Chapter 14

Helen was confused since she didn't remember meeting him other than two days ago. Where could they have even passed paths? He seemed to have grown up in a gated community surrounded by equally rich people and she was an orphan who was now entering the business world. They didn't belong to the same circle where they would've been introduced. He must have her mistaken for someone else.

"I highly doubt we've met before. I don't feel I would've forgotten meeting someone like you. How old was I?" She questioned wanting to know more about this. It was so unexpected.

"You were really young, forget I said anything about it."

"I'm not going to just forget about this. If we've met then I'll remember at some point. I think it's time we officially get this date started," Helen stated. She enjoyed the tour of his home but she still wanted to hurry along with the date.

"Our set up for the night is nearby," Eli responded. "Let's go," he added, extending his right hand for her to take so he could lead the way.

Helen looked a bit skeptical at taking his hand. She could just follow behind him. "You lead the way and I'll follow," She declined the invitation to hold his hand. Helen was not prepared for that closeness right now.

Not having any hard feelings about it Eli put down his hand. He hadn't expected her to reject his simple gesture of holding hands but at the same time, he understood that things like this took time depending on who the person was. Luckily, he had all the time in the world. "Fine," He replied, leading the way instead.

Following behind him Helen commented, "The music is nice. Thank you for putting it on."

She had an issue with being in complete silence sometimes especially in a big area like his home where her mind could wander. Once she got to overthinking, the demons in her mind took control and brought up nothing but her fears and insecurities. It was nice of Eli to take note of what she said and acted on it. It showed that he was listening and taking note of what she said.

Helen was still on the fence about why Eli had asked her out to dinner. On one hand, she believed he was trying to seduce her so he could somehow get the land but it wasn't that easy to convince her to give up her belongings. On the other hand, she was starting to believe that the man actually liked her but that was also too suspicious. Their first meeting wasn't the best and neither was the second. Had they really met before? He didn't seem like the first love or cheesy kind of dude. What's wrong with him, she thought, squinting her eyes.

"I feel like you're burning a hole into the back of my head," Eli spoke up, causing her to look away. He grinned slowly, running his tongue over where his fangs were hidden. They tingled to bite something all because of Helen who was exciting him. He wondered what was going on in that wild mind of hers.

"You're imagining things," Helen stated. Did the man have eyes at the back of his head? She couldn't even look at the back of his body in peace.

"You're probably judging me again but you did ask for permission to do it one or two more times. I hope you at least leave here with a good judgment of me. Although people like to say I'm a heartless monster, you'll find that I'm a nice person deep down," Eli explained without turning around.

"How deep down do I have to look?" She questioned humoring herself.

Eli stopped his tracks almost making Helen stumble because it was so abrupt and she was right behind him.

"What the hell!" She screamed in her thoughts. Couldn't he take a joke?

Turning around slowly, he faced Helen again. "Not too deep down considering I'm starting to really like you. I don't know what you might've heard about me when you searched me up but the only person who can truly tell you about me is me. And you don't have to worry about me lying. I prefer to irritate people with the truth."

"No offense Mr. King but you give me cold distant personality vibes, which is kind of what I found when I searched you up," Helen replied, taking a step back. She wasn't looking for him to be sunshine and rainbows with his personality since she had thought of him as an asshole in the beginning.

"Why? Because I don't care to pretend to enjoy the presence of the people around me? If I don't like you, you won't have to guess. At some point in your life, you should start to not care to pretend you're happy when you're not," advised Eli.

Deciding to take a step closer to Eli, Helen continued. "And as I've said Eli, you give me cold distant vibes. Not that I dislike it unless your attitude is directed at me but it would be fun to watch others tremble under your gaze when they try to make you like them. It would be more entertaining than any show I'm watching right now."

Eli tilted his head ever so slightly with a grin still on his face. "Who would've thought you were a bit evil?"

"It seems you also misjudged me but I'll give you one or two more times to do it. See I told you, it's hard to get rid of that image you created of someone in your mind but it's fun to know when you're completely wrong about them."

"Is there anything you thought about me that was wrong?" Eli questioned wanting to know what she honestly thought of him.

"Not necessarily. I still think you're the rich annoying man I met two days ago but I can't shake the feeling that you're starting to tempt me," She honestly responded intrigued. Make no mistake, at this moment she still wanted to dip after the third date but why not enjoy the red shiny apple in front of her for those three dates?

"Then, by all means, continue to be tempted."