'Angel Figurine'

Amber stood up for about 15 minutes outside Summer's house and was ringing the doorbell a million times but, no one's responding. She also called Summer but she was not picking up her phone.

'Oh, shit this brat!' Amber cursed for the nth time, irritated and tired of standing. So with a little magic trick—mumbling something while pointing at the knob—she effortlessly unlocked the door.

The door creaked open— perfect trick for robbing, wasn't it?

Kidding! She just had a spare key.

And yes beautiful people of Earth, that's how lazy Amber was that she weary herself rather than finding the spare key in her bag and opened the door earlier.

(What a weird choice in life)

The deafening silence of the living room and few perky lizards on the ceiling and walls, greeted Amber as she opened the front door.

The spine-chilling quietness of the house was interrupted by the tiny squeaks of mating Lacertilia.

It was definitely like a haunted fancy house, well, minus the clouds of dust and webs.

Amber took off her white boots and picked up the slippers on the shoe rack beside the doorstep then wore them and went inside.

She put down the cellophane she brought with a bucket of food inside.

"Summer?" She called while her eyes roamed around the living room.

'Is she not home yet?' She thought.

After securing the food, she paced upstairs and headed to Summer's room. She knocked first before twisting the knob and entered.

The led indirect ceiling lighting design of Summer's room—which is set in blue light—dimmed the whole room. Only the yellow-green color of her glow-in-the-dark wallpapers contrasted and brightened the almost-dark surrounding a bit.

Amber's right brow raised as she saw Summer lying straight on the bed while her both hands rested on her chest like Dracula, sleeping in the coffin.

"Ghad, Summer. Are you practicing death?"

Summer opened her eyes and immediately glared at Amber, "Silly! I'm just thinking."

"That's sillier. Out of 100 people, you were probably the only one thinking in that position. Just add flowers and you're ready for the funeral," Amber remarked that rolled Summer's eyes after.

Amber closed the door and was about to go closer to her, but she paused as she noticed something in one of the displays on top of her cabinet at the corner.

"Whoa," Amber uttered as she picked up a wonderful Angel figurine, sitting on a half-moon. She confusedly looked at Summer.

"Angel? You lost your hatred towards them now?" Amber playfully asked.

Summer got up and set her lighting into bright white, and she also turned on the small chandelier hanging in the center.

"No... I still hate them but that's an exception," Summer responded as she got off her bed and tied up her hair into a ponytail. "I love it."

Amber's brows knitted. "Did you buy this?"

"It's a gift. Trish gave it to me," Summer answered, she was now arranging her messy bed.

"Mhm... She's that important to you, huh. I remember Heidi gave a portrait of an angel to you, didn't she? But, you just rudely turned it down because you resent them to the bones."

Summer paused at what Amber said. She snapped her head to look in her direction. Her eyes immediately landed at the figurine and deeply stared at it.

Yes... Summer resented any sort of image of an angel. Why, you ask? It's because she thought angels were so cruel that they took her parents away even she's not ready to be left alone yet.

Summer's mother died when she was 14 due to an incurable illness. She was too young and fragile to accept her mother's death.

So, in an attempt to console her, her father buried in her mind that the angels brought her mother somewhere in paradise. Yes, he thought Summer was comforted by it, but no. She grew up blaming the angels for taking her mother away from her.

2 years after the marriage to his second wife— Summer was 16 at that time—her father died with an unknown disease and that piled up her resentments towards the angels.

It may be senseless and immature, but was that important when you were in too much pain for being left alone, unready?

Until now she hated them. But looking at the figurine that Tristan gave to her, even she think of any reasons to dislike it, she just couldn't. Instead, she began to like it even more.

Summer formed a sweet curved upward in her lips as she realized something, then looked at Amber's eyes.

"You're right... She's so important to me."

Amber was astonished at the expression on her face and the smile pierced on her lips. Her soft and unexplainable gaze bewildered her, too.

"I believe Melissa now. You're really odd today."

Summer just clicked her tongue as a response then paced towards her.

"Why are you here, anyway?" Summer asked as she snatched the figurine in her hand and placed it back on the cabinet.

"Don't tell me you forgot!"

Summer's brows furrowed at Amber's shocked face.

"Forgot, what?"

"Damn, Summer... Tomorrow is father's death anniversary! I am always staying here overnight the day before to go with you to the cemetery, aren't I?"

Summer blinked in confusion, thinking about what she said. "Your... Father's death anniversary?"

Amber's eyes narrowed. "Your father, Summer... YOUR father! What's wrong with you?"

Summer's eyes widened then swiftly went to the calendar. "Shit! Father, forgive me!"

Amber just sighed. "Your stupidity worsens, honestly."

"Shut up!" Summer went to her closet then started to prepare her stuff for tomorrow. Amber sat on her bed then crossed her legs.

"By the way... Do you want to visit home?"

Summer paused at Amber's question. She felt sudden homesickness. She didn't just miss her room but, also the scent of her parents around the house.

Summer tilted her head to look at her.

"Can I?"

"Seriously? You're asking that? Of course, it's your home."

Summer smiled. "Alright. Let's go there after visiting his grave."




Summer took a deep breath as they arrived in front of a brown, beige and off-white color mixed mansion. It was her former house where she and her parents used to live happily.

It's been 6 years since she left this mansion— 6 years that turned her life upside down.

Summer took a deep sigh before stepping onto the first concrete steps in front of the mansion. There was a wood double-door ahead which one of it opened, and a maid—who was in her mid-40's—came out holding a bag of rubbish.

