
It was around noon. Sun was shining so brightly, birds were still chirping harmoniously and Gale was humming cheerfully. She was indeed in a good mood.

At the left corner of the four pink walls of her room, Gale was sitting in front of the baby-pink and white color make-up table with a round clear mirror. She had already done her make-up and was now styling her hair using only her one hand since she had a cast on the other hand while smiling from ear to ear.

After fixing her hair into nice side-swept curls, Gale moved her head from side to side without taking off her eyes in the mirror, then smirked.

"What a beautiful young lady!" she praised herself.

Finally, she picked up her glittery fuchsia lip gloss, then tapped her subtle heart-shaped lips with it. She smiled once again then stood up to put on her matte royal-blue stiletto heels.

She went to her whole-body mirror—which standing beside her make-up table—to see her overall outfit.

Gale was wearing a sky-blue sleeveless crop top and above-the-knee fitted skirt covered by an elegant ocean-blue long coat.

"I need a blue bag!" she told to herself, then turned around and looked at the shelves—which has a glass door and placed beside her walked-in closet, on the right side of her bed—where her bags were stored.

"Mhmm," she hummed as she walked towards the shelves and opened them. "Let's see."

Gale was standing there for about 3 minutes— confused about which one to use among the 5 different fashion bags with different shades of blue—before she finally decided to use the glossy royal-blue handbag whose sling was covered by tiny diamonds.

"Perfect!" she enthusiastically said as she looked again in her whole-body mirror. "I'm perfect!"

Gale was about to leave her room when Andrea—who was waiting for her outside—knocked on her door continuously. She harshly opened the door and glared at Andrea.

"Did you not learn how to knock for just one to three times?" Gale irritatedly asked. "You ruined my mood!"

"I'm sorry, Miss Gale, but... You really have to see this!" Gale couldn't understand Andrea's expression while saying those words.

Gale's brows furrowed. "See, what?"

Andrea hesitated for a moment while trembly holding her phone, hiding its screen to her chest.

When she was ready to tell it to Gale, Andrea slowly stretched her arms out, then handed her phone to Gale.

Gale yanked her phone out of annoyance and played the paused video that Andrea had been watching.

Her eyes widened as she watched the video.

It was a report where Tristan held a press conference regarding Gale's claim. Publicizing the video of Gale's and Blake's conversation—as respect, Tristan chose to make Blake's identity anonymous—which Summer recorded and the selected photos which Ceff surrendered. (Ceff was also anonymous).

"No. No. NO!" Gale furiously threw Andrea's phone.

Andrea—who was shocked and worried about her phone that had been thrown—sighed in relief as she saw it land on Gale's bed and just slightly bounced... It's safe.

"Summer, YOU BITCH!" Gale exclaimed, shaking in anger while clenching her fist.

"Why I didn't notice she recorded it?! Damn it!"

Gale looked at Andrea who was now sitting on her bed, caressing her phone. "When was that?"

"I-I think this morning," Andrea nervously answered.

They both looked at Andrea's phone as it rang. Andrea quickly answered it when she saw who it was.

"Manager Ron," Andrea spoke with a trembling voice.

[Where is Gale?]

Manager Ron—Gale's manager—asked, lividness was obvious in his tone.

"Sh-She's here," Andrea replied.

[I'll talk to her]

Andrea looked at Gale worriedly.

"Y-Yes," she responded to Manager Ron, then handed her phone to Gale. "Please... Don't throw it again, Miss Gale."

Gale just rolled her eyes at her, then put the phone near to her ear. "Hello."

[YOU IMBECILE GODDAMN WOMAN! Did you know what chaos you were causing right now?! YOU CRETIN BRAT!]

Gale slightly distanced the phone from her ear as Ron's voice was booming her eardrums out.

[Bring your stupid self here as soon as possible before I'll separate your head from your body! The president wanted to see you. DON'T MAKE HER WAIT!]

Ron flared then hung up. Gale was exasperated at everything she heard today. She was about to throw Andrea's phone again but, Andrea immediately grabbed her hand to stop her.

"Miss, Gale. T-That's my phone... It's not f-fully paid yet," Andrea said with a pitiful gaze. Gale just glared at her, then brusquely gave the phone to her.

"Ready the car, we're leaving!" Gale furiously commanded while massaging her temple as she sat down on her bed.

'Damn you, Trish! Curse you, Ceff and Summer!' she thought, glaring at the mirror in front of her.

She gripped her mattress as she breathe heavily in frustration. 'F*ck all of you!'

"Miss Gale, the car is ready," Andrea told. Gale took a deep sigh and then confidently went out of her room, heading to her car.

