'Yeah... I should wait'

Amber was just sitting on a hospital bed while staring at the bandages that wrapped her hand from half of her fingers up to her wrist

She looked at the door as it widely opened and it revealed the worried face of Summer.

"What happened?" Summer went towards her then checked her from side to side, front to back. "Where else you're hurt?"

"Just hand and these scratches on my face... No need to worry... I'm fine."

"Thank goodness!" Summer sighed in relief.

Amber looked away, deeply upset. Not with what happened but to her family that didn't pick up her call, even once. In this kind of situation, shouldn't her family be the one with her especially her mother? But, unfortunately... None of them was willing to be there on her side.

"I thought you were badly hurt... I'm glad you're fine" Amber stared at Summer with those soft and teary eyes... She instantly reached for Summer and hugged her as tight as she could.

Summer was befuddled at her sudden action.

"What's wrong, Amber?"

"Thank you..." Despite the puzzlement, Summer caressed and patted Amber's back, comforting her and hushing her cry...

"Tell me what exactly happened... I heard the man is still being treated... Why did you do that?"

Amber loosened her embrace and wiped the tears on her cheeks.

"I was sitting on one of the tables... I was waiting for my drink when he approached me... He was flirting with me... I politely refused him and told him I wasn't interested... But he was really persistent... I got annoyed, so I spouted offensive words to him that made him angry and aggressive..."

"The customers near my table noticed us so he leaned closer to me and mumbled such nasty and disgusting things while crawling his hands in my body... I... I freaked out... I pushed him and slapped him... I think he got embarrassed that's maybe why he requited me a punch in my stomach... That's when the trouble started... And I unintentionally slit his throat."

Summer fumed at what Amber told her.

"That bastard! You should've not just slit his throat! You should have separated his head from his body!"

They both looked at the door when a woman and a police officer barged in...

"That! That woman! That nefarious woman!! Arrest her! She almost killed my husband!" The woman in her mid-40s told the police officer that was with her while pointing her finger at Amber. But, the annoyance in the police officer's face was obvious.

Summer was about to stand and yelled back at the discourteous woman, but she was ceased by Amber...

Amber just calmly looked at the woman and the police officer that was now walking towards her.

"I was asked by Mr. Rodriguez to bring you into his room. He wanted to talk to you" The police said that jolted the woman behind him.

"My husband? Why... Why he wants to talk to that criminal?!" Summer had enough. She glared at the noisy wife and walked a few steps towards her.

"Watch your mouth! You know nothing."

"Summer, enough... Let's go"

Amber headed to the man's room which throat was slit by her with the police officer, Summer, and the man's wife.

As they entered the room, the other two police officers were also inside the room. The man was lying on the hospital bed, covered by a bandage around his neck. There were also some bandaids all over his face...

The man slowly got up and paced towards Amber... They were all stupefied as he knelt down, holding Amber's hand.

"Please, forgive me... Forgive me... It was my fault... I did a mistake... Please... Forgive me..." The man cried, echoing his sobs at the four corners of the room.

Even his wife couldn't react at the moment... Amber looked at him with a cold stare...

"You shouldn't apologize to me... But to your wife... You cheated on her... Be thankful enough you're still alive to reflect on your sinful deeds."

Amber turned around and glanced at the police officers. "Can I return to my room, now?"

"Yes... Ma'am" The police politely responded.

Amber went out of the room but Summer stayed for a moment, glaring at the woman.

"Next time... Know the truth first." She told, then followed Amber outside.

Amber immediately rested on her bed as soon as she arrived in her hospital room. Summer also sat on the couch in the corner.

"Are you sure you will not file any charges to that man?"

"Why would I? They didn't file anything towards me, too... I'm not stupid... Of course, I'll choose what's good for me"

"You have a point."

Amber stared at Summer.

"Anyway... What's bothering you?"


"You don't look well last night... You're also up all night. Why I knew, you ask? Well... You're not a light sleeper to wake up with just a few knocks... Plus, you look worst right now" Summer averted her gaze.

"U-Uh... J-Just... Thinking stuff"

"What kind of stuff is that to make you sleepless?"

"You know what... Stop asking about it, okay? It's not important... It's nothing..." Summer stood up and let out a loud sigh.

'Am I really that easy to read, tsk', she thought.

"What do you want to eat?" Summer asked, diverting Amber's attention.


Summer glanced at her watch.

"I'll ask Melissa to deliver the food to you, I have to go to work."

Amber just nodded at what she said. Summer also nodded before leaving.

As she got into her car, she sighed for the nth time... Actually, she's free today... And yes, she lied to Amber... She will not go to her work, but the Fuenta Glamouroza... Yes. Yes... The work she was talking about was her messed-up heart.

Meanwhile, Tristan just arrived from an endorsement shoot. He flopped to the sofa in the leisure room, massaging the bridge of his nose...

He stared at the ceiling.

'After all this... I'll be back to the invisible Tristan again'

He bitterly chuckled. 'Harry was right'

"I heard from Trish" Tristan snapped his head as Whifler spoke.

"Heard, what?"

"You know what I'm talking about... She was really worried about you..."

"Mhm... I'm in a safe place last night, tell her that." Tristan coldly uttered, resting his back.

"Aren't you going home?"

"Not sure"

Whifler sighed. "You should go home, at least"

"Oh. Right timing, you're here. Summer was looking for you" Tristan's eyes widened and jolted up as soon as he heard Tanya mention Summer's name.

He looked at Tanya, coming in with Summer behind her.

Tristan felt a bit nervous and panic. What should he do? He wasn't ready yet to face her right now... Tristan was like a scanner when he roamed his eyes around the room, looking for something to be used as a valid excuse.

He stopped when his eyes landed on Whifler, then a light bulb went off in his head.

"I... I have to go home? Yes. Yes!... I will go home, now... Stop nagging me about it!" Tristan suddenly exclaimed that causing Whifler's one eyebrow to raise.

"I'm not nagging you... What are you talking about?"

"You just did! Okay! Okay!... I'll go home now." Tristan anxiously fixed his things then went out, but Tanya confusedly stopped him.

"Who will drive you home? I am your driver, did you forget?"

Tristan flinched. He unintentionally glanced at Summer whose eyes were now sparkling in pain... He clenched his fist and lowered his gaze.

"You can stay with her... You should entertain the guest. I'll drive myself... Please, excuse me." Tristan said then left.

Tanya's forehead wrinkled, staring at Tristan walking away.

"She's obviously avoiding me, isn't she?" Summer glumly uttered. Tanya looked at her with a comforting gaze.

"Don't worry... Maybe, she needs a little more time... It'll be fine soon."

Summer bitterly smiled at Tanya.


Summer lowered her gaze, the unexplainable tightening in her chest was choking her up. Her tummy was aching, and her body was trembling... She managed to hold back her tears but she could not hide the weakness and sadness in her eyes.

She wanted to clear things up but, how would she do that?

Truth be told, Summer was almost regretting the confession she did.

Whifler stood up and went towards Summer and Tanya.

"Don't worry too much... I know she'll sort her thoughts out, soon enough... I'm sure she will not throw the friendship you had that easily... Trust and hold onto her for now..."

Summer was relieved a bit at what Whifler said.

'Yeah... I should wait...'