The Coming Back 2

Anna locked the door of her house and stood up while her eyes were checking every corner of it.

Tarou noticed a tear falling from her eye:

- What's wrong? Are you regretting coming with us?

- I have been living in this house for seventeen years and I have never imagined myself leaving it and returning to that land.

- This time you will be with us. No one will dare to harm you.

Anna wiped the tear, then she smiled:

- Seeing you again was like a miracle to me. My wish was fulfilled. If we failed to get the cure, please don't be sad. I will die peacefully.

Aaron held his mother's hand:

- Don't say that, no one will die. Come on, let's go.

Dylan tries to change the subject:

- By the way, how are we going to head back? Are we going to fly? Or Sarra will use her magic to teleport us?

- First, We will take the train to the nearest place from the land, then we will use our power to get through the snow.

- Alright...let's go.

The five of them headed to the train station Where another surprise was waiting for them.

It was Diana. She was at the train station with a bag on her shoulder, Aaron couldn't take his eyes off her, she seems more beautiful every time he looks at her. When she saw them she smiled.

- We are late, the train is about to go, hurry up.

Tarou stepped forward while looking very surprised:

- What are you doing here? What do you mean by we?

- Why do you look so surprised? I'm going with you, guys. Isn't it obvious?

- Are you kidding? We are already numerous.

- Having one extra person won't hurt.

- I think you misunderstood something. We are not going on a field trip. Besides, how did you know that we will be traveling today?

- I didn't know...When you were talking about the cure I assumed that you will be soon traveling to search for it, due to your mother's bad condition. So, I decided to come to the train station and wait for you until you show up.

- I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you can't go with us. The place we are heading to is forbidden to humans, even if you go with us you can't enter the land of monsters.

- When we arrive there, we will figure out something. I'm not backing off, this is my chance to make my father's dream come true. I must see the hollow earth and discover the other magic stones. I know a lot of things that you don't know about that place.

- If you go there, you won't be able to survive the snow storms. Me and Sarra must take care of Dylan and Anna. Who will take care of you?

- I will help her. I have power now, I will take care of her. Don't worry.

Interfered Aaron while stretching his arms.

Tarou became more furious.


- It's too late, she already rode the train.

Replied Aaron while catching on to her with Anna and Dylan.

Sarra grabbed Tarou from his hand and dragged him to the train:

- You are the only one against it, just accept it. Maybe she can help us.

-But, I don't trust her. She seems very suspicious since the moment we met her.

- I will watch her. She won't be able to do anything. Come on, let's go...

Tarou couldn't do anything except be swayed by her smile and follow her.

Finally, they all got on the train. After a few moments, It started to move.

Et voila, the adventure began.

The land of monsters here we go.

Dylan was sitting beside Tarou. He didn't look happy about it.

- Sarra was the one supposed to sit next to me. Why you made me change my place?

- Well, my best friend, I thought we have a lot to catch up on, aren't we?

- What did Aaron mean when he said that he now has power?

- Well, since you are coming with us, I will tell you everything.

Tarou told Dylan about Aaron's condition when he was in the land, how he was powerless and what did happen to him in the forest with the black stone.

Dylan looked very surprised while listening to that:

- All of that Did happen to Aaron! I feel so bad for him.

- Don't...It makes him angry, just act normal. We will save Anna then we will take that power out of his body.

- What if he refuses?


- Think about it from his point of view. Will he accept to give it up after all he has been through?

- Don't say such nonsense, Aaron will never do that.

- Well, we will see about that.

Dylan's words made Tarou worried, but he tried to not show it to Dylan. He took a glimpse at Sarra, who was sitting next to Anna. They seemed to have a good chat. Meanwhile, Aaron was setting beside Diana, he looked very nervous.

" What should I tell her? "

She smiled at him:

- Thank you, Aaron, for supporting me. You are a very kind person.

- I'm glad that you are accompanying us, but aren't you scared? You know, we are not humans.

- You came to save me when I was in danger, you love your mother and you are willing to do anything for her. That means one thing to me. You are more human than most humans.

Aaron blushed right away. It was his first time taking comparison to humans as a compliment.

- I hope you won't get disappointed. This trip won't be easy, and the people there won't be friendly.

- I know it won't be easy, but I will try very hard to make my dream come true so I won't regret anything. Besides, you are with me, I feel more secure.

- I will protect you no matter what.