'I won't let you win'



As Andrea parked the car in front of the Fuenta Glamouroza, a bunch of reporters gathered around their car, waiting for Gale to come out.

"Oh, ghad, these reporters!" Andrea mumbled while dialing Manager Ron. Ron picked up Andrea's call after 2 rings.

[Yes, Andrea]

"Manager Ron! We're still in the car, we can't go in... There are chaotic reporters around us!" Andrea informed him in panic while looking at the reporters who were now knocking on their car's window.

[Where are the guards? There should have been guards there!]

"Wait." Andrea looked around through the windows of the car to check if there were some security guards.

"Yes. There are 5 guards down here but, they could barely control the crowd. Oh! Another three guards are coming out!" Andrea told.

[Alright. Alright. I'll do something... Wait]

Ron hung up the call. Andrea looked at Gale whose thoughts were now drifted. You could see in her face how aggravated she was.

Andrea was now restlessly tapping her fingers to the steering wheel, waiting for Manager Ron's help.

A few minutes after, Two guards knocked on the driver's window—where Andrea sat—and the crowd was split up by the other guards, emptying the way to the company.

Andrea rolled down the car's window.

"Thank You, Sir."

Gale opened the car's door and then walked straight ahead, not minding the reporter's questions and the clicking of the cameras. Andrea also rushed inside, following up to her pace.

"Miss Gale!" Andrea called while running towards her.

'Damn, she walked so fast!' she thought then doubled her speed as she saw Gale opening the President's office's door.

"Oh, Dear. Haven't you found your manners yet?" Lauren Fuentavilla—the president—deadpanned as Gale shoved the door open and entered briskly with a frown on her face.

"Gale!" Manager Ron—who was sitting on a long couch on the left side of a single couch where Lauren was now sitting—whispered, giving her warning.

Gale just ignored her manager and stared directly into Lauren's eyes. "Where's Trish?"

Lauren looked at her unamusedly.

"She's back to her duties that were interrupted by false claims."

Gale clenched her fist. "Even if she's back in hell, I don't care! I asked where she is!"

Manager Ron was taken aback at Gale's attitude and was about to stand to cease her but, Lauren stopped him from doing so.

Lauren raised her right leg and put it on top of her left leg, then rested both of her hands on her knee.

"Excuse me, Gale Sebastian. Have you got no shame? Did you forget who you were talking to?" Lauren, slightly irritated, asked which made Gale recoil.

Lauren raised her hand, signaling Secretary Lim—who was standing at the corner—to give the envelope he was holding.

Secretary Lim immediately walked towards her and politely handed the envelope, then returned to where he was standing before.

"Why are you looking for Trish when I was the one who called you over." Lauren coldly looked at Gale's eyes.

"I don't also care whatever you wanted to discuss with me," Gale replied with gritted teeth.

"Mhm. That's good to know that you don't care, it's easier for me then... Sign it." Lauren put down the envelope on the table and then slid it from her to the center using her index finger.

Gale stared at it for a moment while her forehead was wrinkled in confusion. She picked it up and got the paper inside the envelope.

Her eyes widened as she read what was written on the paper, then unbelievably looked at Lauren.

"Contract termination? No! You can't do this to me!" Gale exclaimed.

Lauren just calmly laid her back on the couch while her elbows were rested on top of the couch's arms and her hands were intertwined in front of her.

"Of course, I can. You should be thankful because my granddaughter still has some mercy on her that she only wanted to end your contract and not to throw you in jail," Lauren insulted.

Gale clasped on the paper ferociously that it gradually crumbled. "I will never accept this!"

"You have no choice. The company no longer needs you," Lauren bluntly uttered.

"Manager Ron!" Gale turned her gaze to Ron, asking for some assistance. But, Ron just looked away with a worry written on his face.

Even though he wanted to help her, the situation was so severe. He couldn't do anything about it.

Gale took a deep sigh out of anger. "Fine!"

She violently signed the Termination of Contract that the paper almost tear every time she wrote the strokes of her signature. She then slammed the pen down after signing.

Gale gave Lauren a glaring glance before she turned her back and leave, banging the door as she closed it.

Lauren sighed and was still in her posture. She looked at Ron whose head was now bowed.

"I guess you knew what you should do now, Manager Ron," Lauren remarked which made Ron flinch.

"Ah. Y-Yes, Mrs. President. I... I will pack up now," Ron responded in panic then stood up and bowed politely before leaving.

Yes, Ron was fired too. How unfortunate.

'This is all shit! F*ckin' shit!' Gale cursed for the nth time in her thoughts after she left the president's office.

