
AUBREY BURPS LOUDLY after finishing up her bowl of ice cream. Still sitting in the darkness, she wipes her tears away, hoping it is her last.

Going through a heartbreak is the worst.

She sighs, exhausted from staying up late and crying, "Oh Daniel. How I wish I never see you again." Then a small, psychopathic smile draws on her lips, "Luckily for me, we are in the same school and have the same lectures together." Her face immediately hardens, "I pray you catch foot fungus and can't walk over to that girl's house."

She laughs sadly to herself before dropping her head down to the counter. A thought pops up in her head and she supposes it is a good idea to drink her problems away— alcohol will numb the pain and stress.

She sluggishly drags herself out of the chair and towards the cupboard. Being in this small apartment for two years, she now knows it so well like the back of her hand. She blindly reaches into the cupboard, grabbing her favorite wine. 

She taps her fingers on the glass, creating a clanging noise that fills the silent atmosphere. But that isn't the only thing she hears at the moment.

About opening the bottle up, she pauses; totally freezing up in her spot. She holds her breath in shock from the sudden change she feels in the apartment— not because she has realized her wine has been drunk halfway by her little brother but because she hears her front door click open.

What Aubrey hears next makes her heart beat faster as fear grips her tightly; the sound of footsteps follow after the door clicks open.

"Hey, blind man. The door is open. Aren't you coming in?" She hears a man's voice.

She slowly begins moving backwards -unsure of what to do or what is happening currently- until her back comes in contact with the cold wall.

"Do you want to die?" Another voice sounds and it is huskier and deeper than the first man's, sending chills down her back.

"Hell yes, why do you think I'm into an illegal business?" The first man says with an attitude.

Without the lights turned on, she is unable to see the faces of the unfamiliar voices in her apartment and that makes her more frightened. With the wine bottle still in her hands, she stands at the end of her kitchen silently praying for whatever's happening to end soon.

"Dammit. It's so dark in here." She hears the first complain and her breathing picks up as she realizes he is coming closer to her. She brings her idle left hand to cover her whimpering lips. 

She decides to stay hidden since she can't see if they have any dangerous weapon. It is better to observe their actions before she does anything.

Many thoughts run through her mind; what if they turn on their flashlights and spot her? What are they here for? To rob? She has no money to give them, she is just an ordinary girl trying to console her broken heart. If she has nothing to give them, would they kill her?

"Do not turn on the lights." The deep man's voice sounds again and it makes her more unsettled as the voice reaches her ears.

Someone scoffs and she guesses it's the first man, "I'm turning the lights on. Not all of us have night vision like you, batman." He mocks.

"If you do that, you might alert other neighbors." His dry tone makes the night scarier.

"Can you stop talking? I'm trying to find a switch." Then he curses when he blinding stubs his toe against a stool. "Dammit we should have brought a flashlight."

She gasps in fear and she immediately tightens her lips to stop any further whimpers from escaping. For some unknown reason, she isn't able to move. She is not sure if her nervous system shutdown from fear or she's being totally stupid and cowardly not to run out of the house and seek for help.

"Do that and I'll take the toaster." The deep man's voice sounds and she hears footsteps coming into the kitchen.

She tries to apply knowledge while being scared; if she stays completely silent the whole time, they wouldn't be able to spot her small frame against the wall. They would also take the stupid toaster they came for without being able to find the switch.

However, what rattles her is that she can feel that one of the two men in her house is mischievous and can do anything imaginable.

Also, the light switch is right beside her left ear and the toaster is on her right.

She squeezes her eyes shut, being able to hear the sound of her heart beating audibly in the silence. She silently prays they are just a hungry bunch of college boys who are looking for food even if the second man with the deeper voice doesn't seem like one.

After seconds, she slowly opens her eyes to meet the darkness, realizing that everywhere is gravely quiet. She doesn't hear anymore footsteps walking around in the apartment. At this moment, she is more scared than ever.

Since she left her hometown for Mid-Bayern, she has never experienced anything like this. She begins to regret being all alone. Yet, she's grateful she is the only one encountering this; her brother will not be able to handle a break-in.

What unnerves her the most is the fact that she can't hear their breathing or feel their presence. She grows worried they have spotted her and are quietly moving closer to strangle and cut off her body parts.

She remembers the popular quote: what you can't see, won't hurt you. However, in her situation, it will.

Suddenly, she feels a dark presence in front of her and she freezes back up, immediately bringing her hand up to muffle her whimpers.

Chills run down her back as she feels a soft breath fan her face, then a voice sings.

"I see you."

The wine bottle drops from her hand, causing a loud shattering noise to echo through the house and she immediately reaches for the switch, turning it on.

Once bright white lights illuminate the whole apartment, Aubrey lifts her scared eyes to see a tall dark-haired man standing in front of her. She gasps, seeing his facial features.

There is a small smile playing along his pink-tinted lips as he stares into her eyes. She watches him step forward, using his shoes to push the shattered glass away— red stains coming on his white sneakers. He raises his head back up, the devilish smile never leaving his lips.