'We need to talk'

"HEIDIIIIIIIIIII!!!" Summer shrieked then she jumped onto Heidi's bed. She was on top of her and was harshly shaking both of her shoulders. "Wake up!"

"Summer, stop it! I'm still sleepy."

"What? Hey! You left so early last night then came back late. And now you will consume the remaining time on sleeping? Director rented this hotel to bond and have fun, not to snuggle up with the blanket! Come ooooon!"

"Just have fun with the others, why bother me?"

"You've been sleeping till noon and you're still sleepy? Wait... Did Reign overwork you last n—" A loud thud was heard when Heidi jolted up, dropping Summer to the floor.

"You're so mean!" Summer complained while caressing her back.

"Stop saying nonsense things if you don't want that to happen again."

"What nonsense, I'm just asking." Summer pouted but she swiftly took it back with a cheerful smile and sat at the corner of Heidi's bed.

"So, are you coming now?"

"You're really persistent, aren't you?"

"Of course." Summer playfully waved her eyebrows up and down.

Heidi looked at the glass window of the room. The sun was shining beautifully. Its sunlight was giving a comforting view and relaxing heat. But, it wasn't enough to lift what was weighing her down.

Heidi was just blankly staring at the blinding sky through the window. She already fulfilled her goals, and Reign wasn't mad at her too... But why does she feel like there's still something missing? She couldn't feel the satisfaction she was expecting. Did she really win her own battle?

This is what she longed to happen and looked forward to... She should be happy, right? But... What is this feeling of heaviness?

"Heidi?" Summer called which caught her attention. She glanced at Summer, straight-faced.

"Sorry. What was it again?"

"I said let's go... What's wrong with you? Uh. If you're that tired you don't need to force yourself."

Heidi's expressionless face turned into a glare. "You brat. You're telling me that now after you pestered me so much?"

"Ehehe. Sorry... Okay! Okay. Fix yourself, I'll be waiting outside. Be quick!" Summer immediately left. Heidi let out a deep sigh after.

'Mom, did I do the right thing?' she thought then stood up. 'Maybe... I did not?'




The clacking of the utensils, chattering of the crews, and the smell of the food that the chef was cooking, scattered all through the corners of the dining hall of the hotel.

They were currently having their lunch. Summer and Heidi were seated at the two-seater corner of the hall. Summer noticed Heidi's constant glance at each of the tables, obviously looking for someone.

Summer sighed. "Reign wasn't here. She had an advertisement shoot early in the morning. But, I guess she'll be back soon."

Heidi just nodded and continued eating. During her meal, her thoughts wandered. Her head was full of jumbled what-ifs and reflection of what she perpetrated, weighing whether it gave justice or not.

She was indeed almost regretful but when the memory of her deceased sister flashed through her mind, anger swallowed her up again and made her more confident of what she did.

Well... If nobody can give justice, why not get it yourself?

"Heidi? Oi, Heidi!"

Heidi flinched then she glanced at Summer. "Huh?"

"God, you're spacing out again. I've been talking here for ages but you're not listening!"

"Sorry. What were you saying?"

"The news. Have you heard the news about Roy's Clinic?"

Heidi was stunned. Even though Summer didn't tell her the rest, she anticipated what was the news about.

She immediately lowered her head and took another bite of her food, trying to conceal the nervousness that was starting to wrap her up.

Heidi calmed her voice and asked. "What news?"

"Their substitute doctor was found dead." Summer answered while reading the news on her phone.

Heidi was dumbfounded. She knew it was it, but confirming it made her more bothered. Of course, they will find the body early in the morning but undoubtedly, news spread pretty fast.

"Is that so?" Heidi told, then drank her water to pacify her trembling body. "What's the cause?"

"Mhmm... It was still unknown but, they were investigating it... Poor man" Summer clicked her tongue as she read the article. "Oh, right! Didn't you go there last night?"

Heidi paused. "What?"

"You said you will see your doctor that's why you didn't join the dinner. Aren't your doctor is Roy... Uh, what was his last name? Demi? Damu? Dashi? Darna? Darni? D—Aish! Never mind... This is his clinic, right?"

"Oh... Uhm. Yes... He was on leave and I found it out late... So, I just didn't go."

"Ahh. Why you didn't return here? You came back almost dawn."

"Uh. That... I... I met Reign instead." Heidi glanced at Summer, hoping that she will believe her words. Luckily, Summer just nodded and rested down her phone.

"I see... Now, I understand why you're so tire—"

Summer was cut off after Heidi threw a crumpled tissue on her face. Heidi's embarrassed at the same time annoyed expression made Summer smirk.

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. Haha!" Summer ridiculed.

"You won't really tell them because nothing actually happened!"

"Mhmm... Okay. Let's just say I believe that."


