...The Treasure Hunt...

At midnight, the group headed towards Al-Khazneh. The place was empty of tourists, but the guards were wandering everywhere.

- Be careful, no one must see us.

- Sarra, can you use your invisible spell on Annie? That's will be more secure for her, we won't be able to take her out of this place if the guards caught us.

- Alright, but someone should be with her to take care of her if something happens.

Laila held Annie:

- I will stay with her, go ahead. I won't be much of a help to you anyway.

Sarra made Laila and Annie invisible. They stayed in the back, while the others went ahead to the Treasury.

They could easily reach it since it wasn't that high.

- This is it! It is bigger than I thought.

- Aaron, remove the cover carefully, we shouldn't make any kind of noise.

Aaron put his hand on the cover, then he removed it to see what was inside this treasury. i

It was half-filled with sand. Dylan and Sarra reached their hand and started removing the sands hoping to find something beneath.

- Did you find something, Dylan?

- No, I'm still looking, there are a lot of sands.

After a while, Dylan stood up while wiping his sweat.

- Nothing...I didn't find anything inside the treasury.

- Are you sure?

- Yes, not even a small rock. There are only sands in that box.

Aaron put back the cover.

- Why I'm not surprised...Now, what are we going to d...

Dylan suddenly covered Aaron's mouth

- Shut, I feel someone is getting closer to us, let's hide quickly.

- Wait! What about Laila and Annie.

- They are invisible, let's hope that they won't make any noise.

Aaron, Dylan, and Sarra hid behind big columns. A group of guards started getting closer to them. Laila saw them. She panicked, but she tried to stay calm.

" They can't see us. Everything will be okay"

She whispered at Annie:

- Annie, dear. Don't make any noise.

- Alright.

The guards got so close to them that they were about to bump them. Fortunately, Laila stepped away quietly. The guards didn't suspect anything. They wandered for a bit, then when they made sure that no one was there they decided to leave.

- Everything is okay, let's go.

Suddenly, Annie sneezed.

The guards turned around right away

- What is this? Did you hear that?

- Someone is here...let's search for it.

The guards spread all over the place searching for the source of the sound.

Aaron became very worried about his daughter. He wanted to go to her, but Dylan held him back.

- Don't move, you will make it worse.

- Dammit, I'm such a powerful monster, yet I can't save my daughter from mere humans...this is so frustrating.

The guards kept searching in every corner of the place. They couldn't leave until they became sure that no one was there. The city has always been under the threat of the treasure hunters.

- Did you find anything?

- No.

- Keep searching, I will call for the others to come too. We must find that sound

While they were searching, a small cat jumped in front of them while meowing.

- Look! There is a cat.

- Was that sound coming from it?

- I think so....Let's search for a bit then we will go.

After a while, The guards finally leave. Aaron headed towards his daughter.

- Annie! Are you okay? You surely were afraid.

- No, aunt Laila kept reassuring me. I didn't feel afraid at all.

Aaron held his daughter:

- Thank you for taking care of my daughter.

- It was nothing, I'm happy that nothing major happened.

Aaron and the rest wandered for a while inside the monument, then they went back to their hideout.

No one looked happy after returning empty-handed:

- So, we still have nothing.

Aaron laid immediately on the ground.

- I feel tired, let's sleep first.

Everyone went to sleep except for Laila, she couldn't sleep a wink in such a scary place. It was too dark and the tombs were right beside them. She kept recalling Dylan's words over and over again.

" How could I sleep? What if those kings' souls are wandering around us for real? "

She tried to close her eyes and even cover her head to not think about it.

" I will imagine myself laying on my bed."

Suddenly she heard a low voice.

" What is this?"

She removed the cover slowly, and that was when she saw some light coming out of the tombs chamber. Her blood ran cold through her veins. She didn't remember exactly what she did, but when she went back to her senses she was in Dylan's arms.