Today is a peaceful day after I fainted for like a week because of the magic keep running out from naming.
Here how it went. From Rimuru thought that calling everyone him or her is not good. So he decided to give everyone a name, I thought that was a good idea too. So we name everyone. The goblin leader named "Rigurd" . And the wolf leader's son, now new wolf leader "Ranga".
Rimuru take charge to name all males a name and I got to name females.... For some reason. In the middle we ran out of idea so. It's get to the point where, MK 1 and MK 2 kind of thing. It's take us 3 days to recover from running of magic.
After we name them, they evolved into hobgoblin. The old man Rigurd trun into muscle builder, I dont know how fantasy logic is working but I have already seen Rimuru storage a giant dragon. So it's not surprising at this point.
Goblina loli trun into Ara ara Onee-san too. Ahh what a disappointment- I am just joking don't look at me with those eye and look FBI. And stop preparing a coffin dammit. But why this guy is not growing at all?
I am looking at him the one named " Gobuta " and he is a bit perverted. He didn't grow at all. He's at the size he was before. Other than a bit rise in magiculus. Is he variant? Or failure? I wonder.
Ranga become huge wolf with a horn on his head apparently they are a Storm Fang Wolf. I don't know about Rimuru but where are you logic?
Today is my outday. Rimuru is busy with all the instructions to goblins and apparently he will make a trip to near town. Of course I will follow too. But I have no jobs so, I come back this cave to grind a bit skill.
I have a akashic so why not? Now what will I focus to raise a level?
/ Name - Lura Tempest
Race - Pink Slime (? Rank )
Crest - Strom Crest
Internal Storage - 170 / 10, 000
Family - Rimuru Tempest ( Contracted brother ), Veldora Tempest
Title - Slime Pacifist
Skills - Venom, Harden( Iron ) , Lightning magic, Sticky Web, Steel Web, Golden Webs, Poison Breath, Paralyze Breath, Blood Sucking, Ultrasonic Waves, Body Armour
Passive Skills - Magic resistance°°, Pain Immunity, magic perception, Heat Perception
Racial skill - ( mimicry ) ( Absorption, dissolve & self-Regen )
Unquie skill - Akashic Record (Record Eater) ( incomplete ) /
Umm akashic why that title is here?
/ Host is reluctant to kill your own kin so you earn a title, which most slime didn't care for their own kin after all /
Aren't Rimuru have same as mine then?
/ No host, Rimuru did not have this title /
Just drop the host thingy next time akashic. It's really tripping me. But Rimuru didn't have one huh. But I don't see him killing a slime, may be he didn't have a though about them being his own sister and brother.
/ OK /
I venture toward the dungeon to find a rare or variant creature. The only variant I found is a golden spider, when I was stuck in cave.
Oh I found it. It's a snake variant. "Corrosive snake" . How poison went to acid? I have no idea. But this guy spit a green liquid melt all the stone around. This is dangerous but I have more acid then you snake!
First I make a golden thread and second cover the snake and done. A snake steak. I don't need to do that but oh well. I eat half of it and collect the record of a snake. I can give the corpse back to village. I dont know, if this guy is edible or not.
I crawl my way to find more variant. It's like vedio game. You wait for a rare creature to spawn for a hours and hours.... Hours. My dark thoughts are leaking.
( A few hours later )
Hmm it's that? I see a large bat with red colored wings. This guy is variant!! I wonder what his name... "Blood Bat". A blood bat, what a odd name. Unless it manipulate the blood or something- *Swish*
Holy crap. As I was wondering the red color spear went Pass near me. This guy literally control the blood. He see me and scream a sonic waves at me. But I have no ear bat.
I pull myself up to sky with sticky thread and attempt to pull him down to the ground. I shot a golden Web Net. And successfully bring him down. He struggling in my net, and look at me with glare.
Here there buddy, I am coming for ya records. He suddenly bite his own wings and rip off his flesh. I know I am here to kill him, but why is this guy bitting his own wings!?
He created a small spear and shot at me with his own blood. Is he dumb or something. You will run out of blood if you do that. Beside his spear do nothing to me at all. It's just melted with my acid.
I crawl my way to him and behead him with my thread. Why thread? It's sharp as f$k boi. I eat all his body. It's small and if I want all records I have to eat it all.
( 24 hrs speed run- I mean staying in cave )
I found another three variant. The titanium Armoured lizard, Dragon Centipede and trickster mimic. The hardest one is mimic, it's blend with surroundings and keep running aways from me. Something it's shift into large monster to scare me.
And yes, mimic exist in this world. But not all mimic look like chest. Some time they mimic into a torch with no fire and sometime a stones. They are a bit harmless. Unless you went and put your head near mimic whic they will bite you off.
Trust me I seen a snake went near a mimic and half of its face is bite off. It's really a nightmare fuel when it form suddenly change into a large mouth with sharp teeth and huge tongue.
In exchange they are extremely slow. And the variant have a speed that a normal mimic lack of.
/ Combine { mimicry } with { Shapshift } = { Morph } /
/ { Venom } + { Corrosion } = { Purple Acid } /
/ { Blood Sucking } have been incorporated into { Blood Control } /
/ { Poison Breath } + { Paralyze breath } + { Corrosive Breath } = { Chimera Breath } /
/ { Sticky Web } + { Steel Web } { Golden Web } = { Web Creation } /
/ { Body Armour } + { Magic Armour } = { Perfect Armour } /
/ Name - Lura Tempest
Race - Pink Slime (? Rank )
Crest - Strom Crest
Internal Storage - 170 / 10, 000
Family - Rimuru Tempest ( Contracted brother ), Veldora Tempest
Title - Slime Pacifist, @#@$& Slayer
Skills - Purple Acid, Web Creation, Chimera Breath, Blood Control, Perfect Armour, Harden( Iron ) , Lightning magic, Ultrasonic Waves
Passive Skills - Magic Resistance°°, Pain Immunity, magic perception, Heat Perception
Racial skill - ( Morph ) ( Absorption, dissolve & self-Regen )
Unquie skill - Akashic Record (Record Eater) ( incomplete ), @"$?? /