Reincarnated as a slime

[ MC POV ]

( Main Character )

Hah.. So cold, so hot? I don't know what I am feeling anymore. Am I at hospital? Did they save me?

It would be great if I die as it is. The hospital fee are gonna kill me for sure. Nah with that many stab I have no hope to survive. It would be good, if don't feel any pain if I get stab again, but its impossible right?

/ Granted Pain Immunity /

Granted? What did you grant me? Anyway, Where am I now? In hell? It's this what heaven look like? It's sure is dark and lonely. If I reborn again, I don't want to be human anymore. Human life is pain.

/ Changing race.... COMPLETE /

/ Gained new race slime /

Slime? You kidding, give me a dragon or something. I don't understand what you talking since the start. Can't you reply me?

/ Host is dissatisfied /

/ Request Evolution.... Granted /

/ Slime - - > ??? slime /

Still a slime tho.. While you are at it. It's nice and all but. Why won't you grant me something that can see my own status like in games.

/ Request Granted /

/ Gained RPG /

/ Upgrading RPG - - - > Knowledge COMPLETE /

Wait why did you upgrade again? Well whatever, what will I do with all this. As I stared at the dark abyss. Thankfully the abyss doesn't stare me back. Or I will shit my pants.

Do I have a pants anyways. I forget about progress bar up there above me, that is at 80% now, what that mean? It's getting 90% and slowly fill the bar and completed.

/ Reincarnation COMPLETED /

MC : ??

As the message pop up, I was suddenly suck into something and sink. Eventually I lost my consciousness.

I wake up. Good new or bad new. Well bad new is that there is no good news. I can't see, I can't hear, I can only walk. No I can only crawl, like some kind of slug or snakes. I can jump though but trust me you wouldn't want to do that if you can't see.

Snake have eye, if I were a slug I would see too. And there is a message saying I Reincarnated as a slime so yeah, I am slimu da!!

Hahaha... Ha not funny at all. As I crawl depressingly. I sometime dissolve many things on my path. I can't taste those things tho. May be its better not to taste those. I crawl aimlessly.

Ahhh I have enough. Can someone tell me where I am at. Or at least give me a map. Damn you gods!!

( Host is in a ???? Cave )

Did I hear something? Am I going insane? Not even a hour, since i reincarnated and I go crazy. Did I break the record God? Did I speed run to madness?

( ... )

( This is your unquie skill [ Knowledge ] Host )

( The very you ignore in a hour )

Well hahaha ( Sweating ) even if you tell me that. I am new to this after all. Can't you just tell me. Or even pop up earlier?


Well I am sorry ok. I don't know you existed. You didn't even show yourself at the beginning.

( . )

I feel like I am stepping all the land mines. I am not that good at conversations. Except work.

Umm, first can you show me my status, like those in game?

( Name - Unamed

Race -??? Slime


Skills - Pain Immunity

Unquie skill - Knowledge )

Umm where is hp or mp. Where can I find status stats. Where my level? This is not complete at all!!

( This world only works with magiculus, the higher your magiculus you can evolve into higher monster or being)

OK, I expected more but I well deal with this. Now can you show me map or something or may be a vision.

( There is a thing called magic perception, but first host have to sense magic in the air to gain the vision )

Magic? In the air. How can I do that. What even is magic? I live in human society dammit.


Hey you cant be seriously cut off here. As I close my non-existent eye and sense the magic. First I sense a sphere object in my body like a core inside my body.

Its like a metal ball with pink color. Why pink tho. As I try to forget the core and sense something else.

I see it, a blue line. I try to attract the blue line in my body. As the blue line go to my core. I have a headache.

Ahhh knowledge a bit help please. Why is too many thing is popping up.

( Host gained Magic Perception )

( Filtering information )

That much more better. But still this is weird. I can see like 360°. I can see myself too. Wait why am I pink and I am bit smaller than that blue slime hopping over there.

( Host gained knowledge of yourself )

( Your race is Pink Slime, a evolution from a blue slime, pink slime are smaller and look harmless but they are deadly as they are fast and have more concentration acid as the body is small )

Ohh but can I be other slime other than a pink. I feel like I have been setup.

(no comments)

You did something didn't you. I want refund. Make a purple or black or something. Why pink? It's a girly color.

( Host didn't say what kind of slime. So it's random. Worry not host is genderless, slime only give birth with division or magically appear from magic source )

I can't deny that when you say it. Hahh, I will deal with this I guess. I can evolve and be other than pink. As I still go aimlessly. Knowledge doesn't really reply other than question. So... not a good talking mate.

I learn that this is a cave of higher being. What higher being, I don't know. And also called as a dungeon. I was first panicked as may be adventurer will come and see me as a rare creature and kill me.

And sell my core. Oh hell no.. But I haven't see any living being other than a monster. I see a slime around here and there. Why don't you kill them you may ask. But I can't for some reason.

They are same race as mine after all. They are almost like my relative brother and sister, Even if I am higher race. They didn't attack me too, only Pass by and chilling. Can they even see me? But I see a slime with a high presence tho.