Like A Captured Birds.

Colorful flowers and shapes, different kinds of faces, amazing postures, animals, nature, you name it... All of them were realistically drawn and were placed in beautiful frames. Some were hanged and some were horizontally leaned to the wall.

Tristan's eyes were full, staring at each of the drawings.

'She has gifted hands', all he could think of while admiring his sister's artworks.

After doting, Tristan's brows furrowed and looked at Trish in confusion.

"What does this room have to do with your lying?" he asked that lowered Trish's gaze.

She slowly walked towards the sofa at the corner of the room and sat there.

"I... I don't want to be a model" She started that confused him more.


"I never wanted it... I even never dreamt to be one... But... I can't complain about it."

Tristan's face turned emotionless, carefully listening to his sister. He could see the loneliness in her eyes and the gloominess through her sighs.

"Ever since I started this career... I never feel happiness... I felt empty... But... When I saw that man, it seems like there is something within me that wanted to burst out. I didn't know what it is but it felt really good... He was so beautiful while sitting on that mini chair with a pencil in his hand." Trish slightly smiled.

"I can still remember the different brushes beside him and the rolled paper on the other side... He was so calm while drawing a beautiful lady holding a bouquet of red roses."

"Since then, every time I came home from a shoot I feel so excited... Especially when I'm gathering the materials that I bought... Pencils... Papers... Erasers... I was really happy copying my stuff toys..."

Trish's smile turned into a frown and she started to fidget her thumbs.

"But mom... She didn't like what I'm doing... She's scolding me every time I'm holding a pencil or paper. She wanted me to practice my walks and poses instead of slacking and doing stupid things... She threw all of it and prohibited me to draw..."

"Mom believed that I am the reason why we were accepted in this family... That's maybe why she wanted to do everything to help the company. She just didn't want to disappoint grandma... And... I understand that... I tried to understand that..."

Trish stood up and went to one of her art. It was a portrait of a lonely child reaching for her favorite toy that was too far from her...

"But... I just couldn't ignore what I want... My body was itching... Every blink of my eyes I remember that man... 'I want to draw... I want to draw... I want to draw'... It's deafening my ears... Every night, I saw myself in front of a huge paper in my dreams..."

Trish caressed the child she drew and smiled.

"This is the first one I draw in this room... For years I've been suppressing myself, I finally found my peace... As soon as I bought this house, I told myself that this will be my place... No one can stop me here... No one will part me with what I love"

Trish looked at Tristan who was still silent and letting her talk.

"You know, I'm really glad that I got injured... In this kind of impossible chance, I escaped from my choking responsibility... I felt free... I felt relieved... But that didn't take long... I recovered... That's the worst I've ever heard..."

"I don't want to come back... So I lied... I kept the truth to run away... Yes, you're right... I am selfish... And I want to apologize for that" Trish's tears started to fall.

"But, Tristan... Just this once... I am begging you... Give me some more time to savor this freedom... Just a little more."

Trish's tears streamed down through her cheeks nonstop. She held his hands with those pleading eyes.

"I know It's hard for you, too... But, please... Please, Tristan... Just a bit more... I want to be freed... I've been dreaming this chance to come and now here it is... I couldn't let it go... Please let me, Tristan... Let me break free for a while... Please."

Trish's sobs echoed in Tristan's ears... Every gasp, every mourn of her was weighing him down.


Tristan couldn't resist the pitiful view of his sister. He knew how it felt... He knew how excruciating it was to be unable to get what you want... To restrain yourself... Their crisis may be a bit different but they were both longing for the things they love... For something they craved.

Tristan realized they are like captured birds. He was the bird locked in a cage and Trish was the one with a leash...

He had no idea... His sister was so calm and radiantly smiling in front of the cameras... In front of the people... But little did he know, behind those enticing smiles that have melted a million hearts, was a frown that she couldn't show...

She was a lonely and unhappy woman disguised as an alluring and optimistic lady. Forbid to reveal who she really is, to express what she truly feels and choose what exactly she wants.

Tristan gently pulled his hands back and wiped Trish's wet cheeks with his thumbs.

Looking at his sister, his heart was crumpled. It's choking him up that he could barely breathe. Yes, he hates her but seeing her cry and suffer, was just too painful...

It was enough that he was the only one struggling... He didn't care if someone criticize his selflessness... No one could actually understand what Trish had been enduring more than he do...

If it means a lot to her, so be it.

"3 months... I'll give you time to be ready... After that, you'll tell mom about it... Promise me that, too... You can't hide this wonderful gift you have forever... Express it, Trish... I know... Mom will understand if you just tell her the truth" Tristan put his hands above Trish's shoulders and slightly smiled.

