'Painful Truth'

Gale's heart was pounding like it was gonna popped out in no time. She was getting choked up by her nervousness, her sweat was cold, and her mind was filled with a bunch of questions.

"Your father..." Her mother started as she averted her gaze. "Forced me to make love with him."

Gale was stupefied at her mother's confession.

Gale could see the resentment and grief in her face. She could feel the hatred in her voice.

"I couldn't resist. I should not resist." Georgia's vision gradually became blurry as the tears formed in her eyes.

"My stupid mother owed a big sum of money to their family that even we offered our souls in different jobs we'll have, we couldn't pay it." Georgia clenched her knuckles.

"Their son, your father, couldn't stay in a relationship for too long. I'm not sure, but they said, he had never been in love. Not to any of his exes... Until he met me." Georgia looked at Gale fiercely.

"My foolish parents and his imprudent family arranged a marriage for us. Yes, I was the payment. I was just 16 at that time. 16! I was imprisoned in that hell... I lived my whole BULLSHIT life with the man I never loved!" Georgia wiped off her tears.

"I wanted to be a model and I was about to reach that dream... But, unfortunately, I got pregnant. I attempted to abort the child, but I was threatened that my parents will be sent to jail If I do. So, what choice do I have?"

Gale lowered her head to avoid Georgia's gaze. Gale was baffled about what to feel and how to react—hearing the truth from her mom was overwhelming.

"My life was messed up. Now tell me, should I be happy? You ruined me... YOU DESTROYED MY LIFE!" Georgia howled while glaring daggers at Gale.

Her eyes were as red as Gale's eyes. Their faces were swollen from crying.

Gale lifted her head and looked viciously at her mother.

She ruined her? She destroyed her mother's life? Was it really her? No... It wasn't her fault!

Gale snickered. "If there is someone innocent in this twisted family. It's ME!"


"YOU! Should not blame me for it. I'm not at fault in the slightest!" Gale glared at Georgia while pacing closer to her.

"Your parents are dead. Father's parents are dead. Even dad is dead. That's why you're venting all your grudges on me! I did nothing wrong. So... POURED IT OUT ON THEIR F*CKIN' GRAVES, NOT TO ME!" Gale shrieked then picked up her bag and went outside, slamming the door closed.

As she got to her car, Gale screamed while bonking her head on the steering wheel.

She was hurt, angry, lonely... Named it all! She was too mixed-up that even she, couldn't recognize her own emotions.

Gale glanced at her bag and then searched for her phone. She immediately dialed Blake's number but no one was answering.

'Damn it!'

She threw her phone and then started the engine. Gale drove her way as fast as she could to the hospital where Blake was working.

Her thoughts were drifted. Her chest was tightened; that annoying tears were blocking her vision.

Gale ignored all the traffic lights, intersections, and even the people crossing. She almost caused an accident. Luckily, she did not.

As soon as she arrived, she quickly went to Blake's office, but he wasn't there. Only a nurse and a patient.

"Where's Blake?" She asked. The nurse was astounded at her pitiful figure.

Her hair was messy, her eyes were swollen. She was like a rich beggar, to be honest.

"U-Uh. Dr. Hilton went home early, Ma'am," the nurse replied.

"Alright." Gale went out again then headed to her car.

Everyone was bewildered whenever she passed in front of them. Others thought she might be a mental specialist's patient which lost her way or probably escaped from their facility.

When she got in her car, Gale was about to drive away but, she paused as she spotted Summer, walking toward her car with Amber.

Gale's vision darkened. Her thoughts were now bloody. 'I will kill you!'

Gale started the engine then speed up in Summer's direction, aiming to hit her.

Amber noticed Gale's approaching car, so she instantly grabbed Summer's arm and pulled her.

Gale slammed the brakes and stopped in front of them.

"YOU BASTARD!" Amber furiously screamed, kicking Gale's car. "GET OUT!"

Summer—who was still dumbstrucked—couldn't utter a word. Gale's speed was hell fast that it could possibly take her life if it wasn't for Amber's quick flexes.

Gale rolled down her car's window and glared at Summer. Their gazes were locked on each other.

"You're lucky this time. Next time, I'll make sure you're not!" Gale threatened, then drove away.

Amber was stupefied.

"What the hell?! That was Gale, right? DAMN! That was threatening!"

"Calm down, Amber... Let her be."

"WHAT? NO! She almost killed you! And, did you hear what she said? She will do it again! Summer, she's dangerous! She's threatening your life!" Amber hysterically remarked.

Summer just worriedly looked in the direction where Gale was headed.

'She looked bad, I wonder what happened', Summer thought.

