Mysterious Blue Slime

I can see a blue slime hopping and eating all the unknown grass and rocks with red colors and gold color. What it's doing?

I am curious about it so. I try to eat it too. I crawl toward the plant and minerals slowly... Well not slowly but very fast. May be this is my race advantage. Although I am as small as pin ball. I eat stone and plant very fast. I wait and see what happen. Nothing..

MC : Hey can you tell me what are these I eat Knowledge?

/ Host stored Health Restore Plants and Magic ore /

MC : Store? Do I have that function?

/ Yes currently it at { 2 / 100 }

single item can be stack up to 99

You have a total 100 units

It will increase as your magiculus increase

Or if you ranked up /

MC : I see can you put that in my status?

/ I can do that ...

Name - Unamed

Race - Pink Slime ( E Rank )


Internal Storage - 2 / 100

Skills - Pain Immunity, magic perception

Unquie skill - Knowledge /

OK I don't know where those 100 space come from my smol body but OK, I will deal with this. Oh speaking of which, where that mister slime go off to?

As I look and see he on the cliff. I sweat a bit. Wait isn't he or she or it in danger? I hop toward it to stop the sucide.

/ Host! slime can't die in water in case you misunderstand /

Oh I see. I almost make a mistake, may be he knew what he's doing after all. I see him jumped in water and I wonder if I should tag along with it. Will he mind about it? Well the slime around me didn't do anything so I may be safe.

I also jump along the water and float back to surface. This is so much fun, it like jumping on trampoline. But where did he go, as float around to search for it. Suddenly a jet of water shot the ceiling and see him along with it.

Ahh wait for me!! Its gonna be pain in the ass to climb that other cliff. As I complain and slowly going toward the cliff. Uwah it it steep. How will I climb this or even crawl on this surface. Can I do something like that slime?

MC : Can you help me knowledge?

/ Host figure by yourself /

MC : Hey!! Aren't ya suppose to help me?

/ I can aleast tell you what that slime used /

MC : well that what I asked for

/ It used water jet to launch in the air /

I see but how will I do that? I let myself sink in water and try to launch in the air. But I don't know how to control water effectively. I control water under my body with magic.

OH wait can I store water and launch to air by releasing under my body? I slowly eat or store water in my body. And It's called magical water. I then focus to release water and launch. And hit the rock ceiling.

Dammit. Not enough.. No its just too much output, I gather more and try aiming at cliff again. Second time. This time more concentrated and launch. I make it.

I look around to find him again. But I spend so much time on getting to this side. So I don't know where it went. I look and see like 4 passages. Dammit. My luck is no good.

I have been fallen into Gacha hell for a long time and I know my luck is close to nill. Here goes nothing. I pick the 2nd passage, there is no trap or I am at dead end. I am lucky on this one.

Now where am I supposed to go. Left or Right? Let's go left. I am going as fast as possible to catch up that slime. As I am rushing I head butted into the creature. It's a snake with a large fangs and look at me meanly.

MC : Mister snake I didn't mean to- woah..

As he launch at me and bite me but he bounch back to the wall. And I feel no pain. Pain immunity is working alright.

/ Stored Venom /

Ohh a poison too huh. It's a good thing that my body is a liquid or else I would be poison to dead. I look at the snake and wonder. Will I kill it or not. This may be my brother too. But I feel no familiar with it.

I jump on his head and slowly eat all his brain and skull. And now it's headless snake.... As I expected this is a bit disgusting. Well I have no taste bud so I am alright. I wonder if I can store this corpse. I try to store and it is success.

/ Stored Headless Venomous black snake /

/ Gained Racial skill [ Mimicry ] /

OH I learned new skill. Can I try it. As I use the skill and my body get larger and I Become snake. It's it just a mimic or can used this as a weapon? My body seem solid tho, unlike sloppy mimic with blue liquid.

I try to hunt another snake with my mimic body. And it's not as good as I thought to be, I make a lot of akward movement. I have a large body so giving a enemy a lot of chance to strike. So I revert back to my base form and just attack with it.

My body is smol so it had hard time hitting me. And my acid is too strong if you ask me. I ate it head and store the body. Why am I eating head? It's the easiest way after all. Strike the head and it's done.

/ Ding!! Need to kill 10 VB Snake to gain { Venom Skill } Currently ( 2 / 10 ) /

MC : Knowledge wtf!!

/ ?? /

MC : don't question mark me why didn't you tell me this over powerful thing!! Don't tell me I didn't ask you!!

/ But it's true that host didn't ask me /

MC : Gahh I swear some day you and I will have a fight

/ I have no body and I am loyal skill host /

Doesn't that make me very powerful as I ignored the knowledge remark. I can kill certain amount of enemy and gain a lot of skill. I have a big cheat aren't I.

MC : Wahahahhahahah here come powerful slime in the existence.

As I am high myself with dru- I mean a skill. I go around and kill 6 more snake and need only 1 more. I see a blue slime, that guy it's facing with... DRAGON!?!?