'The Note'

An hour had passed since Summer's urn was placed on private land—which Amber bought just for her remains—where a mausoleum was built in the middle.

Amber was now cleaning the mess at Summer's house. Scattered chairs, fallen petals, leaves, and other garbages.

Trish awkwardly entered the house, and hesitantly knocked on the open door. Amber gazed in her direction.

"Oh. Trish. Why are you here?" Amber confusedly asked. She thought she also went home like the others.

"Uhm. I would like to help."

Amber looked around her. There was literally a lot to do. "I think I really need that."

Trish nodded and then started to clean immediately.

Amber glanced at her while sweeping the floor. "I know you won't come all the way back here just to help me clean."

Trish flinched. She looked at Amber who was now staring at her. "U-Uhm. W-What do you mean?"

"You wanted to say something, right? What is it?" Amber asked, putting down the broom she was holding.

Trish averted her gaze. "I know you have nothing to do with it but, I still want to talk about it."

"Talk about what?"

"About me."

Amber paused for a moment and sat on one of the chairs. She patted the chair beside her, signaling her to sit. "Let's talk here."

Trish sat beside her with her eyes gazing at the floor.

"What about you?" Amber asked.

"That time when you asked me. I know you've noticed something."

"Yes. I did," Amber calmly responded. "So, what really do you want to say?"

"Please. Don't tell anyone. Uh. Don't think that I was doubting you. It's just that—"

"I understand. You don't have to explain. And don't worry. I won't tell anyone." Amber told which made Trish sigh in relief.

"Thank you."

"But, I would like to know. Which one are you?" Amber intently stared at Trish.

"I'm the real Trish."

Amber nodded then she stood up to start cleaning again. "Did Summer know?"

"Yes," Trish responded who started cleaning as well.

"Mhm." Amber glanced at Trish's neck. She was looking for the necklace she once saw hanging around Tristan's neck. "I like your pearls."

"Huh?" Trish looked at her chest. Her pearl necklace was shining. "Oh. Thanks."

"Why you didn't wear the locket necklace? It suits you better." Amber told, trying to prove something.

Trish brow's furrowed. "Locket? I... Don't remember I have one?"

"Really?" Amber went towards the mini cabinet and got the locket from a small rectangle case. "It looks like this."

Trish looked at the necklace. "Yes. I don't own anything like that."

Amber faintly chuckled. "So, it was the other one then."

"What do you mean?"

"I think. This is a couple necklace. This one belongs to Summer and I guess she gave the other one to the acting Trish."

Trish halted. 'I'm sure she gave it to Tristan'.

Amber hid the necklace back in the case and looked at Trish. "If I may ask, who is the other one?"

Trish hesitated for a moment. Should she tell her Tristan's identity? Uh. Letting her know they were two different people was more than enough, right?

"My twin." Trish smiled. Yeah. That was enough.

"I see. If you don't mind. Can I ask more questions?" Amber seriously asked which made Trish confused.

"Yes. Go ahead."

Amber bit her lower lip. "W-Were you the one I was with at the beach?"

Trish suddenly felt weird. She noticed how Amber's expression changed. Amber's face slightly turned red, clearly, there was something at that beach.


Amber flinched. Her heart beat faster. So, it wasn't her? It wasn't Trish. The one she fell in love with wasn't her. And the necklace... Summer knew about them, right?

So, it wasn't also the real Trish? Summer liked the other one, too?

'Damn...' Amber suddenly felt awful. They definitely liked the same person.

Ah, right. Now she realized... No wonder she didn't feel anything when she met her. Talking to her seemed normal.

Amber lifted her gaze and weakly looked at Trish. "I see. Uhm. Let's continue cleaning."

Trish was befuddled at Amber's change of mood. Earlier she was calm and serious, now, she seemed upset?

Trish just shrugged her thoughts off and just continued cleaning.

After a few hours, everything was done. The inside was neat and clean. Amber and Trish both sighed in tiredness and satisfaction.

"Summer will surely be happy," Trish told.

"Yeah. The house is alive again." Amber bitterly smiled. "Ah. Right. I have something to give you."

Amber paced towards the cabinet at the lower part of it. She slid its glass door and picked up the red mini box.

"I think she planned to give this to you. Your name was written on the card so, I know it's for you."

Trish got the box and opened it. There was a beautiful plain silver ring inside. As soon as she saw the design, she knew it wasn't really for her.

