'Rot in Jail'

Amber blinked as she woke up by the extreme coldness of the room. She stood up and checked where she was— her head was panging in pain and her vision was kinda blurry. It was like her surroundings were spinning.

"Damn," she mumbled while caressing her head, Harry also woke up by her voice.

"Amber. You're up? Are you fine now?" Harry scratched his eyes as he got up from the other couch. Amber's forehead creased.

"Why are you here? And... Are we still in the bar?"

Harry stood up and went towards her. "Yes. You also had a panic attack last night, do you remember?"

Amber's eyes rounded. "L-Last night?"


"Wait. What's the time right now?"

Harry glanced at his watch and then turned his gaze back to Amber. "10:45 am."

"10?!" Amber jolted up. "Then... Then... I wasn't dreaming?!"

Harry's right brow raised. "Of course you're not. You even asked me multiple times who I am. And you kept on saying I wasn't real."