Dark Clouds Looming Over

The next day.

John had breakfast, showered up and drove on his scooter towards Lawag City where his college is located.

Arriving at his school, he quickly made his way over to his class on the second floor of an old building.

Halfway through the stairs, John suddenly remembered something that made him slow down.

'Now that I think about it, isn't this building also haunted? Especially Room 203 and 204?'

Passing through Room 203 and 204, John arrived at Room 205 and was greeted by sight of his rowdy classmates who are also taking the same class of Algebra III.

A class he despises the most as he's really not that good with numbers except for counting money and harassing the heck out of someone who owes him money!

'I've never seen them during the day, so maybe they only come out at night' thought John about Room 203 and 204 as he took a seat near the window as he wanted to enjoy the coming breeze.

'Should I come here tonight? I can take advantage of the night classes and act like I'm taking part of it'

"John! Bro! Did you do our assignment for the algebra class?" a guy around John's age suddenly sat beside him, breaking his thoughts.

John turned his head around and saw his classmate Jay with a pleading look on his face as he looked at the former.

"I do, why? Do you want to copy it? You do know that I'm not really the smartest guy around here, right?" John rolled his eyes at him, as he already knew Jay's purpose of coming to him even when he didn't mention anything regarding their assignment that was given to them a week ago by their professor.

Jay also rolled his eyes at John and slapped his shoulder and said, "Come on bro, you know you're the only that lets me copy his assignment"

John snorted as he chuckled, "Only because you're paying my meal sometimes, you lazy bum"

"Stop making fun of me bro. Come on" said Jay, feeling hurried as there's only a few minutes left before classes start.

John looked at this fool before his eyes and just sighed, and took out his notebook and handed it to the guy.

"Don't copy every single word"

"I know, I know the drill"

Jay quickly snatched the notebook from him and quickly started copying the contents for their class assignment.

'This dumbas*, there's like a lot of other students he could copy from. He just had to come to me'

The corner of John's eye twitched when he noticed a few girls glaring at him.

He just ignored them because this dumbas* friend of his isn't really the brightest student around like him, but he has the looks and is also one of the star players of their basketball team.

'Why is such an athletic person like you studying to become a teacher when you could've went to those schools who are sports powerhouses and has the best facilities'

John had asked Jay regarding this before, but the latter just smiled at him and didn't say anything.

The former didn't really mind as he doesn't give a damn about others business if it doesn't benefit him, he was just curious back then.



The school bell sounded, signifying the start of classes.

11:30 AM.

"Finally, all done!"

John slowly walked out of their classroom while stretching his arms up.

"John! We're planning to have lunch at the mall and watch a movie after, do you want to come?"

John didn't even walk that far away when Jay suddenly came running over beside him.

He looked at Jay, then at the five people watching them from a distance who waved at him when they noticed John looking at them, who are the people who usually hang out with Jay.

John only hesitated for a couple of seconds before he agreed as he was also planning to head to the mall after class to buy things necessary for his WeTube Channel, and besides, he'd also get a free ride and not waste his gas money.

"Sure, but I probably wouldn't stick around for the movie as I'll have to shop for somethings after we have lunch"

Seeing that John agreed, a smile couldn't help but crept up on Jay's face, as he knows how hard it is to invite this unsociable bastard in front of him.

"Okay, nice bro! And it's fine, we'll get lunch and you do your thing after, no problemo!"

Then the two of them walked towards the group of students waiting for them.

"He agreed, but he won't be able to go with us to the cinema" said Jay who also happened to wink at one particular girl.

His mission was a success!

"It's fine, being able to invite him is already a feat!"

The students, two males including Jay and three females started laughing amongst themselves in relief.

Especially that female student with slick black hair, considered quite attractive and who kept glancing at John while they were walking down the hallway.


Passing by Room 204, John came into a sudden halt as he quickly turned his head around.

"What's wrong?"