The maid's eyes broadened as her gaze locked on Summer.

"M-Ma'am... Ma'am Summer?" the maid mumbled in shock.

Summer swiftly smiled and greeted her with delight.

"It's been a while, Maria."

"Y-Yes... I-It's been a while."

Maria's—who was their maid since she was 10—tears started to blur her vision. She dropped the rubbish and immediately went towards her and embraced Summer as tight as she could.

Maria undeniably missed her. She missed the kid she took care of.

"Oh, dear... I am always watching you on television and longing to see you in person. But, now you're here... I'm so glad!" Maria shed tears, damping Summer's mocha-colored long sleeves.

Summer loosen their embrace and wiped Maria's cheeks. "Shh... I miss you, too, Maria."

"Maria! What took you so lo—" Antonette goggled as she saw a familiar face standing outside.


Summer's gaze turned cold, looking at the petite figure—who was in her mid-40's—wearing an orange fitted dress paired with an orange crystal hairpin that holds the braids around her bun.

Maria quickly picked up the bag of rubbish then bowed and walked away to throw it.

"Mom!" Amber greeted Antonette with a grump expression written on her face. "Summer wan—"

"What are you doing here?!" Antonette exclaimed, glaring daggers at her step-daughter.

"Because this is my home, too?" Summer countered, sarcasm was obvious in her tone. Antonette clenched her fist.

"Since you left, THIS HOUSE was no longer your home!"

"Oh. Correction, mom. She didn't left, YOU drove her away." Amber butted in that incensed her mother even more.

"Shut your mouth, Amber! Why are you still standing there? Go inside!"

"Yeah. Sure... Let's go, Summer." Amber was about to grabbed Summer's hand but her Mom yanked her arm and pushed her inside.

"She is not included!"

Antonette was berserk and Amber could feel it by her tight grip when she pulled her and the red finger marks left on her arm.

"Mom! Stop that! You can't do this to Summer! This—"

"Go inside! Or you want me to drag you?" Antonette warned, cutting off her words.

"NO! SHE HAS THE RI—" Amber's head jolted up as Reign hauled her hair down. Reign's emotionless gaze pierced on her.

"Let go! It hurts!" Amber complained, struggling to get off Reign's grasped.

"Mom told you to go in, didn't she?" Reign told.

"So?! I AM NOT going in without Summer!"

"Ahh." Reign hardly pushed her sister away from the doorstep.

"Wait in the living room. I'll talk to you later."

Reign's voice was calm yet intimidating. Her eyes weren't glaring at her but Amber could imagine they were.

Reign looked in Summer's direction. She confidently stepped down and walked towards Summer while their gazes were locked on each other.

Antonette flinched as she was facing Reign's back right now. She gradually felt the arising tension between her daughter and step-daughter.

"You're not welcome here." Reign started which caused Summer's right brow to curve up.

"This is my home. I don't need your welcome."

"Your home? Since YOUR parents' death, your home was buried along with them."

Summer sneered. "No matter what you said, I AM still the biological child. I have rights in this house."

"Biological?" Reign snickered.

"As far as I remember, you have no family here. We are NOW the biological, not you. So, leave now. We don't want you here."

Summer's fist closed, irate at Reign's remark.

"I am not leaving!"

Summer was about to enter but, Reign harshly pushed her. Summer was inflamed about it so she returned it with a stronger propel that slumped Reign to the ground.

"How dare you hurt my daughter!" Antonette dashed towards Summer and walloped her face with a mighty slap.

Summer's face was lowered, anger climbed up to her spine. She was holding back... She didn't want to hurt the woman her father once loved. She stood properly as she wiped the unstoppable tears which escaped from her eyes.

"Shit. Your hand is heavy."

"Shut up! I just accepted you before just for the sake of your father! But now he's gone, you have no place in this family anymore. Now, leave!"

"Fine." Summer turned around and started to walk away.

She left with a heavy heart. She wasn't hurt because of their f*ckin' words but because she didn't see the inside of the house where the memories of her parents were left. Even just a peek.

Summer dialed Tanya's number. Tanya picked up her call immediately.


"Where are you?"



Antonette and Reign went inside after Summer left. Amber jolted up as she saw them walked towards her.

"Where is she?!"

"She's gone" Reign replied.


"AMBER! How dare you talk to us like that! We are your family, not that woman!"

Amber scornfully laughed while clapping her hands loudly. "SHE is my only family! I will NEVER recognize IMMORALS people like YOU!"

Amber's face banged to the couch as Reign shoved her head while gripping on her hair, then aggressively pulled her head up. Reign did it several times like she was playing a yoyo.

Antonette was stupefied at the unexpected scene she was witnessing. "Reign, enough."

"ENOUGH!" Antonette flared that stopped Reign from bumping her sister's head.

The anger that was filling up Antonette's body was now replaced by great fear. If it wasn't on the soft part of the couch, Amber's head was probably cracked open right now.

Amber sat while holding her head. Her eyes ached and her vision was turning. Antonette immediately approached Amber and checked if her daughter was severely hurt, but Amber just gave her a dizzy look. Thank goodness she was fine.

"What you did is dangerous!" Antonette scolded but it didn't affect Reign's blank stares.

"I was gentle with you because I still think of you as my sister... Obey us and behave yourself if you don't want me to give you a real blow." Reign apathetically remarked, ignoring her mother's words then calmly headed to her room.

Amber and Antonette were left dumbfounded. Amber felt her body quivered and her tear rolled down through her left cheek... With fear? with anger? she didn't know... She was mixed up and was still in shock.

Reign is undeniably a monster.