She paused as she saw Summer walking in the lobby, heading to the elevator. Gale's expression darkened then briskly walked towards Summer as she stopped, waiting for the elevator to open.

She grabbed Summer's arm as she came closer to her that startled Summer.

"We need to talk!" Gale remarked then dragged Summer to one of the dressing rooms that were empty. She shoved Summer inside as she locked the door.

"My. My. My... Look who's raging in front of me," Summer joshed as she saw Gale's fierce expression.

"Shut up! This is all because of you! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!" Gale flared.

Summer just playfully looked at her.

"Oh... Did I? I'm sorry. I'm just too honest, unlike you."

"You son of a bitch!" Gale was about to hit her but, Summer caught her hand before it touched her.

Summer's playful expression turned cold and her gaze was pierced into Gale's intensely.

"I didn't ruin anything... You destroyed yourself. You started this mess, I'm just helping out to clean it up," Summer derided. Gale roughly took her hand back and glared at Summer even more.

Summer's gaze landed on her arm then snorted, preventing her laughter to burst.

"You're still wearing that? Are you still trying to deceive people? Girl, wake up! The show is done."

Summer's smile swiftly turned cold again as Gale suddenly sneered.

"I was wondering why are you horning in, but... Talking with you right now. I think I understand why."

Summer didn't show it in her face, but she was befuddled at Gale's statement. She was just calmly staring at Gale, letting her speak and quietly listening to her nonsense.

"Didn't your friend... Who was it again? Heidi? She was rumored as a lesbian, wasn't she? Oh my God! Is that why you're caring too much for Trish? Damn. What a disgusting circle of friends! R—" Gale was dumbfounded as Summer gave her a whack on her right cheek.

"What the f*ck!" Gale gaped, but Summer just emotionlessly stared directly into her eyes.

"That... Is for insulting me and my friends," Summer deadpanned. "Oh, anyway. I owe you a reward, right?"

"I DON'T WANT YOUR FU—SHIT!" Gale cursed when she was hit again on her other cheek. Summer was indeed a hell whacker, wasn't she?

"And that... Is the real BATTERY. Oh, and ASSAULT, too," Summer ridiculed.

Gale was taken aback by what she said. She closed her fist and was now quivering in anger. "I'll sue you for this!"

"Sure. If... They would still believe you," Summer snickered.

"Well, I think this is the end of our conversation... I don't want to make my PRECIOUS FRIEND wait, you know. So, bye! And good luck," Summer added then derisively winked at Gale before she left.

Gale who was left infuriated began to vociferate while berserkly throwing everything she sees at the dressing room.


The chairs flew at the corners, and the stuff on top of the make-up tables was scattered on the floor. The curtains, the sheets, the extra fashion clothes, everything was in a huge mess. She definitely destroyed the dressing room.

Andrea and Ron plunged the door open. They were astounded as they saw the disheveled dressing room and Gale who was bawling inside.

"Miss Gale!" Andrea called while Ron rushed to pacify Gale.

"F*CK THEM ALL!!! DAMN YOU ALL ASSHOLE!!" Gale hollered.

"Gale! Calm down!" Ron was now hugging her and trying to hush her. "GALE!"


"CALM DOWN, GALE!" Ron screamed that shut Gale up. Ron stared at Gale's face. He saw the pain, anger, and resentments in her eyes. She was in pain. She was concealing it, but her eyes couldn't hide it.

"Gale..." Ron softly mumbled as he realized her true emotions. Gale had her reasons.

People may not see it or understand it. But, she was suffering, too. And he knew it... Because he was there all along. He was there for his niece ever since. He understood.

"Gale..." Ron immediately embraced her tightly as her tears fell from her eyes. She was just blankly staring at him but, she was internally aching. Ron felt a pang in his chest. "Let's go home."

'I'm sorry brother... I let your daughter get hurt again' Ron thought, apologizing to his late older brother.



Meanwhile. Tristan, Tanya, Whifler, and Ceff were in the meeting room. As usual, Tristan was seated on the edge, Whifler, and Ceff on the right side of him and Tanya was on the opposite side.

"What do you think is happening there?" Tanya—who was playing with her foot while sitting on one of the swivel chairs—asked them.

"I don't know... But, I'm certain, Gale will disagree on terminating her contract," Whifler replied then looked at Tristan.

"Why you didn't confront her yourself?"

Tristan turned his gaze at Whifler as he asked him.

"I'm afraid of what I might do to her when I see her face. I'm barely restraining myself even before the issue. I didn't want to smack a girl. So, as possible, I avoided it."

"Wow... What a gentleman." Tristan glared at Tanya's sarcastic remark, but she just rolled her eyes at him. Tristan's brows knitted as he noticed Ceff's silence.