Dana, the one with slick long black hair also stopped beside him when she noticed John looking at something towards the old room.

"Nothing, I just thought I saw something"

Shaking his head, John and Dana quickly followed after the rest.

And he's not someone with a low EQ, he knows Dana likes him, but he was already over her after he had confessed his feelings to her during their sophomore year and got rejected.

'What's with her?'

John can't really understand what got into her that she suddenly started flirting with him.

'I can't really understand women sometimes'

Shaking his head inside, he turned his attention to what he had seen earlier.

'That was the same one I saw yesterday at the Science Building. Is the ghost attached to the whole school? Because that's the only explanation that its able to appear in two different locations with considerable distance between them'

As someone who had gotten used to it and had learned a lot of things during his ghostly escapades during the past few weeks.

John had learned, or more accurately to say, encountered, ghosts who are attached to specific things like a tree, an object, a particular room in a house, or the entire house, or even an entire building!

But never once had John encountered a ghost that's able to appear in multiple locations with a considerable distance between the two buildings.

'Let's just hope it's not a bad one'

John hoped because he didn't get a good look at it as it would quickly disappear in a second whenever he finally notices it from the corner of his eyes.

Meanwhile, at the other staircase on the other side of the old building.

A ghostly figure suddenly appeared on the top of the staircase and darted down through the staircase like it was being chased by something, but just when the ghostly figure of a woman arrived down the stairs.


A hand suddenly shot out from out of nowhere and grabbed the ghost's neck and slammed her on the cold ground and the rosary bracelet on the person's wrist lightly glowed with a white light.

The ghost tried to fight back by releasing some dark cloud-like smoke out of her mouth like she's trying to make her attacker smell her bad...breath!

But whoever it was, the person suddenly let go of the ghost's neck before quickly punching the ghost's face as the light around the rosary beads glowed brighter, turning into a purifying light that's able to cleanse any filth!



And the ghost screamed in pain and horror as it was slowly exorcised by the light and became a pile of white dirt soon after.

"The spirits are getting stronger by the day that they are now even able to manifest during the day"

"I need to hurry up and take care of the source, or this would spell trouble to the whole school. Maybe even the entire half of the city"

"I might need to approach that person and ask for his help, dammit!"

Then the person, no, the woman with short hair that's almost reaching her shoulders turned around and turned to the corner and headed off somewhere.

It was a good thing that the end of the school year is already near and there's not a lot of students around anymore as most of them had already went back to their respective homes, or it would been so awkward if people saw what happened and would have even thought of the girl earlier as a crazy person who suddenly started punching something out of thin air.

The group of students had just reached the school gates, when the corner of one of John's eyes twitched as he heard the piercing scream of a woman, which only he could hear.

'A ghost was just exorcised'

He quickly figured it out as he had already gotten used to the dying scream of a ghost.

Well, most of them do.

'Someone in the campus other than me can exorcised ghost, interesting'

John smiled like he had just found something very interesting.

"John, what are you standing there for!? Hurry up!"

Jay, who noticed that John wasn't with them, turned around and saw John standing beside the school gates with a dazed look on his face and quickly called out to him.

John just lightly waved his hand towards him as he noticed that he was being weird again, so he quickly jogged over and entered the SUV.

"Are you okay, bro?" asked the other guy with them, and who happens to own the SUV who is called Marcus, a fellow teammate of Jay.

"I'm good, I was just thinking about something earlier" answered John, a little bit embarrassed when he noticed the worried and weird looks being thrown at him by the girls.

After all, he's still a young man and didn't want any weird rumors about him circulating around their campus even with his somewhat eccentric personality.

"Are you sure that you're okay?" Dana, who is sitting beside him, couldn't help but whisper to him with worried eyes.

John just smiled at her with a nod and said, "Yeah, don't worry about it"

After that, the girls started chatting amongst themselves as the car drove towards Rosons Mall while John looked at the passing scenery through the window, seemingly deep in thought.