summer," Gale mumbled.

"Surprise?" Summer teased.

"What are you doing here?" Gale asked in a snarky tone.

Summer snorted. "What else would it be if you're in a hospital?"

Gale glared at her and looked at her suspiciously.

She knew Summer wasn't just passing by. Gale was certain she was standing there for a while now and probably heard everything that they talked about.

"What's with the look?" Summer cattily asked.

"Oh! Anyway. Do you remember what I said? About... The truth revealing itself?" Summer added.

Gale recoiled. She was right. Summer heard it. Now what? Gale's emotions were mixed. She couldn't understand whether she was nervous that she got caught or infuriated because a lurking pest like Summer might ruin her plan because of it.

"Mhm. Well.." Summer stood up properly. "I will take that silence as a 'yes' answer. Right? Liar bitch."

"You—" Gale was about to strike Summer but, she paused when Summer raised her finger and pointed it at her.

"You don't want to cause a scene in a crowded place like here, don't you?" she remarked, then crossed her arms again.

Summer wickedly chuckled from within as she saw how Gale closed her fist furiously. She paced towards Gale and leaned to her right ear.

"Wait for my reward, dear." Summer smirked, then left Gale dying in anger.

Summer quickly left the hospital and headed to where her car was parked. She dialed Melissa as soon as she got in her white fancy Porsche 911 car.

[Yes, Miss Summer?] Melissa greeted as she answered Summer's call.

"Uh, I need your help. Can you buy some soup and water for Amber, please, and also fruits. Choose only her favorites. She was at the Gustavo Hospital, Room 202. If she asked where I am, just tell her I have an emergency," Summer told.

[Oh. Uhm. Sure Miss Summer.]

"Thanks! Bye!" Summer hung up.

Summer scrolled up her contacts, searching for Whifler's name then dialed it as soon as she found it.

Whifler just took 3 rings before picking up Summer's call. "Where are you?"

Whifler was bewildered at Summer's immediate question plus her serious tone.

[I'm at the Fuenta... Why?] Whifler responded.

"I will go there... I need to talk something important to you," Summer countered then hung up, leaving Whifler baffled.

Summer didn't waste any second and then started her engine and drove her way to the Fuenta as fast as she could. She was obviously so hype, wasn't she?

Whifler—who was left dumbfounded after receiving a random call from Summer—stared at his phone while his forehead was knitted.

"What is it?" Tanya—who was sitting beside him—whispered.

"Nothing... Summer said she'll head here." Whifler replied, putting back his phone in his pocket.

"Why?" Tristan butted in.

"I don't know... She said she will tell us something important."

They all looked at the young boy—who was in his teenage—wearing a black and white stripes v-neck t-shirt paired with denim pants, coming in at the Fuenta's entrance. He was glancing from left to the right and vice-versa as if he was looking for someone while tapping his fingers at the straps of his backpack.

"Is that him?" Tanya asked, staring at the young boy.

"Maybe," Whifler replied, then waved his hand to catch the young boy's attention.

Oh, by the way, they were sitting on a couch in the lobby. Whifler on a long and comfortable black couch with Tanya beside him and Tristan on a single couch, across them.

'Is it just me or he was really familiar. Where did I see that face again?' Whifler thought while staring at the boy from a distance.

The boy walked towards them as his pair of light-green eyes landed on Whifler, waving at him. He greeted them first before sitting on the other single couch beside Tristan.

Tanya blinked in disbelief while staring at the boy who just sat across from her. "Are you..."

"Yes, Miss. I am the one who called you this morning and the one who took that picture which Miss Gale showed in public. If that's what you wanted to ask. And my name is Ceff," the boy politely replied.

"Wow. You're so young! How old are you?" Tanya asked, still amazed. She couldn't believe this young boy shot that photo so flawlessly. What a talent!

"I'm 19," Ceff responded.

"You have raw talent. Anyway, let's not talk about it here. We should head to the meeting room," Whifler told them then stood up. The others also followed him as he walked ahead first.

As they arrived at the meeting room, Tristan sat at the edge of the long oval-shaped table. Whifler placed himself beside Tristan while Tanya and Ceff were sitting across Whifler.

"Let's make this discussion direct to the point. So, tell us everything you wanted to tell," Whifler started, looking seriously at Ceff.

"Alright." Ceff unzipped his grey denim backpack whose straps were black—then pulled the Nikon D850 that was a gift from his late father—out of it. He turned the camera on and gave it to Whifler.

"All of the pictures were there. Everything that I took that day... The angles, movements from the beginning until the end of their conversation and also the video," Ceff explained while Whifler was scanning the camera.

"Wow... These pictures will literally attenuate that one deceiving shot that Gale used to devastate Miss Trish's image" Tanya—who was now standing behind Whifler and also looking at the camera—told.