"Mom neglected me to perfectly shape you... Don't let my suffering and sacrifices go to waste... For that at least, I'd be at ease"

Trish couldn't believe what just her brother told her... Indeed, the heaviness of her chest had lightened. It was like a burden was lifted from her shoulders...

Instead of hushing herself, Trish cried louder than before that surprised Tristan.

"Hey. Hey! I didn't say that to make you cry even more." Tristan told in a panic tone, gently tapping her back.

"N-No... No... I-I'm just... J-Just happy..."

"Then laugh. Stop crying!"

Trish stood properly and stared at Tristan with those reddish eyes. "I... I'm so thankful"

"Yes. Yes. You should be... Please, stop weeping now. Your face is annoying when you cry."

"Why? Was it heartbreaking?"

"No. It's an eyesore"

Trish just rolled her eyes with a smile formed on her lips. "Look who's talking."

"Okay enough. Let's go... I'm hungry"

Trish chuckled and looked at him with great gladness. Bit by bit seems like they were getting back to what they used to... And hopefully, the Tristan she knew who was shining in happiness before will also be back soon.

"Thank you, Tristan"

"Don't thank me... I don't know how to answer that. It's annoying"

"Ohh... Thank you, Tristan"

"Stop it"

"Thank you!"

"Trish, I'm warning you!"

"Thank youuuu hahaha"

"I'm dialing, mom"

"Hey! Hey! I'm just joking! Drop it! Drop it!"

"Hello, mom?"





The next day...

The bright sun was setting down and Tristan was still reading his script for the advertisement he'll shoot tomorrow.

They were currently at the leisure room of Fuenta Glamouroza... Tanya was busy preparing Tristan's stuff while Whifler was just sitting on a couch, watching Tristan.

His brows furrowed, befuddled at Tristan's unusual behavior.

"As far as I remember, Trish told me you'll stop pretending after those last appointments you had. But... Why does it feel like... You're more motivated than usual?" Whifler asked which caused Tristan's head to turn at him.

"It's confidential" Tristan deadpanned then he returned his focus in the script again.

Whifler's eyes just narrowed, unamused to his reply. "Anyway. How long will you avoid Summer? She's always calling us because you're not answering her calls nor replying to her messages."

Whifler saw him flinched. He was silent for a moment before he looked at him.

"I'm still not ready... I... I don't know how to face her"

Whifler sighed. "Just talk to her... No offense but, this is not between you and Summer... Remember, it was still Trish and Summer's friendship... You may end up ruining their relationship if you prolong it... Make up your mind quickly."

Tanya lightly slapped Whifler's arm then she mouthed 'Don't be rude'. Whifler just glared at her then turned his attention back to Tristan who was now bowed.


"I... I understand..." Tristan weakly responded then stood up.

"Let's go home... I'm tired"

Tanya and Whifler followed him with their gazes as he left the leisure room.

Tanya threw a death glare at Whifler and smacked him hard which made him curse.

"Read between the lines, you idiot! Are you dense or something? Don't you understand why it's hard for him to face her?"

"I know! But this should be stopped! Tanya, did you forget? Summer didn't know she was dealing with Tristan. Aren't you worried that she'll cut ties with him which she thought was Trish? And do you think Trish would be happy about that?"

"What about Tristan? Even if he didn't say it, we know he likes Summer... Aren't you worried about him? He's not happy right now, too... Can't you see the pain in his eyes?"

"I do... That's why I'm trying to fix this!"

Tanya loudly sighed out of frustration as she flopped to the sofa and messed her hair.

"Things got more complicated when she confessed. I don't want to blame her but, damn. If only she hasn't done it sooner."

Whifler snapped his head at what she said.

"What did you say? She, what?"

"She admitted how she felt to Tristan that she should have admitted to Trish... As you said, Summer knows nothing and Tristan is aware of that... That's why he chose to avoid her rather than giving her a straight answer." Tanya sat properly.

"And I understand he just did what he thought was right... If he accepted Summer's confession that wasn't for him, it's like he's giving her false hope... But if he turned her down, he might hurt her... So, he just avoided her instead which actually exacerbated the situation..." Tanya added that put them both into a deep silence.

After a moment, Whifler massaged the bridge of his nose. "Oh, God! This is driving me nuts!"

"I told you."

"This is not part of the plan."

"Yeah... But their feelings are involved now, we can't do anything about it."

Whifler nodded as he agreed with Tanya. He seriously looked at Tanya and told.

"There's only one person who can fix this"

Tanya's forehead knitted. "Who?"