"Ceff, what's wrong?" Tristan asked him which made the others look at him.

Ceff was just dazedly sitting beside Whifler, he couldn't still process everything he saw earlier when he accidentally witnessed Tristan changing a dress.

And there. Yes... Yes, my dear readers. Ceff saw that serene and bulky shaft of Tristan that was formed on the cycling he was wearing while changing. Ceff blinked while staring at Tristan.

"A-Are you gay?" Ceff innocently asked which caused Tanya to snort, preventing her laughter and Whifler's sudden look to the ceiling.

Tristan was stupefied at Ceff's question. "No."

"Then... Why are you cross-dressing?" Tristan gradually became irate at Ceff's questions.

(One fact: Tristan hates to be asked a lot of questions.)

"Ahem! Ah. Ceff... I'll explain it to you later, okay?" Whifler butted in, forestalling Tristan's monstrous side to come out.

They experienced it once, and believe them or not, it was traumatizing that you would risk anything just to avoid it. Yeah, that's how terrifying the ballistic Tristan is.

"HELLO EVERYONE!" Summer barged in enthusiastically while her arms were widely spread.

"What are you doing here?" Whifler unamusedly asked her. Summer winced at him as she rested her hands down.

"That was the warmest welcome, Raj," Summer sarcastically countered as she sat beside Ceff. She smiled at him as their gaze met and Ceff also smiled back at her.

"So! Where are we celebrating?" Summer excitedly asked them.

"No celebrating! We are busy!" Whifler objected while glaring daggers at Tanya who was about to complain.

"WHAT?" Summer looked at Tristan, expecting him to say the opposite. "Trish?"

Whifler kicked Tristan's ankle, signaling him to refuse Summer. Tristan glared at Whifler then kicked him back. He then turned his gaze to Summer.

"Yes... We are quite busy," Tristan smiled.

Summer growled underneath her breath.

"Okay! Oh, anyway. Did you file a case against Gale?"

"No," Tristan immediately replied which made her gape.

"HAH?" Summer exclaimed in disbelief. "Why?"

"That's a hassle. I prefer to make her suffer differently. Like terminating her contract to our company and making sure she wouldn't be hired in any agency anymore," Tristan deadpanned

Everyone was astonished at his answer. They didn't expect that was the plan that had been running through his mind.

"That's... A bit... Cruel?" Tanya uncertainly commented.

"Well, She deserved it. I also gave her punishment on your behalf," Summer grinned.

Whifler's eyes widened at what she said.

"Summer... What did you do?!"

"Nothing. I just gave her nice and satisfying palm stamps. On her cheeks, of course." Summer confidently replied.

Whifler facepalmed and just sighed out of frustration. "You're unbelievable."

They all looked at the door as Secretary Lim opened the door. "Ms. Trish... The president is looking for you, she wants to—"

Lim's eyes widened as he noticed Ceff beside Summer. He couldn't utter a word. He was wondering why on Earth his boyfriend was there.

Ceff lowered his head, trembling, as Lim still didn't know anything about the photos he took.

Lim glanced at his watch, then looked back at Ceff. "Why are you here? You have class!"

"Woah. Your boyfriend was so strict, Ceff," Tanya joked which made Lim flinch.


"Yes, Secretary Lim. We knew... And he's here because I am hiring him to be Trish's personal photographer." Whifler announced that jolted Ceff to look at him.

Tanya and Tristan were also stupefied at his sudden announcement.

"A-Are you serious?" Ceff asked Whifler in disbelief.

"Yes. Trish needs to be active on her social media again. Your talent in photography is perfect for her personal photoshoot. And about the salary, we can settle it with your desired price later. The president also knew about this." Whifler smiled.

"We-Wait. Wait. Why—" Lim was cut off as Ceff immediately went towards him.

"Let's go! I have a stable job now so, stop asking. Come on!" Ceff interrupted him while pushing him outside.

As they left, everyone was silent, looking at the door where Lim and Ceff went out.

"Uh... What's going on?" Summer confusedly asked.

"You don't need to know," Whifler deadpanned as he stood up with Tristan. Summer just rolled her eyes and then stuck her tongue out at him as they left.

"What's his problem? Does no one love him? He seemed like he lacked happiness in life!" Summer irritatedly told Tanya, extremely annoyed at Whifler.

Tanya just shrugged her shoulders as a response to Summer.

"Maybe it's the result of his unrequited love."

They suddenly paused and stared at each other as their thoughts matched. Then, soon after, they burst into laughter.

(I... Also don't have any idea what's going on in their dippy minds. Hahaha!)