Ending a life

The screams of pain could be heard though out the forest as an arm could be seen flying threw the air and landing on the ground.

The man screamed in pain as he stumbled over to his arm. Only getting so far in till be started to burn going up in flames.

"what a nice little campfire you have made" herobrine said as he looked at Ash with a grin.

"he had it coming" Ash said as he went over to a tree and got out an axe that was glowing and with one swing it was cut in half.

"why do you have so many enchanting items you could of got them from trading in your village but this many with these effects."

"well if you must know after my *sniff* parents died I had no where to go I joined the enchanting program and learnt all of it there before I moved to the anarchy server where I found the septor." after she had finished her sentence she had finished crafting some chairs for herobrine and herself self to sit on around the burning body while they wait till day time.