What are you waiting for!?

A few minutes had already passed when the crack of dawn appeared.

A figure of a man lying on a grassy patch and was lightly pressed deep on the ground with the shape of his body could be seen sleeping and even snoring, and anyone who would witness this scene would probably misunderstand that the young man passed out during a drinking party with his friends and got left behind here as a prank on him.

Then the young man's eyes abruptly opened and he quickly heard the chirping of birds and crickets and insects around him, and he quickly sat up and looked around in shock!

"Damn that cat! This is my first time camping out without a tent and sleeping on the cold hard ground!"

John quickly stood up and dusted himself off while cursing in anger as he didn't expect that he would end up like this.

"Right, where is that d- I mean cat?"

Then he realized that he got into this mess because of the cat, and he even wanted to curse at it but quickly held it back when he also realized that it wasn't a creature someone like him could mess with.

"I should go"

Then he hurriedly scurried out there and picked up his things on the way out as he hurriedly ran back to his scooter.

And along the way, he met a goat shepherd who was out and guiding his goats to a patch of grassy pasture, who looked weirdly at the disheveled John covered in dirt.

"Good Morning sir"

John just smiled and greeted, to which the latter returned the greeting with a nod while holding the front tip of his hat.

"I'm never coming here again" he swore inside as he drove home.

Luckily for him, he doesn't have classes today or he would be in trouble for missing his early class.

But what he didn't notice is that there's a white will o' wisp attached on the back of his right shoulder, as the face of the familiar white cat appeared with a silent and mischievous giggle.

"Is the cold monsoon coming? Why did it suddenly feel cold?"

John couldn't help but shiver while driving, wondering if the cold season is coming sooner than expected.

Damn humans for causing global warming!

Arriving home under the weird stares of his neighbors.

John quickly washed up, cooked some food up and ate while editing whatever he had shot last night.

"I actually did a pretty good job on my first try"

John couldn't help but comment as he watched his footage while editing with a slight smile on his face, and at the same time, he's trying to spot if there are any weird things caught on camera that he didn't notice while he was there.

"How come you're inside that thin black box?"

Suddenly, the familiar voice of someone sounded beside his ear, and when John heard that, an explosion exploded in his mind as his body quickly stiffened in fright!

John slowly turned his head rigidly as the soft white purry paws slowly came into his view, until he came face to face with a very familiar white cat with blue and yellow eyes.

But something is different this time though.

"How come...you've become a kitten?"

If the white cat last night was an adult cat, the one lying on his shoulder is now a kitten.

"Isn't this your fault!?"

Dia angrily slapped John on his cheek, but the latter didn't even bother to dodge as the only thing he felt was a soft tap on his cheek because of the lack of power behind it.

"Ho..how did it become my fault?" asked John, confused as he really didn't remember doing anything other than getting slapped unconscious when he laughed at her last night.

"It's because you made me use my powers, you dastardly bastard! I ought to kill you! Wasting my powers that I've saved up for many years!"

Dia felt frustrated, wronged and annoyed at the same time, just remembering that she allowed her anger to cloud her judgement that she actually used her precious powers to punish this mortal last night!

"Ohh...does that mean you're really weak right now?" said John as he realized something Dia said, as he quickly remembered that huge paw that smacked the daylights out of him!

"What...you! Put me down this instant mortal!"

Dia grew startled when John suddenly grabbed her as her limbs started flailing about in an attempt to break from his hold.

"Wait...what the f*ck? Why is your body warm?"

John was shocked to find out that he could actually feel the warmth of her body, and the reality struck him that she's actually a living being!

"Of course, it's warm, dumbass! You think I'm dead or something!?"

Dia angrily wriggled her limbs in an attempt to swipe at John's face.

"Wait, aren't beings like you should be made of spiritual energy?" said John with a serious look on his face.

"Grr, ignorant human. Who told you that deities are made of spiritual bodies? Foolish! This is the reason why you are mortals and we are deities!"

Dia angrily bared her fangs in annoyance and frustration because she knew that she's getting bullied by this dumbass before her eyes because she had grown weak.

"So, why are you here then? Why did you follow me? No, how did you even do it?"

John is wondering about the reason why the white cat followed him. After all, the circumstances when they first encountered each other isn't really that favorable, and he doesn't see any reason why Dia followed him.

"I attached myself to you of course. I can go anywhere I want, unlike earthbound spirits" Dia said arrogantly like it's an honor for John that deity is placing on importance to him.


John quickly realizes what she's trying to say just from her tone, but he doesn't really see any benefit of a deity following him around.

Well, it would have been a different story if it was over a month ago, but he already has what people call the greatest hack or bug in the universe, or otherwise known as the System Cheat.

Dia cutely narrowed her eyes at John and said, "What do you mean and? You should be honored that a prestigious deity like me is allowing you to stay by my side!"

"Honored my ass, you probably need something from me that you actually followed me all the way to my apartment. Spill it out!"

Figuring out that Dia is in her weakened state as she can't even free herself from his grasp, John fearlessly berates her.

There was silence for a few seconds as the two beings in the living room just stared at each other, and if anyone had witnessed everything from the beginning, they would quickly think John is a crazy person for talking to the cat like it was a person who could converse with him.

After a few seconds, Dia sighed and said, "Put me down"

John lightly placed her on top of the small table before him, beside his laptop.

Then stared at her, waiting for an explanation of why she's here.

"Alright, the reason why I followed you is because I need to restore my powers. Sufficient enough to protect myself" said Dia while emphasizing the last few words at the end.

"And how does that relate to me?" asked John, a little curious about why this so-called deity needed a human's help to restore her powers.

"What? Just spill it out"

John saw the expression of hesitation on the cat's face.

Wait, how the hell do I even know what her expression is!?

Am I becoming a cat!?

"Food. You need to offer food for me to eat"

After hesitating for a while, Dia finally spilled it out under the intense gaze of John, and if only she wasn't so weak right now, she would have smacked him by now.

But she also understood that she needs to control her anger as that is what got her into her current circumstances.

I just don't know why this mortal annoys the hell out of me!

I've never seen an annoying human such as him before!

All of them feared and respected me!

"You mean...like offering food to the spirits?" said John with a doubtful look on his face.

"Yeah, so give me food so I can restore my powers"

Dia hurriedly told John like it was already a done deal.

"Wait...no, why would I even do that?"

John quickly refused as he's not dumb enough to know that he'd be just getting himself into trouble if he did what Dia wanted, and he didn't even know what she'll do to him after she had recovered her powers!

After a back and forth bickering, John was coerced to agree in the end.

Learning that he's natural ability to see ghosts and their traits is not perfect. He agreed to do what Dia wants, as she had also offered that in exchange for his help.

She would accompany him on any of his future endeavors and provide advice if necessary, and would gladly even teach him things he didn't know about the supernatural world!

And for John, that's quite a big deal as he doesn't know much about that side of the world.

After all, he only knows how to fight ghosts and doesn't have that much in depth knowledge about them, especially after learning that the ghosts he had encountered so far are just lesser spirits who could barely harm a human being.

Besides, having someone who would teach him these kinds of things is beneficial to him, as there might be a day when it wouldn't be only ghosts that he'll be confronted against.

"So we got a deal?"


Dia tried to look serious, but she couldn't hide the tinge of excitement from her eyes. Which is really making John doubt himself if the cat before him is really a deity or just a skillful fraud!

"So what are you waiting for? Get cooking!"


John glared at the cat, whom the latter bared her teeth towards him in a playful gesture.

In the end, he still got up and started cooking some food for the cat and for his lunch later.

You're lucky, you are cute, you damn cat!

And I'm not even a cat person!
