'No. Coming here wasn't a mistake. Yes. Definitely not!'

"Where should we drop you?" Tanya asked Tristan while driving at a low speed. She was asking about the location where he will meet Summer.

Whifler beside Tanya glanced at the front mirror to look at Tristan who was sitting on the back. He was waiting for Tristan's response as Tristan was silent for a moment.

Tristan faintly sighed. "Drop me at the first dumpling store you'll see."

"Huh? Was that Summer told you?"

"She's not coming."

Both Tanya and Whifler sensed the disappointment in his tone. Though they didn't know why Summer canceled their rendezvous, they didn't ask further.

Tanya pulled the car over in front of a mini-store of dumplings she spotted first.

"What time should I pick you up?" Tanya asked but Tristan just shook his head.

"I'll go home myself. Don't worry." He responded then got out of the car.

Whifler and Tanya glanced at each other after they saw him enter the store. They could hear how weak his voice was. The way he gazed at them, loneliness was seen in his eyes.

"He was really looking forward to it." Tanya told.

Whifler sighed, then fixed his seatbelt as Tanya started the engine. "I know. They had not seen each other for days. Of course, he will fondly anticipate it."

"Will he be alright?".

"Yes. He's fine. Tristan was good at dealing with everything on his own, though it's not nonobvious."

"You're right." Tanya agreed then drove away.



Concurrently, Tristan blankly stared at the dumplings in front of him... Actually, he wasn't hungry nor craving for it. He just wants to hang out somewhere. Well, he also didn't know why he blurted dumpling store out of all places.

"Hi! Mind if I join you?" Tristan came back to his senses as someone suddenly sat across him and lively greeted him.

He lifted his eyes to see who it was. His brows furrowed in surprise. "Amber?"

"Yep! I'm glad you remember me." Amber grinned. "Are you alone or someone is with you?"

"I'm alone."

"Mhm. Well, you're not now." Amber tee heed as she tore the wrapper of her fork. But she halted and looked at Tristan who was now staring at her. "Uh. Is it okay with you?"

"Y-Yes... It's fine" Tristan slightly smiled. Amber smiled back, then she started eating.

"Do you also like this place or you were just craving for dumplings?" Amber asked while munching her food. Tristan paused for a moment, thinking about what should he respond.

"Oh. Uhm... I... I'm just craving for it."

"I see" Amber nodded.

"What about you?"

"Me? Well... I really like this place. They have the most delicious dumplings in this area!" Amber paused and stared at him, eating his food. "What do you think? How was it?"

"I've never been to other dumpling stores but I agree these dumplings are delicious."

"I told you!" Amber smiled then ate her third dumpling. "What type of dumpling filling do you like the best?"

"Nothing in particular but I usually ordered beef. Uh. Anything is fine with me."

"Whoa. Cool! I also like beef... And I hate veges." Amber rolled her eyes, then she slightly gasped as something came up to her mind. "Where else are you going after?"

"I don't know... Uh. Home?"

"Uhm... Do you want to hang out with me?" Amber bit her lower lip. She was now reddish as she was a bit embarrassed for asking. She lowered her head while fidgeting her left hand's thumb and index finger.

Originally, Amber planned to eat and go clubbing after since she was in deep loneliness. But, now that she coincidentally met Tristan and she strangely feel delighted upon seeing him, Amber decided to knock around with him.

Tristan on the other hand thought about her question. Actually, he was too upset that his energy became drained. He could even barely lift the fork and munch his food. Exag, right? But what could he do? He suddenly felt tired as soon as he read Summer's message. [The message Summer sent to him in chapter 43 'We need to talk']

Tristan made up his mind. Since he's not in the mood to go home yet, he agreed to Amber which immediately made her more energized.

"T-Thanks!" Amber enthusiastically remark then focused back on her food. Well... Not entirely because her mind wandered, thinking of a wonderful place to take Tristan to. Somewhere that he would not regret coming for. A place that they'll both enjoy.

Amber slowly lifted her gaze. She was playing with the fork with her mouth while staring at Tristan. She's completely lost in the thought of where should she bring him to.

Tristan halted when he felt her gaze. He looked at her as well. "Uhm. You want to say something?"

"Yeah. Do you like beaches?"

"Uhm. Sort of."

"Do you drink?"

"Uh. Yes."

"Okay! I know where should we go now." Amber told then smiled. Tristan was confused at her but he just shrugged it off and finished his food.




"We're here!" Amber took off her shoes and ran towards the beach.

Tristan felt the cold breeze kiss his cheeks. The trees around the corners were slowly swaying as they were gently blown by the wind.

Tristan couldn't utter a word as he realized the beauty of the place. The beach was too peaceful. The sight of its satisfying white sand brought relaxation to Tristan. Its waves were playing a harmonious melody which gave tranquility and serenity.

Tristan took a deep breath, feeling the uplifting vibe of the place even more.

The beach wasn't too far, they just drove for an hour and a half from the dumpling store.

"Trish!" Amber shouted from a distance while waving her hand at him. "Come on!"

Tristan nodded and slowly walked towards her. He slightly smiled as Amber jumped onto the water, completely soaking herself.

"Aren't you cold?" Tristan asked. Amber just shook her head.

"Nope. The water is warmer at night. Try it!"

Tristan was startled. "N-No thanks... I didn't bring any extra clothes."

"Oh... Right... Mhm... You can borrow mine! I usually bring two or more because you know... I'm a hell of a party girl so, I... I vomit a lot. Haha!"

Tristan panicked a bit. His mind suddenly became blank and he couldn't come up with another excuse.

Although he was really tempted by the water, he shouldn't join Amber... Because unluckily, if he jumped now, his thing will definitely be visible.

He was actually wearing thin clothes underneath his jacket and he wouldn't dare to take off his underwear. You know, it was too difficult to hide and secure his holy shaft. Also, Amber might notice something. She already did once, although she was just drunk at that time. Who knows? It's better to be cautious.

"Trish?" Tristan flinched. He looked at Amber.

"Oh... Uhm. I'm just thinking... I... I'm sorry but, I should refuse."

"I understand. You don't need to apologize." Amber chuckled then she stood up and left the water. "Should I buy drinks?"

Tristan averted his gaze. "Yes."

Amber chuckled once again as she finds him cute. "Alright. I'll be back in a minute."

Tristan just nodded then Amber left. Tristan sighed. 'Was it a mistake coming here?'

He glanced at the time on his phone as he pulled it out from his pocket. It was exactly 11:00 pm... How many hours have passed, but still, Summer didn't send any follow-up message after that one nor replied to him. Tristan frowned while staring at his phone's screen. Waiting for something unsure was really unsettling, wasn't it?

Tristan put his phone back in his pocket and sighed once again. 'No. Coming here wasn't a mistake. Yes. Definitely not!'