'Weak Evidence'

Tristan was too stunned to speak.

Murdered? What the hell?

His heart skipped a beat. His mind became blank. He couldn't move a muscle. Just what did he hear?

"See. I knew that would be your reaction!" Trish put her hands above Tristan's shoulders.

"Tristan, please. Don't overthink about it. Please, think of yourself as well!"

"That's enough, both of you." Whifler walked towards them. "Trish is right, Tristan. You should rest. Don't stress yourself so much."

"No." Tristan slowly met Whifler's gaze. "Is that true?"

"We're not sure for now. It's still speculation," Whifler answered.

"If it's true then we should do something about it! Summer was murdered. The suspect? What about the suspect?! We should give her justice! Tell the police! Call them! Call them!" Tristan panicked which made them alarmed

"Tristan. Tristan. Calm down! Calm down! You're at it again. Do you want to have your session again?" Whifler calmly stated, holding his arm.