'Warmth and coldness.'

Tristan and Whifler stopped in front of the president's office. Whifler paused for a moment while holding the doorknob.

He looked at Tristan. "I'll be just here when you need me."

Tristan nodded as a response. Whifler then gently opened the door to let Tristan enter.

"Mrs. President," Tristan greeted as he stopped in front of Lauren.

"Sec. Lim told me you're looking for me." He added.

Lauren sat properly, then sighed.

"Yes, please sit down first."

Tristan sat on the long couch in front of her office table. There was another long couch across from where he was sitting, a single couch beside him, and also a glass tea table at the center.

Lauren stood up from her swivel chair and went to the other long couch—across from Tristan—and sat there, she gently put down a mini square box on the table and slid it to Tristan.

She then sat properly and seriously looked at Tristan's eyes.

"I don't know how to express it in words but, I will just casually say it. I'm sorry for accusing you, my grandson." Tristan was taken aback by Lauren's sudden apology.

He could see the sincerity in her eyes. He could clearly hear Lauren's genuineness in her soft voice.

And Yes... He definitely felt happy.

"T-That's nothing... I understand," Tristan replied while his gaze was lowered, hiding his blushed face.

"I know... That's a gift," Lauren pointed to the mini box she just put down. Tristan picked it up with a confused expression written on his face and opened it.

"That's your father's favorite necktie. It was my gift when he was in the same age as you... I didn't give you a present, so I guess it will be a belated gift?" Lauren smiled.

Tristan looked at the necktie—which was folded nicely in the box—once again, then turned his gaze to his grandmother.

"Thank you... Grandma," he said, not showing how happy he was. It was just a simple gift, but receiving it from his grandmother was priceless.

"When the time comes, I want you to wear it. I wanna see it on you," Lauren added while softly staring at him.

"Of course, It's my pleasure." Tristan smiled with his eyes sparkling in great joy.

Of all the stressful occurrences, he finally experienced this warmth that lit his heart a bit.

So this was the feeling of being appreciated and genuinely cared for by your family? Tristan couldn't help himself to smile. He gripped the necktie, not in anger but in extreme gladness.

'Dad', he thought.

Meanwhile, after all the happenings and ruckus that Gale caused at Fuenta Glamouroza, Ron finally persuaded Gale to calmly went home with them.

They were currently in the car, driving their way to Gale's place to drop her off.

Ron—who was seated at the driver's seat—and Andrea—who was sitting beside him—have been glancing at each other several times, worried and confused at Gale's quietness and emotionless expression while looking through the car's window.

Gale was in the backseat. She wasn't thinking nor imagining something, she was just completely blank.

Well, who wouldn't be? Her contract was terminated, and her public image was ruined... What else?

Ron parked the car in front of Gale's house.

"We've arrived."

Gale dazedly looked at them and nodded. She then got off the car and closed it quietly. She didn't say anything.

"She's not fine," Andrea worriedly told as she saw Gale absently walking inside her house.

"I know... We'll let her rest for now. Let's talk to her tomorrow," Ron replied and then drove away.

Gale was about to put her key onto the knob but she was befuddled when the door was unlocked. She slowly opened the door and looked around confusedly. Everything was as organized as before.

'Did I forget to lock it?' she thought as she put her bag on the sofa and flopped there. Gale massaged her forehead out of frustration.

"Oh. Welcome home." Gale jolted up as she heard a familiar voice, and spoke with a sarcastic tone.

Gale's eyes widened when a woman—who was not obvious she was in her late 30s—walked down to the L-shaped staircase, holding a newspaper while her dark-brown eyes were coldly pierced by Gale's.

"G-Georgia," Gale mumbled as the woman paced towards her. "W-When did you come back?"

The woman didn't respond. She stopped in front of her with her gaze was still glued to Gale.

Georgia's silence intimidated her since she couldn't tell whether Georgia was angry or glad to see her.

Gale clenched her fist and forced to form a smile on her lips. "H-How's your vacati—"

Gale slightly stepped back as Georgia slammed the newspaper she was holding to her face. Not just once but several times. You could hear the panging in every slap of the newspaper.

Georgia didn't stop until she was satisfied with venting her anger and saw Gale's face turn reddish.

Gale anticipated this was gonna happen. She knew right away, as soon as she saw her.

Gale was too immune that all she could expect when they saw each other was getting beaten. Regardless of Georgia's mood and emotion.

"What is this, huh? WHAT IS THIS!" Georgia flared as she threw the newspaper at Gale.

Gale picked up the thrown newspaper on the floor then widely opened it. She saw her face on the front page. It was the news about the issue between her and Tristan.


