White Tulips

"I... Am... Such... A... STUPID!" Summer banged her forehead onto her steering wheel while whining. For what reason, you asked?

Well... Early this morning—after her sacred phone recharged—she read the three messages sent by three different people but with the same content which made her jump out of bed and left as quickly as she could.

[From Trish, Tanya, and Whifler: Tristan was so unhappy with your canceled meeting....]

Those messages were occupying her head throughout her trip. Though she wasn't sure if this deranged trio collaborated just to tease her as they sent the same message without lacking any words or periods, she was still worried.

She indeed forgot to text Tristan or at least reply to his messages last night. She was preoccupied and instantly fell asleep when she got home. She even forgot to charge her drained battery.

Now, she was restless while being stuck in a traffic jam because of that.

'Damn. Is he really upset? What should I do? Dang, it!!'

Summer honked continuously and cursed loudly. "What the hell is going on there?! This damn traffic! Why now? I'm in a hurry!"

Summer honked again. She was about to curse but she halted as her gaze landed on a flower shop. "Oh. Should I bring him... Flowers?"

Summer pulled over and then quickly went out of her car. 'Maybe I should.'

Summer pulled the door but she was stunned as she entered the flower shop.

"What is this lame arrangement of flowers?! Do you think my sister will like this?!"

"I... I am sorry ma'am... I will redo it... Give me th—"

"No need! I know you're going to make another lame bouquet."

Summer crossed her arms as she watched the florist and the customer argue. She glanced at the pink bouquet of roses they were talking about.

'It's not that bad tho.', she thought, referring to the bouquet that was held by the customer.

"I will not pay for this. This sucks!"


"Now you're deaf?" The customer chortled. "You're not only an ATTENTION SEEKER, but you're also dumb. Oh, right... I forgot. You're really DUMB, that's why you did such a thing."

The customer gazed at her from head to toe while smirking. "Poor you. Do you really think you can outstand Trish Fuentavilla? Your face can't even outmatch her sweat."

"That happened a long time ago so, I don't know why are you saying those irrelevant words to our business here, but—"

"Correction" The customer interrupted. "It's NOT irrelevant. Can't you see? Your work was as ridiculous as you are."

"Yes. I understand. This is not the only flower shop here, you can find a better florist that could meet your standards in arranging a bouquet somewhere. So, ma'am, politely saying, the door is open... You're free to leave."

"Woah. Whatta shameless bitch. I felt pity for the owner of this shop. They accepted a useless, worthless, and disappointing employee. Tsk. Tsk. I wonder why they actually hired someone like you."

"It's beautiful." Summer butted in while walking towards them. The customer was taken aback as she looked behind, the florist also flinched.

"O-Oh... S-Summer... Summer!" The customer's face brightened then immediately rummaged her bag to get some paper and a pen for her autograph.

Summer smiled at the florist who was now glaring at her. She turned her gaze back to the customer when she handed a mini-notebook and a pen, she then took them and scribbled her signature.

"Was it... Really lame?" Summer asked as she returned the notebook. She noticed the confusion on the customer's face, so she pointed the bouquet on the counter table. "I am talking about the bouquet."

The customer peeked at the bouquet and awkwardly chuckled. "Y-Yes! I-It's lame! So dull!"

"Ahuh. Really?" Summer glanced at the bouquet and smiled sweetly. "Why can't I see that?"


Summer took the bouquet and tilted it to see its details. "It would be perfect if the ribbon was white. Well, violet is good too, but it will be more presentable if it's white."

The customer was so stunned to speak. It may felt bizarre, but she knew Summer was conveying something behind those words. Her intimidating blank stare was opposing her smile.

The customer averted her eyes. "O-Oh... I... I agree."

"Oh. You do? So, the ribbon was the problem then?"

"I-I think so."

"Mhm... You can just say you didn't like the ribbon, why do you have to insult her?" Summer coldly stated which made the customer recoil.


"We're only inches apart so I'm pretty sure you heard me well."

"Oh. U-Uh... Haha–Ahahaha." The customer was laughing cringeworthy while glancing at Summer. "I didn't expect you'll say that Miss Ricks. I thought... You were—"

"I were mad at her?" Summer cut her off and snickered. "Look. Yes, I am angry but it doesn't mean I will hate everything about her. I would still appreciate her efforts and respect her, too."

Summer's face became more serious as she locked her gaze to the customer. "Committing mistakes is natural. But mocking them because of it is AB-NOR-MAL"

"Well... I can't argue that she's really a shameless bitch, but... Aren't you becoming one?" Summer mockingly smile while her brows moved upward then rested down after.

