Being nice

After herobrine finished up with the zombie Ash went to help the man in the suit back to his feet after falling over.

"are you OK" Ash said putting her hand out to pull the man back up.

"get your hand away I don't want an Alex skin helping me" the man repiled slapping the hand away from him.

"wait I am not a Alex skin"

"I new they where dumb but not this dumb"

Herobrine brought Ash a few blox away from the man. "it is because of the hats we are wearing that is why you have an Alex skin and I have a Steve skin."

"ok but why does he hate the Alex skin"

"you probably don't know it has been about 5000 years ago when it happened..." herobrine was inturupted by a kick in the back.

"how dare you turn your back on me do you not know who I am" the man shouted crouching down and getting right into herobrine's face.

Sitting up strait herobrine started to get a little pissed and took of his hat.

"you are now changing your skin to the imfamous herobrine. How lowly of you"

The man went in for anouther slap but before it could make contact his arm was cut of.