Outside world

??? : [ : <-- mean speaking out loud ]

??? () [ () <--- telepathy or thinking ]


Well are at the entrance, you may think why don't you go out then? The thing is, the gate... It's closed. I glanced at Rimuru seem like he is also pondering what to do. We can powered our way and break this poor gate into pieces.

But the door open slightly and enter 3 human. 2 males and 1 females, in another world term they may be called adventurer. They have a weapon and Armour. We hide near a big rock. They didn't seem to sense us tho.

They are talking and strolling into the caves. I wonder what are they doing here.

Rimuru ( Let's go lura the gate is open )

Lura ( Oky but what bout those three tho )

Rimuru ( They will be fine beside we are slimes so... We may be monster in their eye )

And we are out from the caves and see a sunlight and green forest. It's been so long since I miss the sun.

I hop a bit here and there. Although I was used to be more a night owl person when i don't have any jobs. Other than the fact that I missed outside world, there isn't any interesting around.

Rimuru suddenly stopped. I curiously look at him and see a bush rattling. I jump and hid in the bushes. What come out was a child? He have a green skin and pointy ear with ugly face. And they barely cover their crotch with leather.

A goblin? In Rpg term. Slime exist so them here is not suprising. There seem to be a lot of them. Are they gonna attack? I must prepare. Rimuru use ultrasound waves to communicate them. They suddenly kneel and look overwhelmed.

??? : We understand what you me- mean so please o'Great one lower your strength

Hmm they seem to scared of something? Rimuru is confused too. He look around and make slime tentacles and point at him self with question mark.

??? : Yes o'Great one we mean you

Suddenly Rimuru seem to not have any.. What can I say it's like. He look super reliable at first but its lower level and now he look reliable. What happen akashic?

/ Host may not realize it but since veldora named you, you gained a lot of magiculus and your presence is on par with half dragon /

Ohh that explain why they look scared. Wait doesn't that mean I too emitting the pressure. They seem to looking at my place too.

??? : Umm we mean n- no harm great one ple- please don't kill us.

I have akashic tell me how to suppres my aura or pressure and I hop out from the bush. They look at me surprise.

Lura : why you look like you see a rare animal?

Goblin leader : Ah no no we mean no rude great one, it just pink slime are super rare after all

Rimuru : You guys have no name?

GL : No great one we are but a humble low monster.

Rimuru : Called me Rimuru she is Lura

GL : But great one!

Rimuru : RI MU RU

GL : Umm ( Rimuru * Stare * ) Rimuru sama..

Rimuru : Good even though i want you to drop sama

Seem like they want a help from us. Since Veldora disappeared they have been in trouble because all the monster invading one after another. Well I don't mind and rimuru is eager to see the goblin village.

Its really a... Beat up village. Can't be help it they seem to have low population too. And unlike other fantasy goblins. These goblin doesn't kidnape the woman and r@pe to reproduce. Or else there were be second coming of thot- *Ahem* I mean goblin slayer.

They have female goblin. Goblina they look like a elementary student girl. WaHahaha even if you call me lolicon there is no FBI- wait I was just joking don't handcuff me!?!

Rimuru : Lura? You OK?

Lura : Ah! yes Rimuru

They make a place in the largest hut in the village. Rimuru asked for another place but they seem to be firm in their decision.

And I feel like my time is coming. Look all this Goblina loli looking at me. May be I am really popular with loli after all. ( Distance FBI siren noise ) I am joking Hahah, please pull that handcuff away in the first place you can't even cuff me.

Before I think I am at popular phase. Why do I feel like these Goblina eyes are very dangerous? They really want my core after all? Even of you are loli and thots I will not yeild woman!!

* Sniff* my man diginity *sniff*. I glance and see a Rimuru with a large pink bow on his head. You too huh. He look at me with deadpan expression. And we make a alliance to not approach these dangerous Goblina.

OH and we make a agreement that we will saved this village. It more like a request but it's OK we are strong. As long as these so called demon wolf are not overly op.

Rimuru make a barricade with thread and stuff. I also help him too. We found out that golden web are much more shaper then a steel and normal webs. So we place trap and barricade around the village. The goblin are all armed and look tensed.

GL : Umm Rimuru sama they are coming.

We see a lot of wolfs coming straight to village and they fall into first trap that cut them into pieces. The small Golden thread spreaded across the field. They come with a lot of speed so. This trap unexpectly worked.

Rimuru : Begone Thot!!!

Demon Wolf :???

Rimuru : *Ahem* I mean yeild or die wolfs.

Wolf leader : You? Yeild to you slime? Hahahhah don't make me laugh slime.

And they start a epic fight. Where Rimuru slice his head his water blade and eat his whole body and make all the dogs yeild with his mimiced wolf leader form. Oops that escalated quickly. While Rimuru is taming- I mean making them yeild.

I feel like I see a person near the tree far away from us. Am I being paranoid? My magic sense say there is nothing but I definitely detected something earlier. Hopeful nothing dangerous. I plan a big flag but ignored that.

So Rimuru combine the wolf and goblin into one village and it worked very well. And the next day is literal hell.

/ Name - Lura Tempest

Race - Pink Slime (? Rank )


Crest - Strom Crest

Internal Storage - 170 / 10, 000

Family - Rimuru Tempest ( Contracted brother ), Veldora Tempest

Title - Slime Pacifist

Skills - Venom, Harden( Iron ) , Lightning magic, Sticky Web, Steel Web, Golden Webs, Poison Breath, Paralyze Breath, Blood Sucking, Ultrasonic Waves, Body Armour

Passive Skills - Magic resistance°°, Pain Immunity, magic perception, Heat Perception

Racial skill - ( mimicry ) ( Absorption, dissolve & self-Regen )

Unquie skill - Akashic Record (Record Eater) ( incomplete ) /