WeTube, Ghost, Fighting!

Five in the afternoon.

John is wearing a simple pair of shorts and sweatshirt along with a pair of running shoes while scaling through a small hill as he went for a run during dusk which had been his daily routine since a month ago.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

"Running...uphill is...so freaking...tiresome" said John in between breaths.

Taking a breather for a couple of minutes, John jogged back to where he started as he slowly went down the hill with a couple of vehicles passing by the road at the side every minute.

Behind him, the sun is slowly setting as the darkness is slowly encroaching upon the land.

"Damn this training routine. I would've died from body pain a long time ago if I needed to this everyday"

John kept complaining about what he's doing as he lightly pressed something on the air like there was something.


[Daily Mission]

Get up you lazy bum and work that lazy as* of yours!

Objectives: 100 Pushups, 100 Sit Ups, 100 Squats and 10KM run!

Rewards: 0.5 Strength and 0.5 Agility.

Failure: Death by Lightning Strike!

"F*ck, if it wasn't for that punishment, then I wouldn't be doing this at all! Can't I just earn money peacefully?"

John could only cry inside, and even though he kept complaining about it, he would still do it even without the punishment of death.

Because he knows that if other people are slowly walking towards their goals and dreams. He, on the other hand, is already sprinting towards it because of this cheat-like ability he had gotten over a month ago that appeared like a bolt of lightning from out of nowhere!

He's not really complaining about this workout exercise that he needs to do every other day, but it's because he's just bitter at how people could keep doing this same routine everyday like a broken record.

"But I'm still gonna do this because I want to change my life and become rich!"

From out of nowhere, John suddenly started yelling when he felt a sudden motivation welling up inside him and started running like there's no tomorrow!

"Let's do this! Koraaa!"


"Is that what mommy calls a crazy person? I don't want to be like him, he looks stupid" said a little girl shaking her cute little head while licking her ice cream when John zoomed past her like a madman.

"Adults are dumba*sses who thinks they're smart and all. They make simple things complicated" added a little boy who was standing beside the little girl, who took a bite at the popsicle on his hands while shaking his head.

"I know right~!?" answered the little girl with a funny look on her face.

If only John was here and hearing this, he would have started yelling angrily at the two kids by now.

Yah! Aren't you two getting a little off topic!?

"98! 99! 1..00!"

With that last bit of push up on his workout routine, John slowly stood up and leaned on the wall of his living room while panting, a little out of breath.

"Finally done!"


Daily Mission Completed!

Rewarded; 0.5 Strength and 0.5 Agility!


John couldn't help but moan in ecstasy when he felt a soft surge of energy that appeared from out of nowhere coursing through his body that slightly alleviated the aching of his body.

"I still can't get used to this feeling. It's like I've went through a very satisfying sex with my lover" chuckled John with his eyes closed and with a cheeky grin plastered on his face.

But when he remembered how he danced like crazy when this crazy ability of his appeared, his face couldn't help but flush in embarrassment just from remembering that crazy event.

He quickly shook his head to disperse those embarrassing memories as John hurriedly picked up his towel and started wiping off his sweat. He then picked up the exercise mat on the floor and headed towards the small balcony of his apartment located on the second floor of his new but old apartment building.

This wasn't his original apartment though, the first one before this was just a single room apartment with a shared bathroom among the tenants.

But he moved to this apartment ever since he started earning money since his life changing event, which made his life a little convenient.

He placed the mat on the steel railings to air it out before leaning against the railing just to enjoy the cool evening breeze.

The breeze is kinda refreshing during this time of the night because his apartment building is an old one and has a lot of trees and flora planted around it by the owners, making the place really cool even during the day.

The only downside for this place is that it's a distance away from the town centre, but another good thing is that it's near the highway and he didn't have to pass through the traffic in the town centre during the day.

After all, his school is located in a nearby city, less than half an hour away from the town.

And for John, every minute saved from the trip is important for him because he could at least sleep a little longer, even if it's just a few minutes.

Talk about being lazy!

"Tomorrow is Friday, I can finally start my money making plan starting Saturday" laughed John with a cheeky grin as he went back inside his apartment and took a shower after taking a few minutes of rest by watching some shows on the television.

After taking a shower, John wasn't in the mood to cook something delicious and fulfilling, so he just decided to cook two packs of ramen for his dinner mixed with an egg.

Carrying a bowl of noodles in his hands, John made his way to the living room and sat before his week-old laptop on the small table in the middle of the room..

While eating his food, John also started typing something on the laptop, and it was the locations of haunted places near and around his town.

Of course, he also knows that he could go to their local high school as at least fourth of the land that the school was built on was a former cemetery.

Which makes the place really haunted as he had already heard a lot of stories about ghost sightings at his old high school, especially stories from boy scouts who had camped on the campus lawn during one of their retreats where they experienced a couple of supernatural events.

But no matter how John searches, the only haunted locations he could find are schools he already knows are haunted because most schools in their town are built on hallowed grounds.

And the problem is, even the other haunted locations have a lot of human activities, like the municipal hall or even the church.

Well, the local church couldn't be really considered as a "haunted" location but the small museum built alongside it during the Spanish Colonial Era, and that includes the Catholic School that was later built in the following years.

And another problem is that most Filipinos, even though they know a place is haunted like a house for example, they would still live in it because the rent would certainly be cheap.

A good example is already the old apartment building where John had just moved in. It also has a few ghost stories it can share, but people are still willing to live here knowing its history.

It's because Filipinos or other ethnicities similar to them just tend to shrug them off.

They don't really care as long as their daily lives and safety aren't being encroached upon.

"Hmm...I really can't go to those places without any reasonable objective to convince the authorities, and I can't just go and tell them I want to film and exorcise some ghost now, do I?"

"But if I remember correctly, wasn't that cemetery adjacent to the road where I took my runs known for being very haunted?" mumbled John when he finally remembered that the recently built cemetery a couple of decades back has been known for its multiple ghost sightings especially during drizzles at night.


John laughed like a little devil while rubbing his hands together when he realized that his plans are slowly coming together just as he had envisioned them to.

Finally having a target in mind, John quickly opened up a new tab on his browser and accessed WeTube as he created a channel called "Ghost, Fighting!".

Satisfied, John quickly finished up his meal and started leisurely watching paranormal content on WeTube as he slowly waited for his food to get digested before going to bed for the night.