
Yesterday I didn't do anything rather than going to my kins ( slimes ) place. Not Rimuru, he seem to be in busy. I should also help him.

So yeah I am going to meet him and help him with town affair. After all I am also, leader in second place. Even though I protest him not to give me such a troublesome title.

Town is developing a lot, houseing are much more better and good looking since dwarfs have arrived. They all make a furnitures too. Other than that, that guy kurobee he is real good at blacksmith even though he is Orge. Now he a oni.

He cooperating with dwarf. Now then.

Lura : I am coming in!

I brag in the room and see shuna and shion holding a very bright dress with red and blue colored. And I see, Rimuru with a large white dress look like a wedding dress with her hair down.

Man I would have been confess to her if she not a Rimuru. Suddenly I feel chill, shuna and shion suddenly looking at me like I am a prey.

Oh no, I knew this scenario. I have to escape. I turn around and see ahiri blocking my path. Why are you here? Or rather I see you smiling like fox. This is not good.

Lura : Umm *Nervous* Ahiri I have to go out so...

Ahiri : Ufufu~ Lura-sama

She grab my shoulder tight and Whisper to my ear gently.

Ahiri : You can't escape ~~

( 30 mins later )

Rimuru and I sitting on the chair and look at each other. He look like he have been gone trought many battles ( Dress up like doll ). And we handshake and come to agreement never let the woman dress us.

Even though I like some of the clothes with skirt and stuffs but the dress is too much for me. Skirt is fine not the short one but long one. Or rather I don't want to wear any fancy clothes.

They will bother me in emergency cases. I guess it's fine, I can just do like Rimuru. He turn back to slime and switch his clothes when he is human again.

I help around with town affairs since that main reason to come here after all. There is nothing too much to be honest. After that I go to my base to see my kins.

I am a bit worried that they might be unhealthy since they are not in the wild after all. But that not seem to be case. I have not named them yet. Since they all look the same after all.

I wonder if I can evolve them to higher slime or something? They also very attached to me now, slime noble job also play in that case slightly. They don't need too much food. Or rather I have plan to take.

What if I feed one slime poison related stuffs? Will he evolve into poison slime? I want to test it out. I pull out some dangerous looking mushrooms.

Lura : come here ~

Slime won't die from poison and I already try eating this. This poison is weakest so it will be fine. I feed one slime and he slowly melted the mushrooms down.

Lura : Hmm I will name you Poi

Get it? Poison so Poi! OK ok I know my lame naming sense but I can't help it. After all those thousand and thousands of naming I have no good name in my mind.

Beside he or she look very excited and jumping up and down. Although other slime seems to be pouting at me.

Lura : *Ahem* I will name you guys eventually!! So dont be angry at me.

They all seems to be excited. Well I shall keep feeding you poison. But what will I feed other one? What about metal! Metal slime.

And may be magic? I wonder if this guy will eat magic. Since the slime in wild are killed by one shot from magic after all. Even though physical resist is high. Their magic resist is low.

The final thing I though of it's how to make pink slime. Even though I am just born like out of no where. I wanted to know a way to evolve into pink slime. I don't think throwing pink stuffs will work here.

( Next Day )

Fumi : Lura-sama!!

I was sitting and enjoying my juice but Fumi suddenly come in and look hurried too. I wonder if something happen?

Lura : What happen Fumi?

Fumi : There is strange slime in the ranch and I can't find the one that is missing gozaru!

Ah I see. I must go and look at that new slime that evolved. How did I know? Well you already see what I did there after all.

Lura : Calm down Fumi, that slime is the slime that have been evolved.

Fumi : Evolved? Did he rank up gozaru?

Lura : Yeah

So I go to ranch- wait or rather why are you calling this a ranch. They are not animals! These are mine kins. This is their home and they stayed here forever- and ever. They can't escape hehehehhhehe.

*Ahem* Don't mind me. I can see new slime. He look different from other blue slime. A bit bigger and have dark green toned liquid. He see me and hop toward me.

You are a big boi huh. So they do evolve easily after all. Now to main topic, I want to make metal slime. I have a lot or metal weapons and ingots on me.

I wonder if this will really work? I feeds some metal to one slime. Let's name you, eith. Poi and Eith. Don't ask me the meaning, it's just a random name.

( At Night )

I am gonna make records of my kins progression. Posion stuffs = Purple slime or Posion slime.

And now I am feeding one metals. Don't know what will happen though. Poi evolved extremely quick. It's just only one day, I don't know if it have to do with me?

Well I have "slime princess" title and my job is slime noble. So yeah, it wouldn't be weird if ya think about it.

( At morning )

Morning when I wake up there seem to be a emergency or something. Rigurd called me so I grab Ahiri and Fumi to come along with me. I told Fumi to hid herself. We can't be so sure if it enemy or not.

I went to town entrance and see Rimuru and other are there already. I quietly sneak on the back... well l was about to.

Rimuru : Ah Lura come here why are you standing behind.

I see your cheeky smile Rimuru. I glare him a bit and stand together with him. Shion is holding him under her breast. How envious.

Ahiri tap my shoulder and i can already guess her asking me if I want it too. I smile wryly and focus back on topic.

Its a lizardman. Literally lizard with arm and leg. This is weird, well this is Otherworld so what can I say about that.

And he come that flashy and stupid looking lizard. He's a leader of lizard and next cheif or so he say. I won't appoint him next cheif if I were lizard cheif.

Lizard : I am the great gabil I have come to recruit you as my subordinate!

And there a light spot flashing toward him and other lizards and clapping. Is this guy narcissist? Is this some kind of lizard young master?

Lizard : Rejoice Gobiln!... Areee!? What? Why are hobgoblin and even Orge!!

He seem to be surprised. Thankfully he didn't say stuffs like "you shall be glab that I the great gabil recruiting you low life" his head would be gone. I can see benimaru trembling.

And Fumi calm down why are you already aiming your kunai at him. Ahiri you are not better, put the flame down.

What worse is he keep his attitude and roast the crap out of Rimuru. Like why weak monster is your leader. This is no good. This guy ash may be exist if he keep on doing this.

Gabil : And this is co-leader? This weak girl is? I shall show you what the power of leader is!! rejoice Orge and hobgoblin.

OH no, I turn around and smile at Rimuru.

Lura : Can I yeet him?

Rimuru : Yes.... I mean no!! Not you too.

Shion is even pull her sword out and ready for bloodbath. This poor guy didn't realize what situations he's in.

So Rimuru put the gobuta to front and let him deal with gabil In exchange for his weapon. And without doubts gobuta is better than him. After trading from hakuro his battle form is improved a lot.

Rimuru : The winner is decided so I refused. Take him and leave.

This have been chaotic. After that we hold meeting about orcs.