Whifler softly looked at Tristan whose forehead was wrinkled while staring at Ceff. He was indeed innocent. Guilt and regret suddenly kicked in him. He should've taken his side, maybe he would not have been hurt so much that time.

"But, why are you telling this to us now?" Tristan coldly asked Ceff.

Ceff lowered his gaze and fiddled his fingers.

"I... I'm sorry. I didn't know Miss Gale will use it like that. I felt terrible after knowing my work ruined your image. People were angry at you. They're criticizing you and cursing you... I couldn't take it. That's why."

"Why should we trust you? Was this one of Gale's plans?" Tristan asked him again bluntly. Ceff was taken aback and jolted his head up to look at Tristan.

"N-No... She didn't know I am here. And trust me. I have no idea what she's planning. Yes, I was told to shoot a perfect angle where it looks like you hurt her, But. I swear to my ancestors... I didn't know anything!" Ceff insisted.

"You were told to shoot a perfect angle and you did not feel suspicious about that?" Tristan's gaze was pierced to Ceff which made Ceff tremble even more.

Tristan's aura was choking him up so that he could barely talk. That intimidating tone and the way Tristan was asking were also adding up to his nervousness.

"Hey. Trish, don't pressure him like that. He's just a kid," Whifler butted in as he noticed Ceff's restlessness.

"I'm not pressuring him. I'm just asking," Tristan deadpanned. Whifler just unamusedly looked at him then turned his gaze to Ceff.

"Telling us the truth was right. But... Trish was also right. What if you're just deceiving us and plotting another plan behind our consciousness. Speaking up and revealing yourself to us was a brave decision but, suspicious too. Your work became an accessory to this falsity and I know you're aware that you will be affected if anything happens to Gale. Moreover, you agreeing to Gale's request was questionable," Whifler calmly stated.

"I... I was in need. My mother is sick, and the salary of my part-time job wasn't enough to sustain our living and my tuition. I... I don't also want to rely on my boyfriend too much. I was desperate. So that, even though her request was dubious, I accepted it. She was offering me a big sum of money... I-I'm sorry."

Ceff's tone was gloomy and cracking. You could see in his face how regretful and sorry he was.

Whifler sighed. "I see. Now I remember why you were so familiar to me."

All of them confusedly looked at Whifler. And was more befuddled when they saw him smiling.

"Boyfriend, you say?" Whifler asked him. Ceff slowly nodded as a response, still confused at him.

"Are you talking about Secretary Lim?" Tanya—who was leaning to the table—dropped herself and Tristan snapped his head while Ceff gaped, dumbstruck at Whifler's question.

"Wait. What?" Tanya couldn't believe what she heard. She looked at Ceff in disbelief. "Really?"

Ceff averted his gaze as he came back to his senses. "H-How did you know?"

Tanya's eyes widened. "What the hell. So, it's really him? OMG! How old is Secretary Lim again? 25? 26?"

"28," Whifler countered.

"Oh, right! 28... Whoa. Age really doesn't matter." Tanya said in amazement with a cheerful tone.

Whifler couldn't distinguish if Tanya was showing support for their relationship or just simply activating her obsession with the love between men.

He just shook his head and then seriously looked at Ceff. "Let's just say I saw you together once at the mall. Uh, while your hands were intertwined."

Ceff's face turned red, he didn't know whether to feel awkward or be proud. He wasn't ashamed of their relationship but, the situation he was in was different especially when it was his lover's co-workers.

He didn't want to embarrass his lover, of course, and Whifler understood that. Sec. Lim wasn't really talking about his sexual preference at work. He was not faking his true sexuality but, he was secretive about it. It wasn't also obvious since he was so manly from the way he dressed to the way he walked.

"Don't worry. What we talked about here will remain here," Whifler reassured him.

"Was he one of your reasons, too?"

Ceff nodded his head. "He was affected by what's happening in the company. He was too worried that he barely eats. And... It's hard for me to see him like that."

"I see."

They all looked at the glass door as Summer knocked. Tanya quickly ran towards the door and opened it.

"Thank you," Summer told her then walked towards Whifler and Tristan. "I'm sorry to interrupt but, you need to see this."

Summer opened her phone and clicked her gallery app. She went to the videos section and played one of the videos there.

All of them watched the video where Gale and the doctor—whose back was facing Summer's camera— had conversations.

Yes, Summer recorded all Gale's lies. Including the fact that she was just faking her injury and the truth that Tristan was innocent.

"Boom! That's it... Gale was busted now. We can clean Miss Trish's name and settle things!" Tanya enthusiastically remarked after watching the video.

"Tanya's right. We can end this issue now. These are all enough evidence against her," Whifler agreed then looked at Tristan. "What should we do?"

Everyone's eyes landed on Tristan. Silently waiting for his reply. Tristan—who was tapping his index finger on the table—sighed and confidently looked at them.

"Schedule a press conference," Tristan told that formed a smirk on everyone's faces.