...The Train Trip...

After a five-hour trip, the plane finally arrived in India. Sarra noticed that the atmosphere between Laila and Dylan was awkward. They were avoiding each other. Sarra got closer to him and whispered in his ear:

- What's wrong? Did something happen between the both of you?

- We are just exhausted because of the long trip. Don't forget what we agreed on before leaving Jordan.

- Don't worry, we won't say anything to her.

- Good...

When Laila woke up after that she passed out because of the mumm8y. Dylan took the chance of her going to the bathroom and talked to Sarra and Aaron.

- Don't tell her about what we saw in that chamber.

- Are you still suspecting her?

- After what did happen yesterday I became more sure that she knows more than we thought.

- Why are you thinking like that? Is it because she guessed that the mummy gave us something?

- Not only that.... since we started our journey, but she has also been helping us indirectly to solve the enigmas.

- How? I didn't notice that?

- For example, When we were wondering about what to do with the sands, she suddenly screamed and said that there was a ghost in the room of the tombs. When we went in, we discovered that we should put the sands inside those tombs.

- You think that she led us to the chamber on purpose?

- Yes, she knew that the solution was in there.

- What is that supposed to mean?

- I'm not sure yet, Aaron, but there is a chance that she came here before, and maybe with Tarou, but, what I didn't get, is that she didn't know what was the third clue.

- Maybe she was only acting?

- No, her fainting wasn't a lie. That's what I'm sure about at least. Besides, she asked about the clue as soon as she woke up, which made us more suspicious about her.

Aaron felt angry:

- We can make her talk. She is a mere human.

- No, we will pretend that we don't know anything, but, at the same time, don't tell her anything about the clue.

- Shouldn't we confront her, instead? Maybe she knows where Tarou is?

- Because she is not alone in this, someone else is with her. If we do something to her, Tarou's life can be in danger.

- What do these people want from us?

- If my conclusion is right, They want that treasure as well...

When Laila arrived after washing her face to fully wake up, she wanted to ask again about the clue, but Dylan didn't give her a chance to talk until they went on board.

Laila noticed that Dylan was ignoring her, she tried to act normal. But, when Dylan expressed his suspicion toward her, she became nervous.

" This is not good. He started suspecting me because of my reckless behavior. I must do something."

When they arrived in India, Dylan pulled out the map.

- Where should we go?

- According to the map, we must go to a city named Agra.

- What is in there? Please don't tell me another whole city full of monuments. I got enough from that.

- In Agra, there is only one famous monument, which is Taj Mahal.

- Taj Mahal? Is it a temple?

Laila tried to explain to them. She wanted to erase the tension that she has been feeling.

- Taj Mahal or Crown of the Palace is the tomb of the favorite wife of the emperor, Mumtaz Mahal.

- Another tomb!

- Yes, it is another tomb.

- Alright, let's go. Is it near this place?

- No, it is quite far. We are in New Delhi and we must take the train to go to Agra.

The group went to the train station. It wasn't their first time riding a train, but the one in India was unique. The station was so crowded with people and when they managed finally to ride it. they didn't find any empty chairs to stay on.

Aaron was very annoyed because people kept pushing him and his daughter. She has nearly drifted away.

- What is this place, there is no place to even stand on our feet.

- India is known for its high population. Besides, we are in a big, crowded city

- Be careful, there are a lot of thieves in this kind of place.

And before Laila could finish her words, someone snatched a golden necklace from her neck


The thief was very quick, he took the necklace and disappeared inside the crowd right away.

Laila looked in despair, she tried to run after him, but Dylan held her back:

- Where are you going? You will get lost if you follow him! Can't you just forget about it?

Laila's eyes became full of tears:


Dylan sighed:

- Sarra, take care of Annie and Laila. Aaron, come with me. We will catch the thief.


- Yes.

Aaron and Dylan disappeared into the crowd as well.

- Dylan, are sure that you want to do that for her?

- It is a boy, about fourteen years old. He is wearing a black hat and a blue tee shirt. can you find him?