"That what, huh? Another shameful stupidity of yours?! Have you lost your mind?! For Christ's sake, why did you do that?!" Georgia yelled.

"I did it for you! I was so desperate to be on top just to impress you!" Gale retorted which caused Georgia's brow to raise.

"What?" Georgia clicked her tongue, mocking Gale's statement.

"Did you succeed, huh? Did you win?" Gale flinched at her question.

"You didn't? Oh, God. Even in such a thing, you failed?" Georgia let out a mocking laugh.

"Just what kind of a failure are you, Gale?" Georgia ridiculed that pissed Gale off.

Failure. Failure. Failure! Gale was so damn tired of hearing that!

Gale sneered. "Yeah... When did I ever do something right for you, MOM?"

Georgia was shut at her remark and was gradually getting irritated.

"Don't cal—"

"Don't call you 'mom', right?" Gale retorted, cutting off her mother's words.

Gale snorted then suddenly laughed her lungs out and cried at the same time. She was just like that for almost 2 minutes, covering her sobs with a laugh and immediately wiping her tears when they fell off.

"Are you crazy?" Georgia dumbfoundedly asked, watching Gale lose her sanity.

She couldn't understand which emotions was she really expressing. Was it crying or laughing? Or probably her daughter gone mad and indeed felt both?

Gale just continued laughing. Her teary and lonely gaze landed on Georgia's.

"Ghad, mom... That was hilarious!" Gale bitterly exclaimed with a wide grin formed on her lips.

"Calling your mom by her name... HAHAHAHA! What a funny thing!" Gale's eyes were conveying the gloominess and pain that had been kept in her heart as she expressed those words.

"ENOUGH!" Georgia was clenching her fist, holding back her urge to hit her again.

Gale paused for a moment but she also smile immediately as she looked playfully at Georgia.

"What enough? No! It's freakin' hilarious that I couldn't stop laughing! HAHAHA!" Gale laughed again bitterly.

"Wasn't it so uproarious MOM! Being denied as your DAUGHTER HAHAHA!"

Gale was shut as Georgia failed to restrain herself from laying her hand on her. The sound of the clapped palm was heard and Gale's cheek revealed another redness.

Gale's face was tilted to the left while her eyes were lowered to the floor.

Gale's shoulders were slightly shaking, then Georgia gradually heard her chuckling.

"Shit... I can't stop my laugh." Gale mumbled while wiping the traitor liquids, that fell from her eyes.

Gale slowly looked directly into her mother's eyes. That pitiful gaze she was trying to conceal was showing even more. She wanted to act tough but, she just couldn't win against the heartache and desolation that had been melting her mask out.

"Why... Why are you treating me like this? I did everything for you, but why does it still not enough? Do you really hate me that much?" Gale's voice was cracking. The pleading face she had caused Georgia's blood to boil.

Georgia stared at Gale with that coldest gaze she could ever give. "More than you think."

Gale was stunned at Georgia's reply. She knew from the start that she was hated, but what despiteful sin has she ever committed to be loathed this much?

"W-What have I done wrong?" She asked, biting her lower lip to prevent herself from letting out a sob. She never cried nor whimpered in front of anyone.

Gale didn't want to show her weakness but not this time. She couldn't take it anymore, it was too much for her.

"You were formed in my womb," Georgia responded with a blank emotion.

Georgia didn't care whether it will hurt her daughter or not. Well... She only thought of her resentments including Gale's birth, nothing else.

Gale sneered. "That's weird. Isn't a mother's happiness was her child?"

"You're not my happiness, you've never become one... You're my burden and greatest regret." Georgia's eyes were still pierced by Gale's. Her blunt words crumbled Gale's bruised heart.

Gale who was astounded and barely sank in everything, tittered. "Nonsense."

Gale glared at her mother, clenching her fist with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Burden? Regret? Nonsense! You conceived me because you wanted. YOUR MISTAKE! NOT MINE!"

Without hesitation, Georgia slapped Gale once again... How many times was it? Gale didn't know, she didn't count it anyway. She was too numb from hurting emotionally to care about the physical pain.

"You know nothing! If only I had a choice, you wouldn't be in this world!" Georgia retorted which paused Gale.

"What?" Gale looked at her mother confusedly. "What do you mean?"

Georgia didn't respond, uncertain whether to tell her the truth or just keep her mouth shut. What was the point of telling her anyway? It wouldn't change the past.

"What are you talking about... What is it that I don't know, huh? What are you talking about having no choice?" Gale was bewildered, it was seen in her bloodshot eyes.

"TELL ME!" Gale exclaimed.

Georgia stared at her for a moment... Yeah, she could do nothing but, sigh.

She emotionlessly looked at Gale.

"Your father..."