
"How did you know it was the truth and the other was a lie?"

Amber raised one of her eyebrows. "Are you forgetful or something? I just told you, I hallucinated about it."

"Yeah. That's what I wanted to point out. You were just hallucinating so how did you differentiate the two? And how sure are you that it was really true? What if you were just plainly hallucinating it? What if it really made no sense?"

Amber halted. "It felt so real. So, I know it's not just a normal hallucination. It was my brain's way to recognize the real one."

"How can you be so sure that it was the memory your brain was recognizing? Don't you think it could also be that your brain just twisted your view of the past because you hated your sister?"

Amber sighed out of frustration and seriously stared at Harry. Was it just her or did they really always get into arguments? She noticed she was always fighting with Harry about trivial things.

"If you don't believe me, it's up to you."