'We need to talk' |2|

Heidi was taken aback as Summer grabbed her arm. "We need to talk."

"A-About what?" Heidi stammered without looking into Summer's eyes.

"I know I shouldn't interfere but, why did you lie to me?"

"What are you talking about?" Heidi pulled her arm and slightly turned her face sideways. Summer noticed she was avoiding the question.

Summer sighed. "Heidi... You already know what exactly running through my head right now... So, please... Make these thoughts wrong."

Heidi was silent. Her eyes were averted and her lips were pursed in discomfort. She couldn't say anything. Her mind was completely blank at the moment.

What should be the right words to explain? Should she lie or just tell the whole truth?

"Heidi... You're scaring me. Say something!" Summer grabbed both of her hands and looked at her eyes worriedly.

Heidi didn't say anything but the tears that fell from her eyes attested to Summer's suspicion.

Summer was stunned staring at the expression she made. She gaped at the clear truth she couldn't believe it was it. "Heidi... What have you done?"

"I just did what had to be done. I did what he deserved!"

"You killed someone just because they deserve it?"

"Yes. He is way more worthy of that death than you think."

Summer froze as she heard Heidi's heartless words. "What?"

She released Heidi's hands in disbelief and slightly distanced herself. "Can you hear yourself? You don't own anyone's life. You have no right to take it whenever you want!"

"That man is an exception!"

Summer was shut. Heidi's eyes were conveying anger and anguish. She could feel her grudges through her voice. Heidi was trembling not in fear nor guilt but with the extreme exasperation that was left in her.

"What... What did that man do to you to get you this far?"

"Do you remember about my sister? He's the culprit."

"Then you should've let the law punish him!"

"Law. Law. LAW! They are all useless!! I trusted them once but what happened? They were all fools that were thirsty for money! We lose the case, Summer... I don't know how did it happen, but he wasn't convicted... He bribed everyone in that court!" Heidi stared at Summer's eyes.

"Now... If I did let the law condemn him again, do you think he won't do the same thing?" Heidi added.

"Whether you get justice or not, you should still do the right thing!"

"It's easy for you to say that because you're not in my shoes!"

Summer clenched her fist, displeased at what she just heard. Seeing one of her closest friends become like this, hurts her. And the thoughts of not being able to help or prevent it beforehand shattered her into pieces.

"Who are you?" Summer crackly uttered. "It's not you anymore."

"It's still me... Nothing changed. I just avenged the murder of my sister. I gave her justice that the law couldn't. Unlike you... Your father was obviously murdered. But his death was declared to be caused by an unspecified illness... Right?" Summer suddenly felt anger at Heidi's remark. Her words were getting into her nerves.

"Why bring that up?" Summer clenched her teeth and her fists tighter. But, Heidi just looked at her with a glimpse of mockery in her gaze.

"Because you knew something seems off. But you were foolish that you even believed and accepted those lies! You're a coward, Summer! You turn a blind eye to the truth behind your father's death!" Heidi came back to her senses as Summer walloped her a slap on her face.

Summer was hurt. Why brought up her deceased father? She was healed. She forgot it all... But mentioning him again was like reopening the scar.

Heidi snapped her head. She locked her gaze into Summer's then realized what she just said. "I-I'm sorry... Summer."

Heidi was right. Summer knew all along that someone flawlessly killed her father. Until now, she had no idea who it was nor proved her hunch.

But, she believed time will reveal the truth. She won't force anything as she waits for the right time and timing. Everything happens for a reason. Even though she couldn't understand the reason, she's still trusting the karma to strike whoever it was tenfold.

Summer nodded. "You're right... We're not alike... Because I... Am not doltish to throw my life for revenge!"

"Are you two done comparing yourselves?" Heidi was stupefied when she saw who butted in. Summer didn't even flinch nor look behind as she recognized the voice.

"You talked like you're in a soundproof room. Your voices were banging my ears even when I'm still outside." Reign calmly stated while walking towards them. Summer glared at her.

"You knew about this, too?" Summer asked.


"And you tolerated her?!"

"Of course. I'm on her side."

Summer snickered at Reign's toneless answer. "As expected."

Summer let out a deep sigh and glanced at them. She wiped her almost dry tears and coldly stared at Heidi whose expression was now unexplainable.

"Just a piece of advice. Be sure not to get caught... And regret everything later." Summer told then she left.

Heidi drooped to the floor after. Her knees suddenly became weak as Summer's words sank in. Her tears were slowly forming in front of her eyes and her body was trembling even more. "Reign..."

Heidi clenched her fist. "Sh-She's right... I-I..."

"Shut up."

Heidi flinched at Reign's authoritative tone. She lifted her head to look at her. "R-Reign."

"Don't mind her. You did nothing wrong." Reign turned her head in Heidi's direction. "That man took your sister's life. So, taking his was the most justified deed... Fairly enough."

Heidi was dumbfounded. She couldn't utter a word. Now, her thoughts were jumbled... Even messier than the knotted thread.

"But, just how stupid you are to admit it in front of her." Reign raised one of her brows. Heidi paused then averted her gaze as she sensed Reign's upcoming anger.

"What do I do? She already caught me."

"Idiot. You can just deny it."

Heidi lowered her head. "I'm sorry."

"Never mind. It happened. Now, all we have to do is watch Summer... Your safety depends on that mouth of her."

Heidi was just staring at Reign. She sighed and looked at the empty door from which Summer exited.

'You will not betray me, right? Summer...' she thought, hoping that Summer would keep what she found out to herself.

Will she really keep it?



Meanwhile, Summer scooted back as she reached the hallway. Her eyes slightly widened when she saw Erika standing beside her.

Erika was also surprised to see her so, she swiftly hid her phone inside her pocket. "Summer! W-Why aren't you in a swimsuit yet?"

"You... How long have you been here?"

Erika flinched. "Oh... Uh... J-Just now. I saw Reign enter here so I followed her to give this. She dropped it."

Summer glanced at the VIP card she showed. Though she felt odd, she chose to believe Erika's words. Summer got the card from her hand. "I'll give it to her. Thanks."

"Uhm. Yeah. No worries." Erika responded then walked away. Summer once again glanced behind her. Her brows knitted in worry.

'Heidi... Please. Find the light' she thought then also left.