Prologue + Chapter One

At night, somewhere in the city sized Town of Bakara.

A young man is currently walking through a dimly lit street by himself and with pure darkness past where the light from the lamp posts can illuminate.

On one side is an elementary school with only a few lights, and on the other side of the street is an abandoned warehouse that would have been covered in total darkness if it wasn't for the moon shining above them.

Any sane person, even an adult would have been perturbed with his surroundings, but this young man is just calm like the darkness around him doesn't bother him at all.

And a distance behind the young man, a white figure lightly surrounded by a grey mass like cloud thing is following just a few meters behind him.

The young man suddenly stopped before a lamp post in the middle of the street, and when he did that, the figure following behind him also stopped, and just at the edge of where the light of the lamp post could reach.

The young man placed his hands on his waist and lightly shook his head in annoyance as he slowly turned around.

"Oi, are you seriously going to follow me all the way to my house?"

The figure in a white dress with long black hair covering her face and slightly levitating a few inches from the ground only stood in place but didn't utter a single word or even a sound.

A couple of seconds later, the white figure abruptly lifted her head up, revealing a scary looking face with pin dot irises, pale skin and pale lips with a bloody tinge.

The young man was a bit startled as he slightly stepped back.


The ghostly figure suddenly screeched and rushed towards the young man with outstretched arms with sharp nails like that of a beast!


"You damn stalker!"

The young man angrily slapped the ghostly figure while shouting angrily, and the latter was struck to the ground with a comical look on her face.

"You almost displaced my jaw!"

The ghost woman held her face in a shocked manner, as she probably wasn't expecting that a living human could actually hurt her!

"You are lucky that you're a neutral ghost or I would have exorcised you by now!"

"Hold on! I think you really dislocated my jaw!"

The young man clicked his tongue and had just stepped forward when the ghostly woman stretched out her arm towards the former in a panicky manner, gesturing for him to stop.

"Don't ever follow me again or you will get seriously hurt" said the young man while pointing his finger at the ghost woman.

"Yes sir, I would stop following you from now on even when I see you on this street again"

Then the young man turned around, satisfied with a serious look on his face as he started walking away.

The ghost woman poof back up and bowed towards the direction of the young man before she once again disappeared into a puff of smoke.

I am John Subia, and I can see ghosts.

And not only that, I can also hurt them.

Why did I say that the ghost woman earlier is a neutral ghost?

Well, it's because of the grey smoke like clouds swirling around her.

If it wasn't because of that, then I would have pummeled her through oblivion by now, but I didn't want to waste any more energy than I need to so I just left her alone as she really can't hurt anyone with how weak she is even though her appearance is kinda scary.


Tut tut tut!

A hand shot out from the blankets and started rummaging around the small desk for a second before it landed on the phone and switched off the alarm.


The blanket got flung off at the foot of the bed as John sat up in a daze.

"Dammit, I still feel tired"

John got up from his bed while mumbling in daze as wobbled over towards his bathroom and started brushing his teeth.

While brushing, he stared at his reflection from the mirror and he couldn't help but start thinking.

'It's been over a month already. I wonder how much money I have made now?'

And when he thought of his current situation, a large grin couldn't help but crept up on his face.

'If It wasn't because it's already been over a month now. I would have thought that I might be just dreaming and imagining things'

John chuckled to himself as he started applying moisturizer on his face after brushing his teeth.

After doing all that in a few minutes, he left the bathroom and made his way to the kitchen and started taking out things from the fridge, like a few pieces of tomatoes and three eggs.

He prepared a chopping board and a knife, then cleaned up the tomatoes, broke the eggs into a bowl and stirred it after mixing some condiments, and after doing that, he started chopping the tomatoes into thin slices.

After that, he took out a frying pan and heated it over the fire for a minute before he added a little bit of cooking oil, then he hurriedly took out three cloves of garlic and then he lightly squished them after peeling them before he dropped them on the boiling cooking oil.


Taking a ladle, he stirred it for a few seconds before putting the sliced tomatoes.

He started stirring them again until the tomatoes turned slightly mushy before putting the bowl of eggs in.

And the end result was a Stir fried eggs and tomatoes.

"Smells good"

John couldn't help but comment with a satisfied smile on his face when he smelled the aroma from the food that he had just cooked.

Then he took a plateful of leftover rice from last night and started having his breakfast while fumbling with his phone on one hand.

"So, I already made over a million in just a month"

John couldn't help but chuckle with a funny look on his face while looking at the long string of numbers on his phone. He was so happy because he wasn't expecting that there would actually be a time that he'd have a million stored in his bank account.

While eating, he started watching some videos on WeTube, and couldn't help but start thinking again.

"I wonder if there are other ways to earn more money?"

