
Tristan was blankly staring at the ceiling. His face felt sticky due to the tears that dried up. After crying nonstop, his body became tired and his mind became blank.

He heard each ting of the digital clock as it changed every hour. How long was he lying down in his bed? What time was it again?

He didn't know anymore. He was too empty to care about his surroundings.

His appetite left him that he no longer felt hungry. He lost motivation. He didn't even know what day it was.

Trish knocked on his door, he heard it but he didn't respond. He was too weak to speak nor stand. He had no intention of moving a muscle, actually. Seemed like he was half-dead.

"Tristan. Please. Open the door. Are you still alive?" Trish worriedly told outside his room. "I'm worried. You've locked up yourself for three days now. Please. Open the door! Eat something at least!"

Tristan just closed his eyes, ignoring his sister. His throat was completely dry. Tears started to form in the corners of his eyes.

"Summer," he mumbled. "Summer. Come back, please."

"Tristan! You even hid the spare keys. Please. Talk to me!" Trish shouted. But, still, Tristan didn't pay any attention to her.

After a moment, a loud bang on his knob was echoing in his ears. They were destroying it with a hammer for sure. Well, Tristan didn't bother himself. Whether they broke his door or not, he was unconcerned.

His dark room brightened as his door opened. The light from the outside blinded him as he looked in their direction.

Trish and some of the maids were at his doorstep, shocked at the same time worried.

"Goodness, Tristan." Trish immediately went towards him, her voice was cracking; tears were blocking her sight, and pity enveloped her body.

"Bring him water. Quick!" Trish commanded the maids which they instantly followed.

"Tristan. What's happening to you? Why are you being like this?" Trish sat beside his bed while holding his hand tightly.

"I'm tired." Tristan hoarsely uttered. "I'm so tired of everything."

"What are you talking about? Don't talk like that." Trish stared at Tristan's blank face but, tears were streaming down the corners of his eyes.

The maid entered with a glass of water, and Trish quickly got it. "Tristan, drink this."

"I... I'm tired of chasing love and happiness. I'm... I'm tired of wanting the impossible."

Tristan suddenly felt a panging on his head, everything was spinning. His eyelids became heavy and his vision gradually darkened.

He barely heard Trish's voice nor felt her touch on his hand.

"Tristan?" Trish noticed his expression. "Tristan, what's wrong? Tristan?"

Tristan glanced at Trish then his eyes closed. Trish became nervous, panic slowly swallowing her up. "Tristan?"

She put the glass beside the lampshade and shook his hand after. But, he wasn't responding. "Tristan. Don't joke around."

Tristan wasn't opening his eyes. Trish jolted up, anxious. "Call for help. QUICK! CALL AN AMBULANCE!"



"How is he?" Trish worriedly asked the doctor. They were currently at the nearest private hospital.

"He passed out because he didn't ingest anything in three days. But, don't worry. He's fine now." The doctor replied.

"Thank you, doctor." Trish glanced at Tristan after the doctor left. He was still unconscious. She slowly sat on the chair beside the hospital bed.

"Trish!" Whifler and Tanya came in with a worried look on their faces.

"How is he?" Tanya asked, pacing towards them.

"The doctor said he's fine." Trish caressed Tristan's hand. "I... I never thought it would be this bad. He was very affected."

Everyone fell silent. Tristan moved which made them alarmed.

"Tristan!" They said in chorus as he opened his eyes.

"Where am I?" Tristan confusedly asked with his eyes half-closed.

"You're at the hospital. How are you feeling? Do you need anything?" Trish asked.

"Summer... H-Hasn't she called yet?"

They were all dumbfounded by Tristan's question. They glanced at each other.

"T-Tristan... She's... She's—"

"I wasn't really dreaming, right?" Tristan told, cutting off Trish's word.

His chest tightened. He knew. He knew. But, he was too stupid to believe that he was just in a deep nightmare and had woken up from it.

"E-Everything was real. Everything." Tristan's voice cracked. Tears streamed down his face.

Trish instantly embraced him as tight as she could. That expression of his, those dejected eyes. She couldn't take it. It hurts. It was awfully painful to look at.

"Let it out, Tristan. We're here for you."

Tristan embraced her back and gripped her shoulder as he whimpered. Trish didn't care if her sleeves were getting wet by his tears. Tristan needed her now. She hadn't done this before which made her regret it to the fullest.

Now, she wanted to do anything possible to sweep his pain. Even just to be there for him. To comfort him. Just to let him know he wasn't alone anymore. She was here for him. She was always and will forever be by his side.

Whifler and Tanya were also emotional looking at the twins.

"This is so heartbreaking to witness," Tanya told in a shaky voice, wiping her tears.

Tristan cried his heart out. Summer was gone. He still couldn't believe that fact. He wasn't ready yet. He couldn't accept it.

He won't be able to see her smile again, heard her wonderful voice, and held her warm hands.

No one will send him goodnight texts or morning calls. No one will bother him or call him over in the middle of the night because she was upset or she couldn't contain all the food she had.

Everything he was used to, was gone.

The Summer who warmed his winter-like life; the woman who became his treasure. The precious one he never thought would take a huge part in his life. The one whom he never expected he would love so much was now gone and was too far to reach.

So cruel. Too distressing.

"Why? Why I was born in this lifetime?" Tristan wailed, burying his face into Trish's shoulder.




"His eyes were swollen," Trish weakly told as she caressed Tristan's sleeping face. "Look at him. He was too peaceful when sleeping. No trace of pain at all."

Whifler felt his phone vibrate. He pulled it out from his pocket and saw the alarm reminder.

He sighed then, looked at Trish. "Trish. I'm sorry but, it's time for your meeting."

Trish hesitated for a moment. She didn't want to leave Tristan for now. She wanted to be on his side.

Tanya noticed it so, she gave her an assuring smile. "Don't worry. I'll take care of him."

Trish gazed at Tristan once again then she faintly sighed. "I understand."

She stood up and slightly fix herself. "Let's go."

Whifler followed Trish as she headed out first.

Tanya who was left alone with Tristan, worriedly glanced at him.

'Tristan. You've suffered so much... I hope, you will be okay soon.', she thought tucking him in with a blanket.

'Summer surely wanted that too.'