The customer couldn't react at the moment. Her fists were tightly closed as she was struck by Summer's words.

"Is this for your sister?"

The customer nodded. "Y-Yes."

"Is it a birthday gift for her?"


"Mhm. Then why did you choose the card for the wedding?" The customer jolted and looked at the card that Summer was reading.


"Shh. I understand what you're doing now... But, man... Haters and bashers were really scary. They will definitely find a way to strike. Don't you think?" Summer insinuated.

"Anyway. Send my regards to your sister." Summer handed the bouquet to the customer. "And... You should pay for it."

The shaky hand of the customer reached out the bill with dismay at the same time annoyed look on her face.

After receiving the change, she was about to leave but Summer stopped her and asked, "Aren't you forgetting something?"

The customer was befuddled by her question and just shook her head. "No."

"Are you sure?"

The customer checked her things and herself, making sure she have it all and didn't lose anything. She glanced back at Summer. "I am sure."

"Dear. You left something you didn't bring in the first place."

The customer's brows furrowed. "W-What do you mean?"


The customer was shut. Her eyes were widened as she glanced at the person she deliberately insulted. Summer literally hurts her pride and she was silently hating Summer in her thoughts because of it.

Regardless of the irritation she was feeling, and the embarrassment of swallowing everything she spouted, the customer still apologized and bowed to show her sincerity then she immediately left.

After the customer left, Summer sighed and looked at the florist with a wide smile carved on her face. "Hey! Glad to see you, Gale."

Gale just stared at her unamusedly. "Yeah. I'm definitely not glad to see you."

"Aww. So mean."

"You're really good at pissing people off, don't you? Is that your hobby or something?"

"Well. Maybe I was just born with it." Summer grinned which cause Gale's eyes to roll. "Oi. I just helped you. Can't I receive a thank you there?"

"I can handle those kinds of customers. In fact, she's not the first."

Summer clicked her tongue at Gale's response. "Does it hurt to thank?"

"No. But your face does."

Summer just rolled her eyes and mumbled, "This bitch."

"Why are you here?" Gale asked while fixing the scattered stems she cut off from the bouquet she arranged earlier.

Summer's eyes narrowed. "Because I want some coffee."

"Ghad. Are you stupid? This is a flower shop, not a café"

"Exactly! Why are you still asking? It's obvious what I came here for."

Gale didn't protest anymore and just sighed out of frustration. 'She's really getting into my nerves!'

"What do you want?" Gale plainly asked.

Summer looked around. "Uh. What should be given to the person who is upset?"

Gale stopped for a moment and stared at her. "What. Did you ruin another life?"

"No! I'm not a life-wrecker, FYI!"

"I doubt that."

"Stop blaming me. You ruined your own."

"A-huh. Is that so?"

"Yes! I just fueled your karma." Summer tee heed. "Well... Honestly saying, you deserved it all."

Gale was lost in words and just glared at her. "I recommend White tulips."

"Okay. I'll get that one! Make sure to wrap it perfectly. Uhm... More beautiful than the last one you made." Summer grinned.

Gale sighed then she picked up a bunch of white tulips and returned to the counter. She started arranging and binding them together before wrapping up.

"Is this yours?" Summer asked. Gale just shook her head, still arranging the flowers.

"No. Blake's sister owns this shop."

"Blake? You mean... That doctor who said will help to treat you?... Wait. So, you're fine now?"

"I'm still under medication. He just wanted me to entertain myself during the treatment because I'm quite isolated these past few months."

"I see... It would also improve your mental health." Summer agreed.

Gale stopped for a moment as she realized something.

'Why am I talking to this bitch like we are okay? Damn!', she thought then finished wrapping up the bouquet.

She turned around and gave it to Summer. "Quit asking and just leave now."

"Yeah. Yeah... Oh. It was perfect!" Summer stared at Gale. "You know... Why don't you give me white tulips in the future?"

Gale's right brow raised. "Why should I?"

"I don't know? I just thought about it... Also... Trish would feel great when she will receive one from you, too." Summer smiled, then she left.

Gale understood what was Summer meant by that statement. She did a terrible move back then. And her suffering right now was indeed the fruition of it.

Gale looked at the flowers around her and locked on the beautiful and healthy flowers. "White tulips, huh."

Gale smiled and then she cleaned up the mess on the counter.

'Maybe Soon', she thought.