When he said those words, his voice slowly became softer as his gaze slowly focused on the content he's watching.

[Is it a ghost caught on camera, or is it just an elaborate hoax? You decide.]

"How come I just thought of this now?"

John snapped his fingers when he finally realized another way to earn more money.

"I can open a WeTube channel and advertise my services to those people plagued by supernatural phenomena! I can exorcise ghosts and earn money from WeTube! Killing two birds with one stone!"

And of course, that will be a plan in the near future, but for now. John needed to quickly prepare and make his way over to his college before his morning class starts.

So he quickly finished up his breakfast, took a quick shower and hurriedly made his way down his old apartment building.

He quickly arrived before his parked Vespa Scooter downstairs, wore his half helmet and hopped on his scooter and drove towards his school.

Arriving at the university.

With a lot of time left before class starts, John took his time walking as he admired the scenery of the school around him with a smile on his face.

"I just noticed that the school is actually so beautiful. This must be the effect of having a lot of money, it makes your worries disappear and allows you to finally realize the beauty of your surroundings" mumbled John as he took in the fresh morning air of the school.

John came to an abrupt halt and quickly turned his head to the side because he saw a shadow that flitted on the corridor through the windows on the nearby building.

"Was I seeing things or was it something else?"

John was intrigued to investigate but he soon noticed that he didn't have time to waste as classes are starting soon in a couple of minutes.

Just as John left, a figure of someone appeared from a corner on the corridor of the building as it watched him moving away.

Two hours later.

John's class for the day was over. He didn't quickly go home and instead went to their campus park and waited for his takeout food that he had ordered under the shade of a large tree.

He was just enjoying the fresh air around him when something suddenly appeared a couple of meters away from him.

So he turned around and finally saw who the uninvited guest was.

"Are you lost or something?" said John as he quickly stood up from the ground as he looked at the floating figure in front of him, and whose clothes were covered with dirt and bloody patches, along with an ominous looking aura as he could already see that the grey cloud around the ghost already has shades of red.

"I've never seen a dumb ghost such as you so far that dares to appear when the sun is still up. must be because you're a ghost attached to this tree and you're also being protected by shade" John quickly realized that the ghostly being appeared at a shady spot, where there's not even a speck of sunlight.

John didn't do anything though as he just stared at the ghost, as the latter also stared back at him. The former didn't want to do anything when there's a lot of students around the area as he didn't want to be labeled as a crazy person by suddenly starting punching the air.

And the ghost also just stood there while growling at him like it couldn't wait to pounce on John, but it also didn't do anything as it just watched John walk away from the tree.

"I'll take care of you tonight" mumbled John as he quickly left, a little bit excited as he wasn't expecting that he'd actually meet a bad spirit in this kind of circumstances.

But John didn't notice that there was also someone watching him from a distance, and at the same time, the person who also glanced at the ghost under the tree.

"Smells good"

John took a whiff of the black bean noodles that was just delivered to him and quickly dug in.

He slowly savored the food before swallowing it with a satisfied look on his face, and he quickly finished it in three mouthfuls.

But of course, he wasn't done yet as he had ordered three take outs of black bean noodles earlier.

And just as he was about to grab the second one, two guys suddenly walked past him and sat at the opposite side of the bench table.

"It's you two again" said John as he recognized the two unwanted guests on his table.

"Yep, it's us...again" chuckled the guy with long curly hair, who couldn't help but glance at the takeout boxes of black bean noodles with a gulp.

"Ahh, yes. Do you really not want to join our Paranormal Investigators Club?"

When the guy with long curly hair kept staring at the food on the table, his nerdy looking companion with glasses couldn't help but elbow him on the side to get his attention back.

"And the reason that you want me to join your club is?" asked John, as he didn't mind hearing whatever they prepared to convince him to join them this time, as this isn't the first time they had approached him to join their club.

"Well, you only have a couple of friends in school, but you're always alone, like us! Which our club just suits for an eccentric fellow like you!" the long haired dude shamelessly said, and he even had the gall to wink at John at the end of his "presentation".


His friend, on the other hand, could only facepalm when he heard that.

"Chris! Didn't you tell me that you prepared a presentation which will certainly convince him!? Why are you telling him the same thing again that you told him a couple of days ago!?" Chris's friend angrily yelled at him, which made the other students around them look at them weirdly.

"Kevin, calm down. Look, he only has a few friends and he is always alone. Doesn't that mean he's also like us?" said Chris with an air of confidence as he even flicked a couple of his hair.

"Damn you!"

Kevin angrily stood up and strangled him while shaking him violently as he finally had enough of this friend of his!

"K-kevin, c-calm down! I can't b-breathe if you...keep strangling me!"

"Good! So go die then, you useless bastard!"

John just shrugged his shoulders, picked up his food and left.