The leader

"so why is this called the god server" Bruce said.

"ain't it obvious with the people flying and the server being called the god server" wiz said not realising how dumb Bruce could be.

"why is there a bunch of gods on this server"

"there are about 50 million gods on this server making it the most safest place on the server list there are only about 10000 people withought powers that live here."

"but why wouldn't there be more as seen as it is the safest place on the server list."

"because you have to be very important to live here people can visit but only stay a week and can't come back for 500 years. And the gods that live here are from the god school we went to and given there powers by the leader.".

"why do you know so much about this place I thought you spent all your time reaserching magic"

"I would come here some times to get matirials that are ment to be expensive and rare in exchange I charged up their servers core."

"what core"

"how do you not know what a servers cores are. Anyway they are what keeps the server alive a group of people go to each server every 100,000 years and charges up there core. The reason I charge up the god servers core is because of the amount of admins drawing power from the core so every 5000 years I have to come here and do it. "

Bruce was about to ask anouther question before the ground beneath them lifted up and flew of to the tallest building in sight.

After reaching it they hopped onto the edge.

A woman with the blue ice skin holding what looked like a scythe with a blue blade and a ice handle.

"sorry It took so long my name is Ava and the leader of the god server."

"we meat again Ava" herobrine said stepping forward."

"since when did you to know each other" wiz said confused"

"the reason herobrine knows me is because I asked for his help 7500 years ago."

"why though I know you keep tabs on all the powerful admin users and you must of know about herobrine's past"

"he was the only one of the first borns that where skilled in admin powers and was strong enough to kill the avarage god."

"but that doesn't explain why he came here"

"Well you would have to start at the beginning of how it all started..."