'Where my passion lies'

"I just got out from a shower... What is it?"

Trish—wearing her white bathrobe with a huge embroidered name of her in pink threads at the back—was just walking towards her room, massaging her hair with the towel while talking to Whifler on the phone.

[Is Tristan home?]

"Hm. No?... Not yet, I guess..."

[I see... He left an hour ago... Maybe he has gone somewhere else]

Trish's brows furrowed.

"Again?!... Is something wrong?"

[Yes. Seems like Tristan was avoiding Summer]

"He, what?" Trish paused for a bit.

"Why? Did they fight?"

[I don't know what exactly the reason is, but I guess it's a matter that we should leave unknown for now. Let him tell about it himself]

"You got a p—" Trish was stunned as she saw her room's door slightly open. Her forehead wrinkled, thinking if she forgot to close it before going to the bathroom.


"Oh, yes... Uhm... I'll call you back later" Trish hung up then slowly paced towards her room.

As she reached the doorstep and pushed the door to widely open it, her jaw almost dropped when she saw a familiar back—standing in front of her mini cabinet—beside her bed.

"T-Tristan..." Her heart started to race, seeing the brown envelope on his left hand. Her regret of not throwing and burning it immediately struck her.

Now, someone in her family knew... Calming her shaking body and dried-up throat, Trish tried to remain composed.

"What are you doing here?" She asked that made him turn around, forming a displeased expression on his face.

Tristan raised the piece of paper in his right hand while throwing a glare at Trish.

"What's the meaning of this?"

"You know... You didn't just sneak into my room, you also touch my things... That's unaccepta—"

Trish was stopped by Tristan's chuckle. His shoulders were going up and down while his head shook in disbelief. He glanced at the paper, reading back the words written on the paper... Reading her medical result to be exact.

"I snuck to find the key of that room upstairs because I'm really curious... I know that's wrong but I didn't expect that this will I found..."

"So... You've been fine for a long time... But you hid it from us and feigned it... Why?"

Trish who was still simulating her composure, secretly sighed her heavy breathes caused by the choking sensation in her chest, and then she walked into her room, distracting herself from cracking up by hanging her towel in the metal hanger she just pulled out from her cabinet.

Her nervousness is no joke...

"It's nothing."

Tristan chuckled once again, then gradually lifted his eyes to look directly at Trish's figure.

"Was it fun watching me suffer? Was it entertaining to see me look like a fool doing this ridiculous thing for nothing?!... Damn... I wonder how satisfying it was for you whenever I received a pleasurable slap on my face!"

"It's not like what you think! What are you spouting? Who's having fun watching whom?"

"Why did you lie?"

Trish was shut... She lowered her gaze and clenched her fist. Her words were trapped, her voice was gone... How should she answer him? She didn't know... She just couldn't muster her courage to tell him... She's not ready yet...

Trish bit her lower lip, preventing herself to tear up.


"Tristan, please! Please, don't ask me that just yet... Please... Not now..." Trish finally poured out the tears she was trying to hold. Her body trembled even more and her eyes started to redden.

"Please... Tristan... Understand..."

"How... How can I understand?... What about me? Can you understand?" Tristan's voice was cracking.

"Did you know how much I suffered? Did you know how difficult it is to be someone else and suppress yourself from wanting what you want and needing what you need?! Did you know, huh? Did you know?!"

"Do you also know what I'm going through, huh? No, you didn't... Right? So, don't criticize me because you're not the only one who's having a hard time! I have my reasons! Don't be so insensitive!" Trish exclaimed which caused him to pause for a while...

"I sacrificed everything and now you're telling me that?" Tristan snickered. "Insensitive? Am I?"

"Who's being insensitive here, Trish? Is it really me?... No... It's you! You're only thinking for yourself! You are selfish!... I helped you out of the mud but you put me in return and left me struggling... You let others drown just to make yourself breath!"

Tristan wiped the single tear that fell of and threw a cold glance at Trish.

"Yes... I may be unaware of what you've been through but you also have no idea how your lies affected me..."

Trish was struck by his words so hard. Her wrecked heart was shattered even more... She knew she added up his suffering and it pained her seeing him in that situation but she had no choice... She was also at her crisis... It may be wrong but was it bad to choose to save yourself when you had a chance to do so?

Tristan was about to leave but Trish tightly grabbed his hand and ceased him from walking away.

"Wait..." Trish took a deep sigh and stared at her brother. "Y-You wanted to know about that room, right?... I... I'll show it to you."

Tristan pulled his hand back and coldly told.

"I'm not interested anymore."

"Tristan!... Please... Let me show it to you and hear me out... I'll tell you everything..."

Tristan was paused. He stared at her for a moment then turned around, facing his back at her. "Bring your key"

He said then headed first. Trish sighed, then quickly opened the mini box under the carpet beneath her bed. She pulled a silver key out of the box then once again sighed.

'Yes... This is the right thing to do', she thought then followed Tristan upstairs.

As they reached the room's door, Trish didn't wait for any second and unlocked the knob but before she opened the door, she faced to Tristan—who was behind her—and told.

"Whatever you'll see and know today, please... Keep it to yourself for now... Promise me, Tristan"

Tristan clicked his tongue and narrowed his eyes.

"We didn't reconcile yet, remember? But... Let's see"

Trish didn't complain anymore. "Alright."

She finally twisted the knob after her soft several sighs and widely opened the door.

"Welcome... To my world." She may sound serious but it gave a cringe feeling to Tristan.

Tristan stepped to the doorstep and looked at the inside of the room... His eyes widened and his jaw was slightly hanged, unbelieving what his eyes were seeing...

Tristan snapped his head to look at his sister.


"Yes... Tristan... This room is my heart... My escape... My secret" Trish weakly smiled.

"The room where my passion lies..." Trish roamed her eyes across the four corners of the wide room.

"My precious and hidden gallery"