Trish closed the box again. "Thank—"

Trish stopped as she noticed something inside the cabinet where Amber picked the box.

Her eyes landed on a resealable plastic pouch with a piece of paper inside. She looked at Amber. "What is that?" she pointed.

Amber glanced in the direction she pointed. "What?"

Trish walked towards the cabinet and got the plastic she was talking about. "This one."

"That was the note found on her table before she hanged herself," Amber responded.

"I got it from the police and I decided to keep it," she added.

Trish suddenly felt nervous. She slowly inverted the plastic to see the back of the paper—her eyes widened.

Her sweat became cold. Her heart raced. Her body stiffened. "No... This can't be."

Amber's forehead wrinkled, wondering what was she mumbling. "Trish? What's the matter?"

Trish jolted to look at her, nervousness was clearly seen on her face. "Ah. N-Nothing."

She put the plastic back in the cabinet and fixed herself after. "I... I still have a meeting. I have to go."

"Okay. Sure. Be careful on your way," Amber confusedly said.

Trish nodded as a response then she posthaste towards her car. She immediately dialed Whifler's number as soon as she got in, Whifler answered the call after two rings.

[Yes, Trish?]

"Where are you?"

[At your place. Tristan just got discharged. I brought him home.]

"Don't leave yet. Wait for me. We need to talk." Trish said then she hung up. She started the engine and drove away as fast as she could.

'This can't be... Summer. Damn it!', she thought with her tears streaming nonstop.




"Are you serious?!" Whifler couldn't believe what he just heard.

Trish fiddled her thumbs in great anxiousness, sitting next to Whifler. "I am serious. And I am sure it was it. That note. I know that note was ripped from her diary! That note was written a long time ago!"

"How sure you are?"

"I... Flipped the note. And I saw the angry emoticon I drew at the bottom corner of the paper. I know It was the one I drew. I remembered it because I got angry when I read that note." Trish's head lowered.

"I was in her room that time. I was there to comfort her because her father just passed away the day before. She was sleeping and I got bored so, I planned to read one of her books on the shelf. I chose the one which had an attractive cover. I never thought it was her diary so, I flipped it and I accidentally stopped on that page where she wrote her suicide note," Trish added and lifted her gaze to look at Whifler.

"I was really upset while reading her note. So, I drew an angry emoticon and left her diary open to show her that I didn't like it and how angry I am."

"So you mean, Summer—"

"What about Summer?" Whifler was cut off as Tristan spoke behind them. They both jolted up.

"Tristan. W-Why you're still up? You should be resting now." Trish walked closer to him and checked him a bit. "How's your feeling?"

"I'm fine. Continue what were you talking about. You mentioned Summer. What's with her?" Tristan seriously asked them.

Trish and Whifler glanced at each other with a worry written on their faces.

Trish sighed and formed a slight smile on her lips. "It's nothing. Just rest for now. You just got out of the hospital. You're not su—"

"Trish. I want to know."

Trish was shut. She knew when Tristan was being insistent, you could do nothing but tell him.

Trish stared at him for a moment, gripping both of his shoulders. "No. I can't tell you. I shouldn't."


"Go to your room now. You need to rest."

"I asked you why?!" Tristan exclaimed, irritation was obvious in his tone.

Trish stepped back while her eyes were averted. "Because it shouldn't."

"Give me an acceptable reason!"

"Enough, Tristan! Just rest!"

"No! I will never leave until you tell me."

"I told you it was nothing! Was it so hard to understand?!"

"I know it was something. Tell me!"

"No!" Trish walked away but, Tristan followed her and grabbed her wrist which halted her. "Tristan, what are you doing?!"

"Why I shouldn't know?"

"Because I don't want to see you suffer anymore! What happened to you was more than enough! Please. Just stay out of this!" Trish exclaimed, sadness was seen in her eyes.

Whifler wanted to meddle but, he thought it would make things worse. It was better to let them settle it themselves.

Tristan was shut. He stared at his sister's teary eyes. "Trish... I want to know. Please."

"Aish. You're so stubborn." Trish mumbled, wiping her tears.

Tristan got her hand back and held it tightly. "Please, tell me."

Trish sighed out of frustration. He was really persistent, wasn't he? What else could she do?

She took a deep breath and looked directly into his eyes. "I believe... Summer was murdered."