Yamete (2)

John was seriously looking around when a white cat with yellow and blue eyes suddenly appeared on top of a tomb beside him and gave him quite the scare that he screamed like a little girl and that he even dropped the LED light from his hands!

"God f*cking dammit! Why is a cat even scarier than a ghost huh!?"

He had gone slightly mad from the scare that John started yelling and pointing at the cat with his palm facing upwards.

"Go away cat, stop bothering me and scaring me" John tried to shoo it away, but the cat just stared at him and slightly tilted its head to the side like it was genuinely curious about him and not scared of the human in front of it.


John tried shining the light on it, but when he did that, the cat disappeared when the light from the LED shone over, and when the light moved away, the cat appeared again.

"Holy sh*t!"

Which made John stare blankly at it while he played around with his light to see if he was seeing things or not, but when he realized that it was real. He quickly jumped backwards and looked warily at the white cat.

"Who are you? Are you the Evil Spirit? I've never seen a cat as an Evil Spirit before" said John as he threw the light from his hand to the ground and clenched his two fists, and it started radiating a soft warmth glow that's very much obvious to see because of the darkness of the night.

He was suspicious and on high alert because he clearly couldn't see any semblance of an Evil Spirit from the cat even when he encountered it earlier.

At first, the cat still had that innocent look on its face for a couple of seconds before it crumbled and was replaced by what you'd call a "human-like expression".

"Ohh, dammit. I didn't expect that I'd actually encounter someone like you here"

Then the cat opened its mouth and started talking while walking back and forth on top of the tomb while John watched it slack jawed as he couldn't believe what he's actually witnessing!

"You're the Evil Spirit here, aren't you?" asked John with narrowed eyes.

The cat looked at John from head to toe and raised an eyebrow, "Me? An Evil Spirit? Have you ever seen such a beautiful Evil Spirit before? Have you gone nuts from being stupid?"

And then the cat rolled its eyes at John and continued, "I am Dia, a mountain deity"


When John heard the cat say those words, he suddenly snorted, followed by a suppressed laughter.

"What are you laughing at, human? You've never seen a mountain deity before?" Dia hissed angrily at John.

John waved his hand in front of him and said with a chuckle, "No, because I've never heard anything regarding a mountain deity in all of the years I've been living here, and also, I would have learned about it just from the stories, myths and legends from the grandparents of me and other people that lives in this place"

"And I clearly don't remember learning about any mountain deity from my history lessons when I was a kid, and most of all, we don't even have shrine temples here. This place isn't Japan, Korea or China"

He stopped, then stared at Dia as he added, "And we do have a famous mountain deity from another province far away from here, but you're clearly not Maria Makiling...because she's not a cat but a woman"

"Anyway, just tell me where I can find that Evil Spirit that's clearly hiding from me if you're not it"

Dia rolled her eyes at him and replied, "There's no such thing as an Evil Spirit here"

Hearing that, John looked at the cat doubtfully and said, "Imposibble, there's clearly one here!"

Then the white hissed in annoyance and threatened John with her cute paws, "Shut up! There's no such thing as an Evil Spirit here anymore because you just destroyed it! Remember?"

John fought the urge to smack the cat in anger, but he held himself back because he's worried that it might be stronger than him, so he just glared at it angrily.

"What do you mean I destroyed it? I didn't even see a Shadow of it!"

"Yaaa! How dare you yell at a mountain deity!"

"Mountain deity, my ass! You must be the Evil Spirit itself trying to confuse me and then attack me when my guard is low!"

Dia pounced towards John and swiped her claws towards his face, but John quickly jumped back in a hurry, just barely got his face from getting "scratched".

"Hiss! You clearly encountered it and now you're acting like you didn't and even had the audacity to paint me as an evil spirit instead?! The audacity of this mortal!"


John quickly stretched out his palm in a hurry towards Dia because his spidey sense is tingling, telling him that danger is nigh!

"Wait! Before you do something, let me check something first"

John quickly said because he had already realized that the danger that's tingling his senses is coming from the enraged white cat in front of him, which made him break in cold f*cking sweat!

"What are you planning on doing?" Dia angrily hissed at him.

"Just give me a minute, yeah?" replied John as he hurriedly opened the Quest section.

[Mission "Exorcise The Evil" Completed!]

"What!? How did that happen? How come I didn't even notice it?"

John held the side of his head with one hand as he stared at the floating screen before him.


While Dia on the other hand, just looked at John who's staring into space with a confused look on her face as she couldn't understand what suddenly got into him that he started yelling from out of nowhere.

"Hey Dia, who was the Evil Spirit? How come I didn't realize that I had encountered it when you told me I did?"

Then John turned his attention to the cat who's now standing on top of her previous spot and staring at John.

The cat narrowed her eyes and tried to discern if John was joking around or was he serious from that question.

"Hmmp! You even gave it a beating and you say you hadn't encountered it?"

Realizing that he was being serious, Dia answered his question even though she's feeling frustrated at him.

"What!? No way! That one is clearly not an evil spirit!"

John quickly contradicted what she said as he clearly saw with his own two eyes that he didn't see any traits of red like smoke of an evil spirit swirling around on that ghost earlier.

"It was! It just became one a few hours ago during daylight. It harmed a couple grave visitors and it became an evil spirit. Why do you think it was so weak that such a weakling like you easily gave it a beating?" snorted Dia with disdain.

John didn't say anything for a couple of seconds before he finally opened his mouth and gave a gasp of surprise.

"What!? That bastard was the evil spirit?"

But then when thought deeply about what happened until now, John finally realized one point that he didn't quickly notice or pay attention to.

'So that's the reason why those ghosts weren't approaching me at all! How did I fail to notice it!?'

Ghost, every time John sees one, they would quickly approach him and start bothering the heck out of him trying to ask him unreasonable requests or just threaten to haunt him and feed on his energy.

And every single damn time, he would teach them a lesson by either giving them a beating or destroying them.

But this time, he had actually failed to realize that point tonight!

"Wait, I didn't destroy it though caused it hastily escaped from me"

"Well, I did!"

"You? You said you're a mountain deity, but aren't you too weak that you even needed my help?"

John looked suspiciously at the cat because he had quickly put two things together.

The cat said it was a mountain deity, and it also said that the evil spirit appeared a few hours ago, but it didn't quickly destroy it, and it only did when John arrived and gave it a beat down which prompted it to escape from him.

And when the spirit did that, the cat appeared and finished it off.

Which is something to be suspicious of because she called herself a mountain deity and Dia actually allowed it to exist till now.

"W-what are you talking about? I just didn't want to bother my beautiful self to deal with such a low class spirit!"

When Dia realized that John seemed to be onto something, she clearly became flustered that she even stuttered and didn't meet John's suspicious gaze at her.

"I knew it! You're just blowing your horns off, and I even believe you there for a second! Ha!"

Looking at John laughing at her, her gaze slowly became cold and her voice turned chilly.

"Oi, you think I was clowning around?"


John's eyes slowly widened when he suddenly saw an enlarged white paw swiping towards him, and he didn't even get the chance to scream "yamete" before he got slapped onto the ground!



His eyes slowly closed, as his consciousness left him.

He dead.