The god server

Herobrine flew to the center of the town and started lifting up the town.

"what's taking him so long" Bruce said looking over.

"it is taking a long time because it is a bit piece of land, it will probably take 10 minutes."

"but wasn't the legendary weapon and the admin power ment to do that quicker."

"yes but it would of took 30 minutes if we didn't do such a thing"

"so we didn't need to do it"

"yes and no there is anouther wave of the shadow creatures coming and I sence something heading to obolisc and I don't know what happened to it"

After 10 minutes the town started to lift. It slowly went to the obolisc and now stood floating over it.

"ash put up a lava wall around the obolisc so none of the shadow creatures get in. And Bruce get the citizens to a god server and tell them to wait at the obolisc. I will slow down the shadow creatures."

All the citizens started to go into the obolisc but the shadow creatures where not slown down by the wizards magic.

"we have a problem. My magic is not slowing them down"

"will that be a problem I can get an army from the nether"

"no they will spread into the nether and take over there there"

"is that something bad there are no more survivors"

"no but there are 5 leagendy weapons in the nether and I have already destroyed the rest but I can't do it again on this server."

"then destroy it before it we leave"

"I don't want to take that chance"

"but won't there be some in the nether anyways and can't they build one"

"that might be the case but they don't seem that smart so they might not know and it will save us time"

"OK then but what do we do"

"we get out of here and leave the rest behind"

Ash didn't like it but she new that was the best idea. Herobrine dropped the island and went to the god server.

Inside the god server mazzive buildings blocked out the sky. Herobrine looked around to find someone floating in the air about everyone else.

"why have you lot entrued on our server" said the woman

Wiz started chanting a few words before floating to the same level as the woman.

"we have came here from the hardcore big 3."

"why this big of a group with soldiers and citizens in panic have no reason to come to this server"

"the hardcore big three has fallen it has taken over by the god of death."

"what do you mean the god of death"

"your leader will know tell her the wizard has returned"

With that the woman flew off to inform the leader.