"I won't let it happen again... Let's go," Summer said then got into her car. Amber, who was still furious, also followed her inside.

"Make sure of that!" Amber responded.



Gale honked loudly as she arrived at Blake's place.

She was just continuously honking, not minding Blake's neighborhood. It wasn't her problem if their eardrums will explode anyway.

Blake went out of her house with his forehead knitted in confusion. He ran from his doorstep to his gate and opened it widely to let Gale's car in. Gale parked her car in Blake's backyard.

"What's gotten into you? Why are you beeping frantically?" Blake asked as Gale turned off the engine of her car and opened its door.

But... When she got off, he was surprised at Gale's depressed face.

"What the. What happened to you?!" Blake exclaimed in astonishment. Gale just vacantly stared at him.

"Let's talk inside," she told.



"Eat this first." Blake put down a tray where a piece of bread, Nutella, and a bread knife was placed inside together with the apple juice in a long and slim glass.

Blake sighed as he sat down on the other sofa, beside Gale. They were in his living room, awkwardly quiet.

Blake didn't want to ask. He was too worried, but he still respect her privacy. If she didn't want to tell him, that's fine. He was just waiting for her to open up first. All he could do for now was to make her feel he was empathizing with her.

Blake's head jolted as he heard the telephone ring. He looked at Gale. "I need to answer it, wait for a sec."

He then stood up and went to the telephone which was just at the corner of the living room.

"Hello?" Blake answered.

[Dr. Hilton, a woman is looking for you earlier. She looked like Ms. Sebastian, but I'm not sure if it was really her. Because. Ahm... The woman was kinda, unkempt.]

A voice of the girl—his assistant nurse—told. Blake sighed, he knew it was really Gale.

"Alright. Thank you for informing me," Blake replied.

[No problem, Dr. Hilton]

Blake then dropped the call. He sighed once again and looked in Gale's direction.

But, his eyes widened as he saw Gale attempting to slit her wrist using the bread knife he gave.

"GALE!" Blake ran as fast as he could towards Gale and yanked the knife she was holding.

"GIVE IT TO ME!" Gale resisted, trying to get back the knife but, Blake threw it away from her.

"Gale! Pull yourself together!"

"GET OFF ME! GIVE ME THAT THING! GIVE ME!!" Gale was frantic, Blake embraced her tightly.

"ENOUGH!" Blake exclaimed with a worry written on his face. He never saw Gale like this.

What was the reason? What made her like this? These questions were running through his mind.

"Blake... Please. Give me the knife... Please." Gale was now wailing, shedding the tears she had been holding back ever since.

Blake could hear the agony in her sobs. Her trembling body and grips of drastic suffering—Blake felt it all.

Blake put his hand on the back of her head, hushing her while caressing her hair. Gale's weeping caused Blake's chest to tighten. Looking at the girl he treasured the most like this, it was also hard for him.

He hated it. He f*ckin hates it. If only he could take all of her grief, he would have done it.

"I've done everything... I've done everything, Blake! I exceeded my limit just to reach her expectation. I wanted to be as excellent as the others. I want her to be proud of me, but... Why? Why?!" Gale mourned.

Blake's sleeve was now damped. He was just listening, letting her vent out. He embraced her tighter, gently pressing her face to his chest.

"I was striving so f*ckin' hard Blake! I sacrificed the things I wanted to do... All my life I've been doing my best to be accepted! But... I'm tired... I'm so damn tired!" Gale bawled.

Blake's tears escaped from his left eye. He couldn't bear it anymore. Gale's sobs were echoing in his ears, her words were like a blade gashing him repeatedly.

"Shh... I'm here. I'm here," Blake mumbled, caressing her hair while holding back himself to whimper.

He may be unaware of what truly happened, but he was certain. It wrecked her big time. She was too devastated that she even revealed the weakest side of her.

"You'll be fine... I promise. No one will hurt you again."




It was 2 in the morning. Blake was still awake, guarding Gale who was now sleeping soundly on his bed.

He tucked her in with a blanket and make sure she was comfortable. He glanced at his phone as it rang.

"Uncle, Ron," he answered as soon as he picked up the call.

[She is there with you?]

Ron worriedly asked. Blake looked at Gale.

"Yes... She's asleep."

[How is she?]

"She's not fine... What happened?" Blake was now caressing Gale's forehead.

[I don't know, too. But, I heard Georgia is back. Probably that's the reason.]

Blake sighed. "She can't go home in this situation."

[I will pick her up, around 12]

Blake was silent for a moment "No."


"Don't pick her up... I'll take care of her from now on."