Chapter 2

Kate was walking with her head full of thoughts.

*When will I finally have a simple life, trouble always seems to find me even if I stand still?*

In the evening it is cold, so she hugs herself, trying to warm up, not even having a cardigan with her. Something she had forgotten. She is still walking, and Kate does not realize that someone is in her way, she keeps her eyes down, focused on the colored tiles of the lane.

Everything happens quickly.

She bumps into that someone, and without even looking who it was she starts rubbing her head in pain.

"ah ... how bad! damn ... who's the idiot ... "

She doesn't have time to finish the sentence, that when she looks up, she finds a young man. And the beauty of him is unacceptable. How can someone be so beautiful?

time flies, until all the magic is interrupted by his angelic voice.

"Excuse me miss, are you okay? I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going ..."

She suddenly returns abruptly to reality.

"ah ... yes of course ... thanks ... no, that's all ... " she says not even knowing what. She is still dazzled by the light of this poseidon.

*damn, what am I saying? he'll take me for crazy, for sure. *

Then with an embarrassed smile, she looks away not having the courage to look him in the face. she rises slowly to her feet, having earlier ended up on the ground. "ah ... yes of course I'm fine thanks ... I wasn't paying attention too ..." she says pulling a tuft of hair behind her ear.

*Has it always been so difficult to talk? *

Her cheeks blush as he scans her to see if she has any damage. "Are you sure? Because it doesn't seem to me ... your face is all red ..."

As she tries to answer she raises her face, to give the feeling of being sure, but she finds a hand approaching her forehead.

It all happened in slow motion. As the hand touches, her face becomes even hotter and redder. Being the first time for her to have such contact with a man.

Only seconds pass, but it seems like years to her. When she realizes the situation she quickly pulls back from the contact, touching her cheeks and forehead to cool them.

*oh .. good heavens! what just happened?! *

"uhm ... I think you have a fever ..." he says, still with his arm outstretched.

"I don't think so ... I know myself..." Kate says in hopes of being able to escape from the situation. Nice yes, but the situation is dangerous.

She begins to look around, they were near a park, but there was not a soul.

*why do this things only happen to me? This one could be a pervert or a killer *

She tries to take small steps back.

"look, thank you, but I'm really fine, plus I'm pretty close to home. Do not worry. Good..."

She sees the starry sky. *What the hell just happened?*

All of a sudden she feels pulled up and her body is clinging to something. She looks up and meets the sweet gaze of the same man.

"you see, you have a fever, you can't even stand " he says with a chuckle.

While Kate tries in every way to free herself from the grip. "let me go, you damned pervert!" and screams when she realizes that she can't.

"I'll take you to the hospital, it seems to me that you also broke your ankle when you fell " he says, with seriousness in his eyes.

Kate can't help but be enchanted. they are so magnetic.

"how the hell did you figure it ... I was careful! "

"I realized that as you were walking away, you kept making a face every time you put your left foot down. " starting to walk with her in his arms, like a bride.

"where are you taking me, do you want to kill me, make me your slave ... mind you. I will never accept! ugly pervert! "

Kate says continuing to try to escape when his voice stops her.

"enough, stop moving, you're making things even more difficult. I don't want to make you my slave or kill you ... My car is nearby. I just want to help you. "

And silence reigns all the way up to the hospital. And there have been no more complaints.