"What?" Summer teasingly smiled while sipping her drink. Heidi just rolled her eyes then just continued eating her food.

"You know, your eyes were more honest than your tongue." Summer fueled.

"I told you we did nothing!"

"Hahahaha... You know it's true when you're getting red like that."

"Ugh. Summer, shut it!".

Summer stopped laughing and just rolled her eyes. "Duh. We're adults and that's something natural for our age. Don't be too shy there."

"How many times do I have to tell you that we didn't!"

"Alright. Alright... Chill." Summer grinned. She was about to eat the spoonful of her food but she stopped when her phone rang. She glanced at Heidi and told her to wait, then she went outside.

Heidi followed her with her gaze, she sighed as she remembered the news that Summer told her earlier. Although Reign reassured no one would suspect her nor find out it was her, she just couldn't rest her mind.

'What am I scared of? No one will know. No one!' she thought, making herself believe while gripping the fork and spoon.

She jolted when someone held both of her clenched fists. Her gaze soften and she felt lightened as she looked behind her.

"Reign." She uttered. Reign's cold gazes calmed her uneasiness, her touch pacified her trembling body and her aura made her mind peaceful.

Reign paced beside her and stared at her with those emotionless eyes. "Stop worrying about it. No one will question your innocence."

"H-How did—"

"It was written all over your face. It's obvious even from afar." Reign told. Heidi just averted her gaze and slightly lowered her head.

"Also. Be more careful around Summer. She has a pretty sharp intuition." Reign added while staring outside. Heidi turned her head in the direction she was looking at as well.

Summer was standing there while happily talking to someone on her phone. Heidi glanced at Reign. "Do you think she will report me when she finds out?"

"Who knows. Why? Are you planning to tell her?"


"Good. It's better to remain silent as long as nobody linked you to his death." Reign told then she turned around as she saw Summer coming in. "See you later."

Heidi just 'Mhm' as a response then Reign left. Summer confusedly looked at Reign's back, walking away.

"Are you two talking about me behind my back?"

Heidi paused at Summer's question then she slightly smile. "Is that a joke or a serious question?"

"Whichever you prefer."

Heidi just chuckled. "She just said Hi to me. So, who called you?"

Summer smiled from ear to ear and her eyes sparkled. "Take a guess!"


"Whoa! You got it fast."

"Who else would make you so happy like that if it's not her?"

Summer just teeheed. "Oh. Are you done eating?"


"Cool. Let's take a stroll!"


Summer's eyes narrowed. "Choose. Should I drag you or should I really drag you?"


"Not included."


"Definitely not included either."

"So cruel."

"Anything else to say?" Summer teasingly smiled. Heidi just sighed in defeat.

"Fine." She said then stood up. "Let's go."



After they strolled the other parts of the hotel, they reached the part where others were chilling at the jacuzzi.

"Look at these ugly monkeys. None of them told me there was a jacuzzi here." Summer mumbled.

"Heidi!" both of them looked at the girl—Erika—who shouted. She got out of the jacuzzi after she put down her drink, then she ran towards them.

She was one of the staff that mostly helped with preparing their clothes or costumes. She worriedly looked at Heidi as she reached their spot. "I... I read about the news of that clinic."

Befuddled by her statement, Heidi just confusedly stared at her. "Oh... Yeah... Summer already told me."

"Gosh. As soon as I read it, I immediately thought of you... I was so worried that you've witnessed the death of that doctor."

Heidi flinched but swiftly made herself composed and smile a bit. "Why do you think I witnessed?"

"Uhm. I saw you last night dropping off at that clinic when I'm on my way to the hotel. Uh. I secured my sisters first so I went late... You left before that happened, right?" She worriedly asked Heidi.

Summer unbelievably looked at Heidi who was now uncomfortable and nervous. Summer's stares were giving her chills...

She couldn't even throw a glance at Summer, Reign just told her to be careful but how would she do that? Now that someone gave her a hint, she was perhaps in the process of completing a puzzle in her mind right now. Plus, the staff's words contradicted what she just said to Summer.

Heidi awkwardly chuckled. "I left before that happened."

Erika sighed in relief. "Thank goodness! I was afraid that you'll have trauma."

"T-Thank you for your concern. A-ah... T-The jacuzzi is great, right? I'll just change. Uhm. Excuse me." Heidi nervously left but Summer followed her.

As they made their way to the changing room, Summer pulled her phone out of her pocket and created a message.

[To Tristan: Sorry. I can't make it today. Something came up. I will make up with you next time. I promise! Take care.]

After sending it, she doubled her pace to catch up with her then she gently grabbed Heidi's arm and made her face her. With that serious look on her face, Summer locked her gaze to Heidi and told,

"We need to talk."