Chapter 4

The next morning, Kate wakes up. And she jumps out of bed, realizing she's got his ankle bandaged.

*oh, I forgot *

She sighs.

She doesn't remember last night's man, but a constant knock on the door makes her wake up altogether.

When she opens the door, her best friend stands in front of her.

"I think you have some explanation for me," she says, walking into her flat.

She gives a sigh, and then closing the door turns to her friend who in the meantime was sitting on the small sofa. Kate has a smile on her face. "So what brings you here?"

"Well, I don't know, what about you, after having been missing for three days?" Her friend replies with a frown on her face.

"Do you really want the whole truth?" Kate says, her back still facing her friend. "Of course!"

Kate goes to get something to drink first, just to spend the day. Also because there was so much to tell.

"Let's say I met that man again. I spent my time in the hospital being cared for, for a twist that I took to the foot. I must say he was a true gentleman."

"Oh my goodness! And when do you get married?"

Sophie began to laugh hysterically. "The important thing, however, is that you are well. By the way, how's the sprain?" She said, getting serious again.

"Better, in a couple of days I have to do the checks in the hospital again."

"But in the end, what's he's name...?"

"uhm"Kate sighs. "I don't know... No wait, he told me his name is Jin."

"Are you staying here today? You know, I don't really want to be alone. I also need to take a couple of days off work, but I risk losing it."

Sophie with a bored verse, answers. "The last thing you really have to worry about is losing your job. With your experience you could find a better place to work. Which then, let's face it, is not that they really got you well. Your colleagues are really jerks."

By dint of small talk it was lunchtime. "I totally agree with that," says Kate, getting ready to cook. The kitchen is an immaculate splendor, because Kate never uses it. She never finds time to eat.

"Come on, get on the couch, I'll prepare something. Not that I'm as good as you, but I get by," says Sophie, standing up and with a small smile on her face. Happy to spend some time with her best friend, almost sister.

*Why is nothing ever good? I just want to live a quiet life. Is that too much to ask?*

In the apartment spreads a good smell of cooking. "Apparently, you've practiced. What good did I do to deserve you?"

Both friends laugh happily at each other's company.

"At the table! The food is ready. I think you don't mind a pasta with tuna and egg. On the other hand it is all I found in the fridge and in the pantry. "

"I'm not picky. " They sit down and begin to eat.

Pass a few hours, which they spend, watching a bit of Netflix. It's time for Sophie to go home, despite Kate wanting to keep her for a sleepover.

"Come on, please stay!" "No, but seriously, think about changing jobs."

Kate closes the door after saying goodbye to her friend. She sighs. But she is sad.

"Perhaps it is better to listen to her. It's time for a change."

And so that night, and all night, Kate prepared to find a new job, maybe something close to her major and degree."

Tapping on the keyboard of the old computer, she looked at papers messed up on the coffee table. The next morning he received answers for interviews. But they don't go as she hopes. It seems that she does not have enough experience. And while this is partly true, it was still the best of her year. The morning then becomes a constant coming and going. Kate stops on a park bench. And behind it is a huge glass building. The sprain in her foot was starting to throb. She knows she shouldn't have gone out, but she was too focused on that goal. The breath slowly ceases.

*maybe it wasn't a good idea. For today it is better to leave it alone. Let's wait for tomorrow *

And with this thought she goes home. She picks up the phone and dials her boss's number at the café. "I'm sorry but tomorrow I have to take the day off, I have a visit to the hospital"

"I don't give a damn if you have a medical visit, I want you at work right after. Don't think..." the constant screaming and ranting of her boss, gave her all of a sudden a beastly headache.

Kate goes to her room with a sudden tiredness in her body, perhaps given the day's failure. She closes the curtains, places the phone on the bedside table, which showed a couple of messages from Sophie as well as the time. Kate with the pain in her ankle, got under the covers and lulled by the darkness and silence falls asleep.