Chapter 3

Kate wakes up, remembering almost nothing of the previous night. she feels her left ankle bandaged, and her head hurts less than yesterday. Then her gaze falls on a figure near the window. A beautiful man sleeps in the white armchair offered by the room, probably of the hospital.

"wow" this compliment escapes her from chapped lips. Being asleep, this gives her time to observe him better.

He has slightly long black hair, and his face shines, his arms are crossed over his chest. He's dressed in a sleek black outfit, and seems to cost quite a bit. He also looks quite tall.

"why don't you take a picture, it lasts longer. "

The sudden voice scares her so much that she jumps on the bed making a scream.

"aahhh ..."

He immediately gets up, approaching the bed in order to help her if she would lose her balance.

"do you want to give me a shot ?!"

Kate asks as she tries to calm her poor heart, which is beating wildly because of the fright.

*so cute* the man thoughts, but he recomposes quickly.

"not to sound rude, I don't know your name or where we are ..."

She says playing with her hands, but with a fiery look, despite being quite scared of the whole situation. She felt like she was living a dream.

"we're in the hospital, the room is private, and my name is Jin ... if you're looking for your bag, it's right there on the nightstand to the right of the bed. " he says and also replies when he sees her looking for something.

"thank you" and immediately takes the bag looking for the phone.

"I'm going to pay and ask for some more information. " so Jin leaves the room.

Kate didn't even pay him any attention. She turns on the phone and sees that it is full of calls and messages from her friend.

He decides to call her, to reassure her.

"Where the hell are you? I didn't find you at home or at work, I texted people who knew you, and I swear that if you didn't call me now I'd be inside the police district. now after this little rant. Do you mind telling me what the hell happened to you? "

Kate could almost see her friend smile with impatience.

"nothing, there was a little unexpected situation, and now I'm in the hospital ... nothing serious just a sprain I think. "

but it is precisely at that moment that the phone decides to abandon her.

"ah ... it really wasn't the right moment."

Kate felt a strong urge to cry.

She was tired, she just wanted to stop worrying about anything for a single moment.

Nothing ever went right.

"the doctor said ... "

Jin enters as he was speaking but freezes, seeing the woman on the verge of tears. why was not explained. Was it his fault?

Approaches, not knowing what to do. He puts his hand on her cheek, trying to give some comfort.

She looks up, her eyes holds back tears. But Kate was feeling too weak right now, so she decides to indulge only once, in the wishes hidden for too long. Then she rests her head on the chest of the man, who at first is surprised, but accommodates the silent request.

More or less twenty minutes pass, when the man decides to report the doctor's decisions.

"the doctor said you need a few days of rest, but you can be discharged and I've already signed the papers. "

Kate gives a small apprehensive nod. They stay still like that for a while longer. However the situation begins to be too embarrassing for our cute patient who decides to break away from the similar hug.

"ok I think it can be enough, but I thank you for these few moments of peace. " she says with a sweet smile on her still chapped lips.

He looks at her, seems sorry for the sudden absence of the woman.

"uhm... Can you please give me some water?"

"oh! Yes of course! Sorry, I didn't think about it."

And immediately he gets up from the bed, where he was sitting, approaches the coffee table, and taking the bottle of water, pours it into a random glass found there. Not before he made sure it was clean.

He gets back to her, and gives it to her holding still the glass, so that she doesn't pour it on herself.

Her hands trembled for some strange reason.

"Thank you" The woman says, wiping her mouth with the sleeve of her shirt. He puts the glass back on the coffee table.

"then, what happened." he asks kindly, trying not to get into her privacy.

"I don't want to talk about it. It was nothing, like always."

Says the woman, embarrassed and with a low look, looks at the blanket and the hands as she was playing with them.

"well I think I must go now. I still have to go to work tomorrow."

She says getting out of bed. Yes. She puts on her shoes, but when she realizes the bandage, even if it's light, she thinks it creates problems.

Surely she has to use the crutch for walking.

*Never a good one. *


Jin meanwhile is still watching. Not quiet, leaving the woman alone.

It gave him the feeling that she was going to get into trouble on her own.

When she was ready, she asked the man if he could at least help her get home.

"I know it's bad to ask, but could you take me home?"

*Of course, I wasn't expecting anything else*

"Of course, also because, I probably would have asked you. "

His car stops in front of a set of apartment houses. And you can see how his face grimaces.

"do you live here? Alone?"

She looks at him strangely, exchanging glances between him and the houses.

*is there anything strange? * She thinks.

"um... Yes of course. I live here... Anyway, thanks for the ride. I'll know how to repay you for what you did for me. Good night."

She gets out of the car with her bag and closes the door, not giving him time to answer.

He waits until he sees the fourth-floor light turn on.

"I'll see you again soon."

He says by starting and turning the car, moving away from the houses.