Tokiwa Kita ( Time Have come )

OK Lura here. We are having meeting. Me, Rimuru are at the important. I can understand Rimuru why me too? I feel like, I am not that important but OK. There all the oni and some of the important hob gobil and Rigurdo ( Not Ricardo 😂).

First thing first we have to deal with the orc some how since it have been invading a lot of other small monster villages. And eventually they will come to us. We have to fight or coward away. I don't like second option. After all this Rimuru have been tried hard to build.

And my home, I don't want to abandon it now. And every one is thinking same thing for sure. Oni will not back down on this one and fox aren't either. Sousei reported the situation, he clone himself with skill and gather information.

I can see fumi sparkly eye telling him to teach me that. Sousei look a bit trouble. I bonked the fox head and warned her to ask him later. And so he start his reports about how that lizard guy making a army with small group of goblins here and there.

I think he misunderstood that this is goblin village and come to recruit or more like forcing into his army. But the number of orc is a bit concerning. It's 200,000 that a lot number. Considering how 10,000 orc wrecked the whole Orge village. I am losing a bit of confidence.

And there is orc lord leading the whole army of orc. So this is the boss huh, boss event is coming. But we have Rimuru a final boss so its fine I guess.

So the final discussion is to make a alliance with lizards and hopefully that idiot lizard wouldn't ruin that. And the meeting ends, there are a lot of thing that I am not that good at. Seem like Rimuru is good for politics after all.

I have to train too. I am also co leader of this town. If I don't have a intelligent I should at least have a strength.

/ Name - Lura Tempest

Race - Pink Slime Girl

Gender - Female

Crest - Strom Crest, Chaos Crest

Internal Storage - 450 / 20, 000

Job - Slime Noble Lv 3

Family - Rimuru Tempest ( Contracted brother ), Veldora Tempest

Title - Slime Princess,

Dragon Slayer ( Incomplete ),

Carrier of virtue, Child of Chaos,

Those who surpass $#_) $@

Skills - Slime Contract ( Max 20 ) ,

Force Command,

Humanification (SS) ,

Magic Enchant (S) ,

Pink Acid (B) ,

Web Creation (B) ,

Chimera Breath (C) ,

Fluid Control (A) ,

Perfect Armour (S) ,

Basic Magic(E) ,

Lightning magic(D) ,

Holy Magic (C) ,

Dark Magic (C) ,

Telepathy (A)

Passive Skills -

Magic Resistance°°° (C) ,

Pain Immunity (SSS)

Area Perception (S)

Racial skill -

Royal Slime (S)

Enlarge (B)

Solidify (B)

Morph (SS)

Absorption (C)

dissolve (A)

self-Regen (C)

Unquie skill -

Akashic Record (Record Eater, Magic Eater) ( incomplete ) (U)

Patience (U)

@$#& (U)


Akashic is still in sleep, but I should be able to use {Record Eater} even without him. And I want to train magic too. I wonder if I can learn skill from training hard. And I also have a perfect teacher. Ahiri, she's elemental fox so she have all the element.

And I can also eat magic with my magic Eater. Let's do what we can. I have to show mine power of Co-leader.

( days later )

OK I thought that I would be harder to gain skills normally but I didn't expect this.

/ Name - Lura Tempest

Race - Pink Slime Girl

Gender - Female

Crest - Strom Crest, Chaos Crest

Internal Storage - 500 / 20, 000

Job - Slime Noble Lv 7

Family - Rimuru Tempest ( Contracted brother ), Veldora Tempest

Title - Slime Princess,

Dragon Slayer ( Incomplete ),

Carrier of virtue, Child of Chaos,

Those who surpass $#_) $@

Skills - Slime Contract ( Max 40 ) ,

Force Command,

Humanification (SS) ,

Magic Enchant (S) ,

Pink Acid (B) ,

Web Creation (B) ,

Chimera Breath (C) ,

Fluid Control (A) ,

Perfect Armour (S) ,

Advanced Magic (A) ,

Spirit Magic (S),

Holy Magic (B) ,

Dark Magic (B) ,

Telepathy (A)

Passive Skills -

Magic Resistance (A) ,

Pain Immunity (SSS) ,

Area Perception (S)

Racial skill -

Royal Slime (S)

Enlarge (B)

Crystallization (S)

Morph (SS)

Absorption (C)

dissolve (A)

self-Regen (C)

Unquie skill -

Akashic Record (Record Eater, Magic Eater) ( incomplete ) (U)

Patience (U)

@$#& (U)


First I gained make {basic magic} into {intermediate magic} and then it turned into {advanced magic} at the end of the day. I can use magic more easier with this. This is more like passive rather active.

Since active ability is enhance magic power or Magic Attack by 300%. It may seem too much but it have 3 mins duration and 1 hour cooldown. Passive ability let me master all magic easier, casting magic is much more smoothier and magiculus consume a lot lesser then it should be.

Ahiri and her hell training. Well to be fair she ask if I want normal or hell training. I want to be stronger so I take shortcut. As a result she keep harassing with her magic. I gained resistance to all type of magic, basic magic that it. And I also learned spirit magic from her.

Spirit magic have a lot of advantages against the demons but weaknesses is angel magic. She also try to teach me, the fox sealing and barrier techniques but that thing take her about 50 years to learn. So, I have her hold that for a bit.

Since I am in defensive against her magic. I use my solidify to increase a part of my body defence. But that didnt help that much, it keep shattering and can't withstand the fox attack. After using and using too much, it's hard to the point of metal.

Now I can solidify or crystalize part of my body. Now I can take like 5 or 7 hits before It break.

Now I will tell you my kins progress. I have total 20 slimes and 7 evolved slimes.

3 Posion Slime ( Poi, Pio, Opi )

1 Metal Slime ( Eith )

2 Acid Slime ( Arc , D'arc)

1 Silk Slime ( Sil )

Don't ask me about the name, and I only named those who are evolved. There is also one slime with golden color even though it's not evolved yet. I think it's gonna evolve pretty soon. This one is a bit unique since I haven't fed it anything at all.

Its just evolving on its own. May be a reincarnater? It can't be since I can see it all status and I already check it throughly. Well whatever, but by the look of it. It's gonna be a golden slime or something.

I have not named it yet since it have not evolved yet. I am looking forward to see how it's trun out to.

[Next Day]

A day left before akashic will be back. It's the same morning like everyday but there is a catch. There are a lot of orcs walking around and killing everything.

Their army are not here yet but it's slowly getting closer that for sure. Goblins are preparing here and there.

And sousei already negotiated with lizardman cheiftain. And to my surprise, it's successful. So gabil is only one with that personality. Or rather he's the only that have name, I wonder who named him?

We suggested lizardman to go defensive until our army arrive and defeat the orc together. We will mostly do the job, they only have to stall time as much as possible.

Since the orc army is halfway to the swamp. We will March tommorow since it's already at night. Even though I said it's halfway, it's like miles a way so we have time.

[ Morning ]

[ 1hrs left before akashic fixes done ]

Everyone is ready, I left ahiri at the village and her foxes too. It should be fine. Since she a strong. I am not raising a flag! OK!

We March at the morning running across the tree and forest to the lizardman settlement.